Mayors in cities across the nation are ordering crackdowns on the Occupy protesters.  One talking head in the mainstream media said, “The Oakland police are working to keep people off of the public grounds.” We need to look at this situation.  Under our Constitution we are all supposed to be equal.  This means the dirtiest, stinkiest protester is supposed to have every right and consideration that George Soros does.  But what we see occurring is the officials, who are supposed to represent all of us equally, are sending street thugs to abuse the 99% majority of us in enforcing the dictates of the 1%.

The propagandists are citing as cause for the actions against the protesters, health and security issues.  They say crime has gone up 10% in and around the protest zones.  Could it be that crime is rising naturally as a result of a million more citizens running out of unemployment benefits?
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street Movement – Time for a Counter Attack”

The GOP debate in South Carolina on Saturday evening was centered on US foreign policy and as Dr. Ron Paul is the only candidate advocating for an end to the foreign wars and the return of our troops from 139 countries around the world, he was practically removed from the proceedings.

The mainstream propagandists on both the phony left and the phony right are pronouncing Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate in 2012, though not a single primary has yet been held.  Well I guess that is their reality.  Unfortunately for them they only represent 20% of the population.

Many are outraged over the fact that Dr. Paul was limited to a mere 89 seconds of speaking time during the debate.  We have to realize that the more egregious the media exemptions become, the surer we can be that Dr. Paul’s popularity is growing exponentially.
Continue reading “CBS GOP Debate Shows Desperation by the Elite”

Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat is going to be the Democratic candidate in 2012.  The Rat has shown himself to be the leader of a foreign insurgency hell bent on the destruction of the Republic and the enslavement of the American people of the American race.  Barry Soetoro is counted among the 1%.

Now who is going to run against the Rat in 2012?  Who will the Republican candidate be?  For too many years now, about 30% of our population, which has been successfully manipulated by the top 1%, have orchestrated and decided our elections.  These pompous pukes in the 1% actually believe that this country and the election process belongs to them and they consider it an affront when the 99% step forth to assert themselves as equal.
Continue reading “Who Will Decide the 2012 Election, the 99% or the 1%?”

A man was shot and killed Wednesday night near the Occupy Oakland protests.  All accounts indicate that the shooting had nothing to do with the protests and indeed was just one of around a hundred murders that occur in Oakland, California each year.  Now Oakland Mayor, Jean Quan, folding to pressure from the corporate elite, says she now wants the protesters to leave and that the risks the protests represent are just too great.

The talking heads of FOX News jumped right in step in backing Quan’s assertion that the protests must be stopped, citing as one cause a negative effect the protests are having on local businesses.  Tell me this.  How many small businesses have been utterly destroyed as a result of the actions of the corporate elite on Wall Street and indeed in Oakland, California?
Continue reading “Corporate Elite Pushing for Force to be Used Against Occupy Protesters”

The new jobless claims came in at 390,000 for the week and of course this number is yet another lie.  Our enemies will continue to play this game right through Christmas and into the New Year, and come next Spring the books will have to be balanced, at which time, having falsely dropped the phony unemployment number down to a fraudulent 8.7%, it will raise to 8.9%, which considering the amount of people who will be out of work by then, is laughable.

And then we will have another “Summer of a Recovery that is Not” followed by one more fraudulent drop in the unemployment number to 8.7% as a result of the fall harvest and this is the number that the low life scum bag, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, thinks he can win the election with.
Continue reading “390,000 New Jobless Claims, Herman, and Newt”