The guided missile destroyer USS Barry.(Reuters / Rob Gaston)RT News

US Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean are “fully ready” to launch cruise missiles into Syria as part of a US military campaign that would not involve “extraordinary” monetary costs, a top admiral said Thursday.

Admiral Jonathan Greenert said that the US was considering using Tomahawk missiles against Syria at a cost of $1.5mn each. His statement confirmed what no other officials had said publicly – though some had leaked similar information anonymously.    Continue reading “US admiral says ships in Mediterranean ‘fully ready’ for potential Syria strike”

DARPA 'Hydra' (Image from News

The sky is no longer the limit for US drone warfare, with secret military research agency DARPA considering a conquest of the seven seas with an underwater drone carrier.

America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently held a presentation of its new Hydra unmanned underwater drone carrier project at John’s Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. ‘Proposer’s Day’ was set to beef up interest from defense contractors.   Continue reading “DARPA goes deep: New Hydra project to see underwater drones deploying drones”

Reuters / Pascal RossignolRT News

Public advocacy groups and farmers have joined forces to challenge biotech giant Monsanto’s claims on genetically engineered seed patents, and to halt the company’s aggressive lawsuits against anyone whose fields are contaminated by their GMOs.

Seventy-three US farmers, seed companies, and public advocacy groups appealed their case against Monsanto Co. to the Supreme Court on Thursday.    Continue reading “US farmers challenging Monsanto patent claims appeal to Supreme Court”

mdgunapps12.jpgFox News

Applications for gun purchases in Maryland are soaring ahead of the start of a tough new firearms law that sets new magazine capacity limits and bans the sale of certain types of assault weapons.

The Washington Times reported that state police received 85,141 gun-purchase applications this year through Aug. 31. That’s compared with 70,099 applications in all of 2012 and 46,339 applications in 2011. Maryland State Police have increased staffing to cope.   Continue reading “Maryland gun applications soar as stricter control law looms”

TheBlaze – by Jason Howerton

A number of Sen. John McCain’s constituents are not happy with the Arizona Republican’s support of President Barack Obama’s plan to take military action against Syria. Voters made that much perfectly clear when they confronted him at a town hall in Phoenix on Thursday.

“We didn’t send you to make war for us. We sent you to stop the war,” one man said to applause, CNN reports.   Continue reading “Voters Explode on John McCain at Phoenix Town Hall: ‘We Didn’t Send You to Make War for Us’”

The US military has killed, maimed and made homeless well over 20,000,000 people since the Vietnam War.

Very few countries have violated as many humanitarian laws and codes of war on such a large scale, and for such an extended period. The vast political leverage of the United States, the rising indifference of media coverage, and the alleged need of secrecy for matters of national security have largely enabled one of the bloodiest 50 years in human history.   Continue reading “Infographic: War Crimes in America”

The August Forecast and Review, 06/05/13

The posi­tion of National Secu­rity Adviser acts like a gate keeper to the Pres­i­dent. This fact has never been lost on the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion, where Zbig­niew Brzezinski was National Secu­rity Adviser to Pres­i­dent Jimmy Carter in 1976. Brzezinski chore­o­graphed Carter‘s every move, even brag­ging about it years later.

When it comes to national secu­rity issues (over­seas and domestic), nothing reaches the President’s eyes or ears without being fil­tered and screened by his Adviser. You can imagine pos­si­bility for manip­u­la­tion if the NSA has a secret agenda to use the Pres­i­dent in order to pro­mote goals favor­able to the mem­ber­ship of a pri­vate organization.   Continue reading “Trilateral Commission Continues to Dominate Obama”

Leftwing-Christian – by Richard Edmondson

Are American Jews raring to get this war started with Syria? Well a newly-published article at a well-known Jewish media outlet would suggest this indeed is the case. But one small problem. People remember that Israel supporters were among the biggest backers of the war in Iraq, and they’re kind of starting to put 2 and 2 together. So what to do? Well…go ahead and openly advocate for the Syrian war, but, uh…ahem…just don’t say anything about Israel while you’re doing it! The following comes from the JTA:   Continue reading “US Jews Back War on Syria but ‘Downplay’ Israel Angle”

The August Forecast & Review – by Patrick Wood

[Editor’s note: For ease of reading, all mem­bers of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion appear in bold type]

“Pres­i­dent Reagan ulti­mately came to under­stand Trilateral’s value and invited the entire mem­ber­ship to a recep­tion at the White House in April 1984″
– David Rock­e­feller, Mem­oirs, 20021   Continue reading “The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty”

11 obama lg 22. Obama’s Trilateral Commission TeamProject Censored – by Patrick Wood, January 30, 2009

Barack Obama appointed eleven members of the Trilateral Commission to top-level and key positions in his administration within his first ten days in office. This represents a very narrow source of international leadership inside the Obama administration, with a core agenda that is not necessarily in support of working people in the United States.

Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Trilateral Commission. Most notably, Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, has been Obama’s principal foreign policy adviser.   Continue reading “Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Internet privacy safeguards known as encryption technologies promised by email, online banking, and other such online databases have been virtually ‘defeated’ by the U.S. National Security Agency, according to new documents obtained by the Guardian, New York Times, and ProPublica.

According to the Guardian—which has reported extensively on the NSA’s dragnet surveillance practices revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden—the NSA and its British counterparts the GCHQ have used “covert measures” to control and manipulate international encryption standards to the benefit of the NSA, largely through building “industry relationships” with many technology companies and internet service providers.   Continue reading “New NSA Revelations: Internet Privacy Encryption Virtually ‘Defeated’”

Round Rock police chief announces retirementKVUE – Austin News

ROUND ROCK, Texas — Round Rock’s chief of police is retiring.

According to the City of Round Rock, RRPD Chief Tim Ryle, 54, will retire in early 2014. He’s a 31-year veteran of local law enforcement and is a third-generation police officer.   Continue reading “Round Rock police chief announces retirement”

nymiThe Blaze – by Liz Klimas

Imagine one ring, rather, one bracelet to rule them all, allowing you to leave your keys and wallet at home and banish lengthy, character-filled passwords from your mind.

That’s what the Nymi bracelet would let users do. But what if someone took your bracelet, would your valuables be vulnerable?

Not likely because the keycode Nymi uses to unlock your car, log on to your computer and pay for your groceries is your own unique heartbeat.    Continue reading “This Bracelet Lets You Forget Your Keys, Wallet, Passwords… Uses Your Heartbeat Instead”