Smoke is released into the sky at the ConocoPhillips oil refinery in San Pedro, California (Reuters/Bret Hartman)RT News

Air pollution in major US cities is the largest cause of premature mortality, a new study has revealed. An average of 200,000 people have their lives cut short by about a decade every year because of continuous exposure to toxic fumes.

Researchers from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment carried out a nationwide study, tracing ground-level emissions and their effect on citizen mortality. The team of investigators looked at sources such as car exhausts, industrial smokestacks and commercial and residential heating and found that an average of 200,000 people die prematurely each year because of exposure.    Continue reading “Air pollution cause of 200,000 premature US deaths – study”

Jackson Hole Conclave: Central Bankers Plan Global Theft, Massive PainThe New American – by William F. Jasper

The annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, this past week (August 22-24), sponsored by the Federal Reserve, elicited a collective yawn from the establishment media. Since Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had announced earlier that he would not be attending — the first time in 24 years a Fed chairman has missed the annual confab — most media reports downplayed the significance of the conference and focused on speculation over how soon the Fed might begin its announced “tapering” program (Will it be in September, December, or January?), and by how much (Will it be a reduction of $10 billion/month, or $15 billion, or $20 billion?). An even bigger diversion was the speculation over the anticipated departure of Bernanke from the Fed and who his replacement is likely to be — with Fed Vice Chairman Janet Yellen and former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers leading the short list of candidates.   Continue reading “Jackson Hole Conclave: Central Bankers Plan Global Theft, Massive Pain”

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

On TV, you often see commercials for this medication or that medication. The one thing that always catches my attention are all of the side effects they list. Sudden death, fatal heart attack, stroke. It is all said as if it is normal and nothing to be concerned about. We’ve inadvertently become a nation of pill popping junkies.  The use of sleeping has sky rocketed in recent years. Insomnia seems to be more abundant now. Technology may play a role in a sleep deprived nation.   Continue reading “America: A Nation Of Pill Poppers”

power grid drillOff the Grid News – by Tara Dodrill

Power grid vulnerabilities are finally garnering some attention by government officials.

An electrical grid joint drill simulation is being planned in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Thousands of utility workers, FBI agents, anti-terrorism experts, governmental agencies, and more than 150 private businesses are involved in the November power grid drill.

The downed power grid simulation will reportedly focus on both physical and cyber attacks. The antiquated electrical system in the United States has been one of the most neglected pieces of integral infrastructure.   Continue reading “Power Grid Down Drill To Be Conducted By US Government”

Barack Obama (Alex Wong / Getty Images / AFP)RT News

Facing strong opposition in the UK parliament, military action against the Syrian regime over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed. Meanwhile, US president Barack Obama said he has not yet made a final decision about the military attack.

On Thursday, the House of Commons will be asked by the government to approve a “strong humanitarian response” to the Syrian government’s alleged war crimes.   Continue reading “Obama ‘not yet made a decision’ on Syria as UK political rows stall intervention”

Barack Obama, Gabrielle GiffordsAP Big Story – by Josh Lederman

WASHINGTON (AP) — Striving to take action where Congress would not, the Obama administration announced new steps Thursday on gun control, curbing the import of military surplus weapons and proposing to close a little-known loophole that lets felons and others circumvent background checks by registering guns to corporations.

Four months after a gun control drive collapsed spectacularly in the Senate, President Barack Obama added two more executive actions to a list of 23 steps the White House determined Obama could take on his own to reduce gun violence. With the political world focused on Mideast tensions and looming fiscal battles, the move signaled Obama’s intent to show he hasn’t lost sight of the cause he took up after 20 first graders and six adults were gunned down last year in an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.   Continue reading “Obama offers new gun control steps”


Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.

“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.   Continue reading “Iran: Thousands Of Missiles To Rain On Israel”

Huntington News – by John LaForge

High altitude bombing and long-range missile attacks always bring nightmares of dead children and suicidal veterans. The president’s plans for rocketing yet another mid-east country without a UN mandate are being rationalized by pointing to bad actions by others — in this case Syria’s overlords.

When bystanders and the elderly and women and children and illiterate peasants are blown to bits or maimed by U.S. missiles fired by U.S. jets, the unnumbered deaths and dismemberments (the Pentagon will not count them) will be called “accidents” or “unintended consequences.” The endless failure of the peace movement means that the bodies of unidentified villains and countless innocents are to be sacrificed by U.S pilots in their thoughtless obedience to illegal orders.   Continue reading “Bombing for Peace: Oxymorons of Humanitarian War”

Don’t worry about your drinking water being safe, since that money is needed to wage endless ‘Wars for Wall Street and Israel!’

