Before It’s News  I guess Ariel Sharon was telling the truth when he said Israel controls America How sickening is that?  Barracuda

Press TV  Slowly, every police department in the United States, at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security, is being trained by Israeli groups.
Continue reading “American Police Now “Israeli-DHS Trained,” Precursor To Dictatorship”

Canada Free Press – by Sher Zieve  Recently, I read Doug Hagmann’s column “The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style” in which Doug cited a “deep-throat” DHS source.  The following interview is a continuation of that column and it is bone-chilling.

Joe Hagmann is the associate director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, a veteran researcher and investigator with an insatiable desire for truth.BIO:
Douglas J. Hagmann is the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network. Hagmann is a 26-year veteran private investigator who has worked as an operational asset for the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI, the New York and Pennsylvania State Police. Continue reading “Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent”

Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago back alley international socialist pimp, is now declaring the United States to be adjoined and a part of the one world order, one world currency, one world government.  Obama has signed what can only be described as an international executive order declaring that the international socialists’ doctrine on the status of women in the world to be law that will be enforced around the world via the power and wealth of the United States.

The Executive Order — Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls Globally will put upon all the nations of the world a select brand of tyranny which has already been established here in the United States.
Continue reading “Barack Obama Signs International Executive Order”

The “presumptive” GOP candidate Mitt Romney, today, aboard a Navy vessel at Norfolk, Virginia, announced that Bilderbergers has chosen Paul Ryan as his “presumptive” running mate.  If there was ever any doubt in anyone’s mind as to the intent behind a Romney candidacy, it should be dispelled at this point.

Paul Ryan is a notorious lapdog of the corporate elite and has promised them our Social Security accounts, our retirement accounts, our food, and medical care as his tribute to them for his advancement within the international corporate mafia.  He has also taken a knee and kissed the ring of Israeli King Netanyahu and sworn the blood and broken lives of as many of our young people as it will take to achieve Israeli conquest of the Middle East and its resources.
Continue reading “Romney and Ryan – The “Presumptive” GOP Austerity Ticket”

The national average price for a gallon of gasoline has risen to $3.67 per gallon from $3.38 per gallon just one month ago, and like every time the oil barons decide to gouge us there are 101 excuses as to why.  When the gouging first began in the 1970s, we were told that we were being robbed as a result of supply and demand.

OPEC was created in 1960.  Its express purpose is to control the amount of oil available on the world market.  Then by the 70s, the big push in the United States was for us to become a part of the world economy and the world market.
Continue reading “Oil Barons Gouging the American People Again”

RT News  Two strong quakes have shaken northern Iran, leaving at least 40 dead and 400 injured, Reuters reports. The quake has also disrupted communications, complicating the rescue efforts.

The quakes, measuring 6.4 and 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck near the towns of Tabriz and Ahar. However, most of the dead are thought to be in the surrounding villages.
Continue reading “Two earthquakes hit northern Iran, killing at least 40 and wounding hundreds”

Freedom Outpost  And now we get more of the whining Barack Obama we’ve come to get annoyed at and despise. At a campaign stop in Colorado on Wednesday, Barack Obama got in touch with his feminine side, which isn’t that hard after he’s been hanging out in Chicago bath houses, in an attempt to sweep some women voters off their feet. Just what was his tactic? He complained that his wife Michelle did not receive a salary for her First Lady duties.

First Lady duties? Say what? No one elected Mrs. Obama or gave her a post to represent the people. Why should we then pay her for being Obama’s wife? Listen as Barry tries to play the tiniest of violins as he appeals to the emotional women in his audience. Continue reading “Obama Whines Michelle Doesn’t Collect Salary As First Lady”

How dirty will the 2012 Presidential Campaign get?  We are now to this stage of the production where the main issue being discussed is dirty campaigning.  Next they will be bringing up photographs of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, comparing the dirty campaigns of long ago with those of today.  So what do you think?  Is Barack Obama running a dirtier campaign or is Mitt Romney?

Hey, wait a minute.
Continue reading “The 2012 Presidential Campaign – A Public Farce”

Bill O’Reilly has stepped up front and center with a new line of propaganda, designed to bolster support for the failed US drug war.  The case for legalization has to be considered a strong one in the face of a $40 billion per year price tag and our failing economy.

O’Reilly is not but a corporate lapdog sent forth to protect revenue, emphasizing his propaganda piece by saying that in the end it is the person who purchases and consumes the drug that is the problem.  It is just what you would expect out of the mouth of a representative of the international corporate mafia, the Irish branch.
Continue reading “Bill O’Reilly Steps up in Support of US Drug Cartels”

The Federal Reserve: proudly creating checkpoint police jobs since 1913.
Credit: Zero Hedge

US Police  The United States Federal Reserve Police is an agency that acts as the law enforcement department of the Federal Reserve System. As the agency that protects the central banking system of the entire nation, officers have many highly important duties and responsibilities.

It is a little known fact that the United States Federal Reserve Police was formed in 2001. Many believe that the agency has been around for a much longer period of time.
Continue reading “United States Federal Reserve Police”

The communists are coming out of the woodwork asserting their contempt for our Constitution, especially our Bill of Rights, and even more especially our 2nd Amendment which is our ultimate safeguard against tyranny.  They know they cannot enslave us as long as we are armed.  They know they do not have what it takes to confiscate our guns.  Thus, the false flags we are seeing, one right after another.

And wasn’t it convenient how this hearing for Jared Lee Laughner, the Tucson, Arizona false flag shooter, came up at this ideal moment so his face could be added with James Holmes’ and Wade Michael Page’s?  These are acts of pure desperation, formulated by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad.
Continue reading “They Say they Want our Guns, Let us Give them their Answer”

Huffington Post  Texas authorities executed Marvin Wilson, a 54-year-old death row inmate, on Tuesday night after his attorneys failed to convince state and federal courts that he was mentally retarded and ineligible for the death penalty under a 2002 Supreme Court ruling.

Wilson was declared dead at 6:27 p.m. local time. He cried out to his gathered family members as he expired, Texas officials said.

“Give mom a hug for me and tell her that I love her,” Wilson said.
Continue reading “Marvin Wilson Execution: Texas Puts Man With 61 IQ To Death”

Bullion Bulls Canada  As few people in our societies even know, all of the world’s governments have (foolishly) granted exclusive monopolies for the printing of all the world’s currencies (our “money”) to a cabal of privately-owned corporations called “central banks” – given that name because it is a cabal exclusively owned/operated by bankers.

Understand that the monopoly to print money is nothing less than a license for economic rape. These private banks lend us all the paper that they print out of thin air (at zero cost to themselves). The result is that after roughly 100 years of this economic rape we have (collectively) paid these banks $trillions in “interest” for nothing, and currently owe them $10’s of trillions for nothing. History’s single greatest act of legal theft.
Continue reading “Crime of the Millennium”

Alexander Higgins  A British photographer who was captured by insurgents in Syria has said that his captors were foreign extremists including several Britons with “not a Syrian in sight”.

Last week I reported on shocking revelations from a UK journalist captured by terrorists in Syria who… Continue reading “Captured UK Journalist – ‘None Of The Rebels Were Syrian’”