Washington Post

RICHMOND — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) on Friday acknowledged appearing in a “clearly racist and offensive” photograph in his 1984 medical school yearbook that shows a man in blackface and another in a Ku Klux Klan robe.

“I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as I did in this photo and for the hurt that decision caused then and now,” he said. “This behavior is not in keeping with who I am today and the values I have fought for throughout my career in the military, in medicine, and in public service. But I want to be clear, I understand how this decision shakes Virginians’ faith in that commitment.”   Continue reading “Gov. Ralph Northam ‘deeply sorry’ after photo emerges from his 1984 yearbook showing blackface, KKK hood”

Chicago Tribune

Two teen-age boys from the Chesterton area are in custody after police said they allegedly made a threat to the Valparaiso schools using social media Thursday, including posting a picture of weapons, police said.

A 13-year-old boy allegedly told Siri, “I am going to shoot up a school,” and the reply identified multiple Valparaiso schools because of where he was at the time, Valparaiso police said.   Continue reading “Two teens held for Valparaiso school threat through Siri, police say”

New York Times

NEWARK — Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, the former mayor of Newark who has projected an upbeat political presence at a deeply polarized time, entered the 2020 race for president on Friday, embarking on a campaign to become the nation’s second black president in a Democratic primary field that is the most diverse in American history.

Mr. Booker announced his candidacy on the first day of Black History Month to the sound of snare drums and with a clarion call for unity. In an email to supporters, he drew on the spirit of the civil rights movement as he laid out his vision for a country that will “channel our common pain back into our common purpose.”

“The history of our nation is defined by collective action; by interwoven destinies of slaves and abolitionists; of those born here and those who chose America as home; of those who took up arms to defend our country, and those who linked arms to challenge and change it,” Mr. Booker said in an accompanying video.

Continue reading “Cory Booker Announces Presidential Bid, Joining Most Diverse Field Ever”

Medium – by The Democratic Coalition

The Democratic Coalition’s ongoing investigation just uncovered the following evidence linking GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to Russian oil money, some of which we first revealed in February 2017.

McConnell recently voted to drop sanctions against Russian aluminum company RusAl which is still owned by one of Vladimir Putin’s sanctioned oligarchs, Oleg Deripaska. His action directly benefits one of the GOP leader’s major donors, whose fortune comes from Russian oil.   Continue reading “Mitch McConnell’s Ties to Russian Oil Money”

Forbidden Knowledge TV

The FBI announced case closed this past Tuesday on the October 2017 the Las Vegas shooting, which left 58 people dead and over 800 injured. They produced a 3-page report that did not identify a motive or establish any forensic connection between the alleged weapons and any of the victims. Indeed, there has been no forensic proof presented by either the Las Vegas police or the FBI that the alleged killer Stephen Paddock was, in fact the killer.   Continue reading “Las Vegas Shooting – FBI Final Report and Case Closed”

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Archive: TWFTT 2-1-19

Reason – by Jacob Sullum

The first time the Supreme Court defended the Second Amendment, it overturned a Washington, D.C., law that made it a crime to keep any sort of accessible and operable firearm in the home for self-defense. Two years later, the Court struck down a Chicago law that went almost as far, banning possession of handguns within the city limits.

Last week the Court accepted a case involving another extreme example of gun control: a law that prohibits New Yorkers from taking their legally owned handguns with them when they travel outside the city. This is only the third time in more than a decade that the justices have grappled with the question of which firearm restrictions are consistent with the Second Amendment, and the history of the case shows why that reckoning is overdue.  Continue reading “Have Gun, Can’t Travel”

Business Insider

The US military finished 2018 with a troubling, sad statistic — it experienced the highest number of suicides among active-duty personnel in at least six years.

Without the Army reporting the number of soldiers who died by suicide in the last quarter of 2018, a total of 286 active-duty members took their lives during the year, including 57 Marines, 68 sailors, 58 airmen and, through Oct. 1, 103 Army soldiers.   Continue reading “US military suicide rates for active-duty troops near record highs in 2018”

Big League Politics – by Peter D’Abrosca

Missing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg used her power as a justice of the peace to marry a gay couple in 2014.