The Kansas City Star – by KRISTI EATON

OKLAHOMA CITY — Beating the late-summer heat isn’t as easy as running to the sink in one northeast Oklahoma town, as residents there are being asked not to drink tap water after red worms were found in the filtering system.

The worms — ranging from a half-inch to an inch long — showed up earlier this week in the drinking water supply in Colcord, a small town about 80 miles east of Tulsa.    Continue reading “Tiny Okla. town tries to rid water supply of worms”

Patriots Against The New World Order – by Pete Smith

The new American way of life is to sit back and follow everything that the boob tube tells them! The news is 99% lies and about 1% half truth, but the sheeple of the country sit back and take it in like its the “Word Of God” and how dare you say any different to the fact! Well my dear Sheep you are being lied to every day of your sick weak life!

Now this news is not news to some of us. I’m sure a large percent of the people that read my blog know that the sheep are asleep and are sure to die or live a life in a FEMA camp. We, Being the awake and alert people to the real truth and the false flag lies of this Government know that doom is only a short time away. Continue reading “Sheep, Fools, and The American Way Of Life”

farmNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

For nearly 15 years, the state of Michigan has had special laws in place that protect small, family-scale farmers from being driven off their land by local zoning ordinances, nuisance lawsuits, and other legal measures often used to prevent individuals from growing and raising their own food. And even after all this time, the Michigan Right to Farm Act (MRFA) still serves as a model template for protecting and encouraging local, sustainable food systems that work.

The law, which was passed back in 1999 and came into effect in 2000, essentially protects individuals who wish to farm or otherwise use their land to produce food from being targeted by their cities and townships for elimination. Backyard chicken farmers, for instance, or families that grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, are recognized as having the freedom to do so by MRFA, so long as they follow generally accepted agricultural and management practices.   Continue reading “Michigan Right to Farm Act: A shining example of a law that supports small-scale farmers, local and sustainable food systems”

California Fire News

Rival campers who opened fire on each other at campground turns out that the rival gun-toting campers were both Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies

An apparent booze-fueled dispute over loud music between two groups at a Chino campground over the weekend escalated to the point where men from both sides drew guns and opened fire.   Continue reading “2 off-duty drunken LA County Cops Draw Guns On Each Other At Campground”

III Percent Patriots – by Kerodin

If the people in our government consider us to be ‘terrorists’ (standing shoulder to shoulder with such ‘terrorists’ as Franklin, Jefferson, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, et al), and knowing how the people in our government deal with ‘terrorists’, what obligation remains for you and me to abide their diktats, to seek discourse based on reason?

Knowing these people hunt and kill ‘terrorists’ all over the world, and now put you and me on the same moral level as murderous, child-raping, innocent-bombing genetic waste, what moral restraint remains upon us to not hunt every single one of them in their daily lives and visit upon them the same remedy they have planned for you and me – before they get to us.   Continue reading “Consider: Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor…”

Although we have a propensity to be leery of news coming out of the former Soviet Union, this article hits it on the head. “Obama’s Mid East Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade.” The title paints an exact picture of what we have seated at 1600, which is, a mindless little creature, with the ability to destroy all those around him.

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Russian Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin compared Barack Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East to a “monkey with a hand grenade.”   Continue reading “Russian Vice-Premier: Obama’s Mideast Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade”

Image courtesy of Canada Free PressNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

29 August 2013:  “We’re in the most dangerous time in modern world history and here’s why, here’s what’s happening,” stated my source deep within the spy world early this morning. “We’re seeing a combination of a nine-percent overall approval rating for intervention in Syria, or the absence of public support for the globalist plans by the Obama regime, the UK, the Saudis and other NATO allies. When have we seen this before, and what does history tell us? The increased likelihood of a false flag event larger and causing more public outrage than the alleged chemical weapons attacks.”   Continue reading “This is the most dangerous time in modern history-intelligence insider update”

Delta 4 Heavy Rocket Launches NROL-65 – by Mike Wall

The United States’ largest rocket launched a spy satellite on a hush-hush mission Wednesday (Aug. 28).

An unmanned Delta 4-Heavy rocket lifted off the pad at California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base at 2:03 p.m. EDT (1803 GMT) Wednesday, carrying a classified payload to a polar orbit for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).    Continue reading “America’s Largest Rocket Launches Top-Secret Spy Satellite”

Penny for your Thoughts

Which most likely means we should be alert to the potential for a false flag attack this long week-end    

I couldn’t believe what I read, nor what I heard when I took the linked news story in.

If one lie won’t work then lie, lie and lie again. It must be difficult for the Obama junta? I guess that is why Kerry made the comment about the internet making it difficult to govern?   Continue reading “Obama: Promotes lie of Syrian chemical weapon use against the US!”