Yahoo News

A man drove into a Seattle crowd protesting the death in police custody of George Floyd before shooting one of the demonstrators on Sunday, police said.

The suspect was detained and the 27-year-old man who was shot in the arm was taken to hospital by firefighters, police said in a tweet. Officials did not name the shooter or the victim. Continue reading “Man drives into Seattle protest, shoots protester”

Big League Politics – by Shane Trejo

National guardsmen deployed to keep the peace in Atlanta, Ga. danced the “Macarena” with protesters shortly before the 8pm curfew on Friday night, as clownworld soars to unforeseen heights.  Continue reading “National Guard Dances the ‘Macarena’ in the Streets as America Burns”

Video Rebel’s Blog

David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The Thirty Families are the New World Order. The NWO wants to replace the sovereign decision making authority of more than 100 nations with their Absolute Power. One World government would remove the facade of democracy. Continue reading “The Boss Wants You Dead”

True Pundit

President Barack Obama’s foundation seemingly and mysteriously posted a photo of George Floyd nine days before his death with the message: “This Is America.”

Original Tweet from May 16th is below; Floyd died on May 25th:  Continue reading “Suspicious Mystery Grows Debating Obama’s Tweeted Photo of George Floyd NINE DAYS Before His Death”

Euro Folk Radio

Pastor Eli James explains how the 20-year-old smear campaign against the German people began with British agents and how the real mass murderers are the Jews and their hired henchmen in communism. Dwight D. Eisenhower is revealed as one of the worst mass-murderers in history.

Listen here:

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Protesters toppled a Confederate statue from its pedestal in Monroe Park on Saturday night.

After a day and evening of peaceful protests and marches in Richmond and its suburbs, protesters using ropes pulled down a statue honoring Confederate Gen. Williams Carter Wickham, which has stood in the park since 1891. Continue reading “Protesters pull down Confederate statue in Richmond’s Monroe Park”

Yahoo News

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California sheriff’s deputy was killed and two law enforcement officers wounded Saturday when they were ambushed with gunfire and explosives while pursuing a suspect, authorities said. Continue reading “Deputy killed, 2 other officers shot in California ambush”

The College Fix – by Dave Huber

In an example of what could be the next phase of the current Black Lives Matter protests sweeping the country, students at the University of Missouri are — once again — calling for the removal of a Thomas Jefferson statue. Continue reading “Mizzou students once again want statue of Thomas Jefferson removed”

Anchorage Daily News

Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz on Friday signed an emergency order that implements more stringent pandemic-related restrictions for travelers from Outside than what the state of Alaska will put in place.

Continue reading “Anchorage imposes tighter restrictions than the state on travelers from outside Alaska”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Los Angeles, CA — A common theme is starting to appear across all the stories of police violence against protesters in the past week. That theme is that the protests remain largely peaceful until police begin kettling protesters and attacking them with rubber bullets and tear gas. Multiple instances of protests turning violent all appear to have the same catalyst behind the violence — cops acting as the instigators. As the following case illustrates, even when the cops try to instigate a fight, up to and including shooting a homeless man in a wheelchair, people resist the urge to get violent. Continue reading “Sadistic Riot Cops Shoot Innocent Wheelchair-Bound Homeless Man in the Head”

Lew Rockwell – by David Lifschultz

This is from a former high level member of the CIA in a note to me:  

Bear in mind that we have about 100 million well armed citizens……… many of whom have military training. Even the US Army would be unable to stand up against this force if it is decided the government has ceased to protect its people and uphold the Constitution.
Continue reading “The Weimar United States”