Tuesday, that couple was charged with rape.   Continue reading “Remember That Gay Couple Married by RBG? They Just Got Charged With Rape”

Yahoo News

Weeks after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made headlines by calling for a top marginal income tax rate of 70 percent in an interview with “60 Minutes,” her fellow freshman congresswoman, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., suggested that the rich could pay even more.   Continue reading “Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: ‘We’ve had it as high as 90 percent’”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update: As we previewed below, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that the US will withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty immediately, prompting threats of a Russian “response” from Moscow.

According to RT, Pompeo said the US could return to compliance with the treaty if Moscow meets Washington’s demands within the next 180 days. To convince the US to back down, Washington has insisted that Russia cease development of a new cruise missile. Moscow has repeatedly denied claims that it’s in violation of the treaty.    Continue reading “Russia Threatens Retaliation As US Pulls Out Of Nuclear Arms Treaty”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Tennessee State Sen. Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald) is pushing a bill to allow firefighters and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) to carry guns while on the clock.

Fox 17 reports that the legislation, Senate Bill 0422, would allow handguns to be carried by firefighters and EMTs who “complete a firearm training program.”    Continue reading “Tennessee Republican Pushes Bill Allowing EMTs, Firefighters to Carry Guns”

Breitbart – by John Binder

A total of 20 individuals were arrested by federal authorities on Thursday after being accused of operating “birth tourism” businesses which essentially sold birthright American citizenship to pregnant Chinese women looking to permanently stay in the United States.

California resident Dongyuan Li — along with 19 others — was arrested by federal officials for operating her business called “You Win USA” that allegedly brought pregnant Chinese women to the country for anywhere between $40,000 to $80,000 to have their children in America in order to secure them birthright U.S. citizenship, according to the Associated Press (AP).   Continue reading “California: 20 Accused of Selling Birthright Citizenship to Pregnant Foreigners”

New Atlas – by Michael Irving

Thorium reactors have long been proposed as a cleaner, safer alternative to conventional nuclear energy, and now a new Russian study has added another potential benefit to the mix. Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) propose a new thorium reactor design that can burn weapons-grade plutonium, producing power and thermal energy while disposing of nuclear waste at the same time. Continue reading “Can thorium reactors dispose of weapons-grade plutonium?”

Activist Post – by Joe Wright

The right to occupy one’s own property free from intrusion is once again under attack in the United States. By now the stories are legion of police entering private property (many times in error) and outright killing non-threatening family pets.

However, the latest incident from Guilford, CT is particularly egregious as it involves the defense of private property after a crime had already been committed against it.   Continue reading “Protest: Dog Sent To “Death Row” By Government After Biting Trespasser”

National Post

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has ceased all assistance to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, a U.S. official said on Friday.

The decision was linked to a Jan. 31 deadline set by new U.S. legislation under which foreign aid recipients would be more exposed to anti-terrorism lawsuits.  Continue reading “Trump administration cuts all aid to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

In the midst of the three ring circus known as the false Left/Right paradigm it is sometimes easy to forget that there is a motive behind the chaos; that there is an intended end game. Part of that end game, I believe, is the eventual erasure of individual liberties and the implementation of martial law in the US.   However, the establishment quest for government lockdown requires something very special in order to succeed – They need a considerable percentage of the population to support and defend it.   Continue reading “Martial Law Is Unacceptable Under Any President”

CBS News

LONG BEACH (CBSLA) A former police clerk is accused of filming nearly 70 of his male colleagues using the restroom without their knowledge, authorities said.

And where did this brazen act allegedly take place? A second-floor bathroom inside the headquarters of the Long Beach Police Department.   Continue reading “Police Clerk Accused Of Filming Nearly 70 Men Using Restroom — At Long Beach Police Station”