By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Israeli soldiers can be seen shooting starving Palestinians collecting food aid in the northern Gaza Strip in footage released Thursday by Al Jazeera. Continue reading “VIDEO: Israeli Soldiers Shoot Starving Palestinians Collecting Aid in Gaza”

By Mark Steffen – Trending Politics News

A Texas National Guardsman deployed to assist in managing the state’s southern border crisis has been nabbed after attempting to transport an illegal migrant past a highway checkpoint and fled the scene. Continue reading “WATCH: National Guardsman BUSTED While Smuggling An Illegal Into Texas”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

Update(1600ET): Secretary of State Antony Blinken just dropped an ultra-provocative bombshell statement which is sure rile Moscow further. He told reporters Thursday in Brussels, where foreign ministers are meeting to prepare for the alliance’s annual meeting in July: “Ukraine will become a member of NATOOur purpose at the summit is to help build a bridge to that membership.” Continue reading “Blinken Bombshell: “Ukraine Will Become A Member Of NATO””

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

Bill Gates is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of young African girls, according to the findings of a Danish government investigation which alleges the globalist billionaire destroyed their health with dangerous DTP vaccines. Continue reading “Bill Gates Killed ‘Millions of Children’ With DPT Vaccine, Danish Gov’t Study Finds”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Israeli reporter Barak Ravid told CNN on Wednesday that an Israel Defense Forces reserve officer told him the orders from the commanders on the ground in Gaza are to “just shoot every man in fighting age.” Continue reading “Israeli Reporter: IDF Commanders’ Orders Are to ‘Just Shoot Every Man in Fighting Age’”

By DAVID AVERRE – The Daily Mail

A former British Army Major has said Israel’s Defence Forces would have known everything about the World Central Kitchen aid convoy before Monday’s drone strike that killed seven aid workers, including three Britons. Continue reading “Israel had so much information on aid convoy it blew up they ‘probably even knew the NAMES of the people in the cars’: Damning claim from British Army major as former MI6 chief condemns ‘reckless’ strike”

By Dave DeCamp –

The US and Israel are bracing for potential Iranian retaliation for the Israeli bombing of Iran’s consulate building in Damascus, which killed seven members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including a senior Quds Force commander and another general. Continue reading “Israel, US Brace for Potential Iranian Retaliation for Syria Consulate Bombing”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

As predicted, Police Scotland was deluged with nearly 4,000 complaints in the first day alone after the passage of an absurd new hate crime law, proving the legislation is being weaponized by activists.

Continue reading “Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Complaints As New Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized”

By Wall Street Apes

Overwhelmed Mayor Of Denver Colorado Caught On Tape Offering To Provide Illegal Immigrants “with a bus ticket or a plane ticket just to get you out of Denver — He suggests that these migrants can go to Chicago and New York. He even suggest sending them to the Canadian border” Continue reading “Journalist Who Exposed Illegal Migrants From Venezuela “Prostituting their wives for $20 at Home Depot” in Colorado says they’re now “Doing that at a TJ Maxx””

By Niamh Harris – The People’s Voice

chickens bird flu

Biden administration officials say they are “monitoring” the bird flu outbreak that recently resulted in a cow-to-human infection and an egg producer being forced to kill two million chickens. Continue reading “Bird Flu Forces Major US Egg Producer To Kill 2 Million Chickens”

By Ari Hoffman – The Post Millennial

Venezuelan illegal immigrants occupy Seattle community center, school tennis courts to demand free hotel rooms

Dozens of illegal immigrants and local activists occupied a rec area at a Seattle community center and public school, demanding someone pick up the tab for the hotel where they had been staying. Continue reading “Venezuelan illegal immigrants occupy Seattle community center, school tennis courts to demand free hotel rooms”