gun lawsIthica Journal – by Joseph Spector

ALBANY — The state Rifle and Pistol Association filed a notice of legal claim Tuesday against New York for its new gun-control law, saying it violates residents’ “fundamental constitutional rights to lawfully possess, keep, bear and use firearms for self-defense and other lawful purposes.”

The notice of claim is the first step in filing a lawsuit against the state. The lawsuit would have to be filed in 90 days. Continue reading “Gun-rights groups take NY gun law to court”

martial lawGary D. Barnett

I just wrote two days ago about the government’s Martial Law training in Miami, and yesterday a similar event happened in Houston. As happened in Miami, there was no warning and no citizens were alerted to the fact that the police and military would be practicing domestic war “games” in their neighborhoods.

In  this story from ABC in Houston: Continue reading “Martial Law Preparations Continue”

prepperThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

On Saturday, the editors at the New York Times decided to print Alan Feuer’s story of his odyssey into the fringes of society — the “preppers,” those people who are preparing for some type of national collapse, often the insolvency of the U.S. financial system.

Feuer, a reporter for the Times who has determined for himself that the U.S. economic system is set for a major shakeup, including high levels of price inflation, said he became concerned about his financial future somewhere “between the fall of Lehman Brothers [in 2008] and the corresponding rise of quantitative easing when it occurred to me … that the financial system was appallingly unstable and that the realm of the possible now included a disruptive reduction in the value of our money.” Continue reading “New York Times Goes “Prepper”?”

constitution voidUSA Watchdog – by Greg Hunter

This past Sunday, CBS ran an op-ed segment on its morning show called, “Let’s give up on the Constitution.”   It was written and delivered by Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman.  Professor Seidman gave a longer version of this in print at the end of 2012 in the New York Times.  There, he said, “As someone who has taught constitutional law for almost 40 years, I am ashamed it took me so long to see how bizarre all this is.”  Really, it took 40 years to see the light?  On the CBS version, Seidman said, “I’ve got a simple idea: Let’s give up on the Constitution.  I know, it sounds radical, but it’s really not.”  Really?  It’s not a radical idea when the President of the United States just swore an oath to “uphold the Constitution” in his second term inauguration?  (Click here for the CBS version of Seidman’s op-ed.)  (Click here for the NYT version.)  Continue reading “CBS Anti-Constitution Network”

ar15Activist Post

Why are fully-automatic AR-15s with 30-round magazines and hollow-point bullets called ‘personal defense’ weapons when the Department of Homeland Security purchases them, but semi-auto AR-15s are assault rifles in the hands of citizens?

The Department of Homeland Security filed a purchase bid this past June titled “Personal Defense Weapons Solicitation”.  It is combined bid for 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition and “select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense.” Continue reading “Why are AR-15’s ‘Personal Defense’ Weapons for the DHS but ‘Assault Rifles’ for Citizens?”

muppetsZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Or what happens when Wall Street Muppet A is vewy, vewy angwy with Wall Street Muppet B and desperately needs a ratings boost.

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Straight from the best Senate Wall Street taxpayer bailout money and Fed excess reserves (by way of deficit monetization) can buy: Continue reading “The Farce Must Go On: Senate Suddenly Furious With Eric Holder For Allowing Banks To Become “Too Big To Jail””

televisionJon Rappoport

Weapons are being fired all the time on television, but that happens on cop shows. Network programmers know the public will obsessively watch guns going off and bodies falling.

On the news, however, the issue of gun ownership is adjudicated independently of the glee that accompanies watching fictional people kill each other.

When it’s fantasy, the audience wants violence. When it’s real, the audience wants no violence. Continue reading “How television will shape the new gun-culture in America”

The Psychiatric Wolves Attack More Innocent ChildrenJon Rappoport

To understand even a little bit about real psychiatry, versus the false picture, you have to know that someone running around the streets naked and screaming has nothing to do with a mental disorder.

If you can’t grasp that, you’ll always have a lingering sense that psychiatry is on the right track. It isn’t, and never was. Not from its earliest days, and not now, when it has the full backing and force of the federal government behind it. Continue reading “The psychiatric wolves attack more innocent children”

minutemanExaminer – by Kurt Hofmann

Last September, in “The government’s war at home,” St. Louis Gun Rights Examinerlooked at some ominous developments that seem to indicate preparation on the government’s part for domestic warfare. The enemy? Oh, the usual suspects in these times of fear mongering about “right-wing violence”–“anti-federalists,” “Tea Party insurgents,”militias, etc. Continue reading “Government prepares for war with the people, and mass media approves”

cameraBefore It’s News – by Sebastian Clouth

Under the extremely repressive and violent Chinese Communist Party, the vast country underwent brutal genocides of its own people, again and again.

Though that’s all pushed into the woodwork now, the party has installed more than 20 million cameras across the country, according to NPR. Continue reading “30 Million Cameras In China, Watching”

stoiberHuffington Post

If you work for a multinational bank, you can help drug lords and terrorist associates launder billions of dollars without worrying about spending a minute in jail. But for one insomniac, the simple act of spitting got him thrown in the slammer.

As originally reported by Joseph Stoiber, 29, was arrested for spitting on a sidewalk in Lakeland, Fla. in the early morning of May 30. Continue reading “Joseph Stoiber Arrested For Spitting On Sidewalk In Lakeland, Florida”

borderHuffington Post- by Mark Stevenson

MEXICO CITY — Mexican officials broke up a bizarre cult that allegedly ran a sex-slavery ring among its followers on the U.S. border, Mexican immigration authorities said Tuesday.

The “Defensores de Cristo” or “Defenders of Christ” allegedly recruited women to have sex with a Spanish man who claimed he was the reincarnation of Christ, according to an institute official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to speak publicly about the case. Continue reading “Mexico Sex Slavery Cult Busted On U.S. Border, Officials Say”

credit cardTime – by AP / Daniel Wagner

WASHINGTON — Jobless Americans are paying millions in unnecessary fees to collect unemployment benefits because of state policies encouraging them to get the money through bank-issued payment cards, according to a new report from a consumer group.

People are using the fee-heavy cards instead of getting their payments deposited directly to their bank accounts. That’s because states issue bank cards automatically, require complicated paperwork or phone calls to set up direct deposit and fail to explain the card fees, according to a report issued Tuesday by the National Consumer Law Center, a nonprofit group that seeks to protect low-income Americans from unfair financial-services products. An early copy of the report was obtained by The Associated Press. Continue reading “Report: States Force Jobless to Pay Needless Fees”

hillary droneHufffington Post

NIAMEY, Jan 29 (Reuters) – Niger has given permission for U.S. surveillance drones to be stationed on its territory to improve intelligence on al Qaeda-linked Islamist fighters in northern Mali and the wider Sahara, a senior government source said.

The U.S. ambassador to Niger, Bisa Williams, made the request at a meeting on Monday with President Mahamadou Issoufou, who immediately accepted it, the source said. Continue reading “U.S. Drone Base In Africa Approved By Niger”

federal prisonEnd the Lie

“Since the early 1980s, there has been a historically unprecedented increase in the federal prison population,” a new report from the Congressional Research Service observes.

“The number of inmates under the Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) jurisdiction has increased from approximately 25,000 in FY1980 to nearly 219,000 in FY2012. Since FY1980, the federal prison population has increased, on average, by approximately 6,100 inmates each year. Data show that a growing proportion of inmates are being incarcerated for immigration- and weapons-related offenses, but the largest portion of newly admitted inmates are being incarcerated for drug offenses.” Continue reading “Rise in Federal Prison Population is “Unprecedented,” Says CRS”