By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

When the U.S. House passed the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), which reauthorizes the FISA Section 702 surveillance authority, it overlooked something big – an amendment that would drive the greatest expansion of government surveillance authority in recent history. The Senate has time to correct this and restore balance between the needs of national security and the safeguarding of Americans’ civil liberties. Continue reading “Senate Can Stop Expansion Of Government Surveillance”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is refusing to punish Israel for credible human rights abuses — including the sexual torture and “rape by an object” of a 15-year-old boy in Israeli Border Police custody — despite recommendations from staff at the State Department. Continue reading “Report: Blinken Sitting On Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings or Rapes”

By Dave DeCamp –

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) called himself a “wartime speaker” on Tuesday as he defended himself after Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) called for his resignation over a plan to hold separate votes on military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Continue reading “Johnson Calls Himself a ‘Wartime Speaker,’ Will Push Ukraine Aid Despite Opposition”

By Reporter

Pennsylvania emergency services are trying to contain the source of the fire at the largest artillery ammunition plant in the United States in Scranton. At the same time, experts are trying to establish the cause of the fire, and the media are escalating the situation, declaring that it will have the most negative impact on the supply of Ukraine. Continue reading “The largest artillery ammunition plant in the United States is on fire”

By Cullen McCue – Trending Political News

NPR issued a statement in defense of its new CEO, Katherine Maher, on Wednesday as she continues to face scrutiny over her radically left-wing social media posts. The taxpayer-funded outlet released a statement in which it came to Maher’s defense against “bad faith attacks.” Continue reading “NPR Defends Far-Left CEO Who Has Questioned First Amendment, Condemns ‘Bad Faith Attacks’”

By Jarryd Jaeger – The Postmillennial

Haitian asylum seeker charged in murder of roommates approved to enter US via Biden's CBP One app

It has been revealed that the Haitian illegal immigrant who allegedly killed his roommates in Middleton, New York earlier this month entered the United States using the Biden administration’s CBP One app. Continue reading “Haitian asylum seeker charged in murder of roommates approved to enter US via Biden’s CBP One app”

By Niamh Harris – The People’s Voice


Pfizer is planning on using data from a clinical trial it concluded last month to ask regulators to expand approval of its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, Abrysvo.

Continue reading “Pfizer Is Seeking FDA Approval For RSV Vaccine For Young Adults”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants the United States to treat Ukraine like Israel, meaning we will not only fund their government and arm their military but also directly fight their wars. Continue reading “Ukraine Tells The U.S. It Wants to Be Treated Like Israel”