KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Full preliminary results released Saturday in Afghanistan’s presidential election show former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah won the most votes but not the majority needed to avoid a runoff.

Abdullah garnered 44.9 percent of the vote, putting him ahead of ex-Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, who came in second with 31.5 percent, said the chairman of the Independent Election Commission, Ahmad Yousuf Nouristani.   Continue reading “Abdullah tops Afghan presidential vote’s 1st count”


INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Several potential Republican presidential candidates courted gun-rights supporters Friday at the National Rifle Association’s annual convention, talking up their pro-gun credentials while imploring the crowd to fight not just for their Second Amendment rights but for other freedoms they say are being threatened.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal addressed the NRA’s annual leadership forum, a kind of political pep rally the organization considers one of its premier events. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire also recorded brief videos that were played for the crowd of more than 2,000 inside Lucas Oil Stadium, home to the Indianapolis Colts.   Continue reading “Possible GOP presidential candidates court NRA”

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Five NATO troops died in a British helicopter crash Saturday in southern Afghanistan, authorities said, the single deadliest day this year for foreign forces as they prepare to withdraw from the country.

The helicopter crash came as an Afghan university official identified two Americans killed in a shooting at a Kabul hospital earlier this week, the latest incident of local security forces opening fire on those they are supposed to protect.   Continue reading “5 NATO troops killed in Afghan helicopter crash”

mentalNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

Modern psychiatry has become a hotbed of corruption, particularly the kind that seeks to demonize and declare mentally ill anyone who deviates from what is regarded as the norm. This is abundantly evident in the latest installment of the industry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, which dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal as mentally insane.

The so-called “condition” for why a person might choose to resist conformity has been labeled by the psychiatric profession as “oppositional defiant disorder,” or ODD. The new DSM defines this made-up disease as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior,” and also lumps it in alongside attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, another made-up condition whose creator, Dr. Leon Eisenberg, admitted it to be phony on his death bed.  

Continue reading “Psychiatrists now say non-conformity is a mental illness: only the sheeple are ‘sane’”

Russian FighterWorld Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: “Germany’s foreign minister warned time was running out to end the “madness” in Ukraine, where tensions are soaring in what Kiev says is a Russian bid to trigger a “third world war“.” – Telegraph, “Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister said Friday he fears an imminent Russian invasion. “We have the information we are in danger,” Danylo Lubkivsky told reporters at the United Nations.” – AP. This situation is escalating quickly, we will recall a similar escalation of events that had WWIII talk swirling just months ago with the situation in Syria when the entire world was on edge. Stay cool and calm, keep that door of prayer open to your Father, everything will be fine. (Psalms 27: “Whom Shall I Fear?“)   Continue reading “Ukraine Crisis: Pentagon Says Russian Jets Violated Airspace, Impose Sanctions”

Walter White / Breaking Bad Youtube screenshotDaily Caller – by Robby Soave

California cops planted drugs in a woman’s home to frame her after finding nothing in their illegal search of her home, a lawsuit alleges.

Allison Ross has filed a federal lawsuit against against the Santa Clara sheriff’s department, crime lab and 12 officers that she claims participated in a conspiracy to plant drugs in her house and frame her for a crime she did not commit.   Continue reading “Lawsuit: Cops found nothing in raid, so they PLANTED DRUGS to frame innocent woman”

Sgt. Report – by Mark S. Mann

Recently one of my friends and I were discussing the disgusting level of apathy by the American public towards the tyrannical behavior of the US government, its agencies and its individual officials. The definition of the word “Apathy” via Wikipedia is defined as: “a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern. It is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation, and/or passion.
An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical and/or physical life and the world.” That pretty much sums up the attitude and state of mind of the vast majority of the American population in regards to the treasonous, criminal behavior being perpetrated on them by their own government.   Continue reading “The Vicious Cycle of Apathy Towards Tyranny in Amerika”


An ITCCS Exclusive Report – Friday, April 25, 2014 (2 pm GMT)
Issued through the Common Law News Service (CNS)

Maastricht and Rome:

Last Easter Sunday, in an action akin to Martin Luther’s posting of his Ninety Five Theses, a lone figure placed a Proclamation on the door of the oldest catholic church outside of Italy, and announced the end of an era and the birth of another.   Continue reading “The Birth of a New Era: The End of Papal Authority and Corporatism, and the Rise of a new Common Law Covenant”

GEAB N°84 is available! Europe dragged into a division of the world between debtors and creditors: the United States' desperate solutions for not sinking aloneGEAB N°84

In the present confrontation between Russia and the West over the Ukrainian crisis, the image of the Cold War inevitably comes to mind and the media are obviously fond of it. However, contrary to what it gives us to understand, it’s not Russia that seeks the return of an iron curtain but really the US. An iron curtain separating the old powers and emerging nations; the world before and the world afterwards; debtors and creditors. And this in the crazy hope of preserving the American way of life and the US’ influence over “its” camp in the absence of being able to impose it on the whole world. In other words, go down with as many companions as possible to give the impression of not sinking. Continue reading “Europe dragged into a division of the world between debtors and creditors: the United States’ desperate solutions for not sinking alone”

Charlie Delta with BundyBefore It’s News

This letter via the great Kevin Jackson comes from a black Marine going by the name of Charlie Delta:

The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He’s a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator.

One thing he definitely isn’t – a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences. Who the heck are we to determine another man’s perspective on the world around him?! Just because Picasso’s view of the world was abstract, does it negate the fact that his art was genuine?   Continue reading “Black Marine, Acquaintance Of Cliven Bundy, Says Listen To My Experience With Clive Bundy”

resisttyranny-handshake1Western Rifle Shooters

What are the motivations of insurgents? What the motivations of the Counter-insurgents? Has violence become necessary? Why or why not?

It is these questions that guarantees that no two situations will be the same. That’s not to say that lessons cant be learned or that strategies cant be applied with equal or better success, however one shouldn’t forget that they can also be applied with a negative impact to the mission or to the entire campaign. Insurgency and counter insurgency are very fluid. Song and dance. It is a chess game played by the higher in command, and a checkers game played by the ground level soldiers, rebels, police, etc.   Continue reading “More Thinking On The Coming Excitement”


The new head of the U.S. pardon office is not only deeply tied to former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers – as WND exclusively reported Wednesday – but also to Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, a co-founder with him of the domestic terrorist group.

The Justice Department announced Wednesday that Deborah Leff, currently a senior adviser to Attorney General Eric Holder, will take over the Office of the Pardon Attorney, where she will oversee vetting federal inmate applicants for presidential grants of clemency.   Continue reading “New Obama pardon chief tied to ex-domestic terrorist Dohrn”