The mainstream media is in a frenzy.  Oh yes, it is all about the 2012 election.  I have to believe that our regular readers are becoming about as weary of reading on this subject as I am of writing, but we have to understand the mainstream propaganda machine has been overtly controlling our destiny and affecting our lives since its inception.  I know that the intelligent thinking people out there pay no mind to the attacks on Dr. Ron Paul, but as these attacks are orchestrated using techniques that have worked in the past, we must counter them on every front.

The propagandists will tell a lie mixed with truths and half-truths, hundreds of times a day, and each day a little more truth and half-truth is removed from the lie until it is the pure lie that is being mimicked.  They will do this from the false left and the false right in order to create an illusion of truth through false diversity.  Like I said, we are not listening to this crap, but not every citizen is wide awake yet so we will continue to counter the lies with the truth.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Dominating – Propagandists in a Panic”

As Ron Paul sits poised to win in Iowa, the message coming out of the mainstream propaganda machine is that even if Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination, he cannot beat Barack Obama, and they sport their polls as the absolute proof thereof.  But wait a minute, didn’t their polls say Ron Paul not only could not win the GOP nomination, but indeed they said he was a non-contender who would not win a single caucus?  Could it be that the American people of the American race have decided they will not be pushed like a herd of cattle by the elitist propagandists anymore?

It is like this, people.  A vote for anyone other than Ron Paul is a vote for a war in Iran and the completion of the destruction of our nation.  How does the song go?  You’re a grand ole flag, you’re a high flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave.  What a farce.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Can’t Lose – The Alternative is Unacceptable”

Today, the Global Power Elite are wrapping up globalization and ushering in World Government.  Paraphrasing the tightrope walker in German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra,” this implies “….a dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting…”

These 12 Triggers are interlinked and interlocked in a highly complex, holistic matrix, very flexible in its tactics but rigidly unbending in its strategic objectives. When read as a whole, the picture that unfolds shows that whole being far more than the sum of its parts.
Continue reading “Twelve Triggers for World Government”

Propaganda ain’t what it used to be.  In listening to these pathetic idiots report on the GOP primaries, it is becoming like listening to a child trying to talk its way out of bedtime.  Now these laughable fools are advising we the people not to vote for who we want, but rather to vote for who can win.  Here is the good part.  They are going to tell us who can win, and that would be absolutely anybody but Ron Paul.

I actually heard one of them say that the candidates actually wanted to come in second or third because second or third in reality is better than winning.  Can they possibly realize just how stupid they look?  I expect any day now to hear that the Republicans have changed their primary rules and procedures in that for 2012 the candidate who gets the least votes wins.  And remember, this is coming from both the false left and the false right, which everyone now realizes is the status quo.
Continue reading “More Suggestions and Advice from the Experts”

It is the day before Christmas and we here at From the Trenches will be keeping a vigilant watch through the weekend.  There will be no new articles put up until Monday unless something significant happens.  We are watching Iran and we are watching the National Defense Authorization Act, HR 1540, which Obama still has not signed, though he has signed every other bill that has been awaiting his endorsement.

Obama is educated in the law.  Obama, though a foreigner, took an oath to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  If Obama signs HR 1540, he will have violated his oath with malice and forethought.  He also will have violated Title 42 (1984).  Obama has knowledge of the law and he knows HR 1540 is specifically designed to nullify superior constitutional law, (our Bill of Rights).  It is his duty to stop and correct this wrong which he knows to be a wrong.
Continue reading “Merry Christmas From the Trenches – Stay Vigilant”

Fair and honest elections are one of the greatest Rights we as Americans have and cherish. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee that Right today there is a monopoly on the vote reporting. It is called News Election Pool .There is no check and balance. There is no competition.

The purpose of this site is to provide a check and balance to the Main Stream Media’s (MSM) reporting. We are taught even as young children, one of the great difference between America and the many oppressive dictatorship in the world, is the fact that we have honest elections, were we can elect our candidates to represent We the People as opposed to the people living under these dictators . We go to war to spread democracy, to help free these people and set up free elections. Most recently Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, we have been told, to topple these dictators and spread democracy. Whether this is one of the main reason or not for going to war, most Americans and all honest candidates  would agreed we want to insure we will have honest, transparent vote counting and transparent reporting of our vote.
Continue reading “Sign Up – Transparent Vote Counting and Reporting”