Tomorrow the people of Iowa will come forth to Caucus and the rest of us will find out just how far the neo-con elite are willing to go in committing blatant election fraud in their attempt to stop the Ron Paul Revolution. The propaganda attack on Dr. Paul has become as vicious as a pack of hyenas on a lamb. Unfortunately for these hyenas, Dr. Paul is proving to be a wolf in lamb’s clothing, countering every attack and calling the propagandists out on their own forum, as the low down deceitful traitors to our country that they are.
Every Tom, Dick, Harry, Linda, Delilah, and Louise who are supposed to represent some claim to perfection that the rest of us are void of, are coming forth to make their endorsements for the candidate we should choose. Any person that would vote for a candidate based on an endorsement from a person that is not a close friend or a member of their family is a mush-minded mental midget that should not be allowed to vote.
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