Month: June 2014
Three women are suing the Alameda County, Calif., Sheriff’s Office over its practice of forcing every detained female to take a pregnancy test.
One of the women in the suit, 72-year-old Susan Harman, was 69 when she was arrested at a protest in Oakland. She says she was still recovering from a club to the head, courtesy of the police, when she was forced to hand over a urine sample.
“To know whether or not you’re pregnant is very intimate and personal, and something that a woman would want to discuss with her loved ones and her doctor.Not with some matron in a jail,” Harman told KTVU. Continue reading “Forced Pregnancy Tests Lawsuit Filed Against Alameda County Sheriff’s Office”
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More people are arrested each year for drug-related offenses than any other type of crime, and taxpayers spend tens of billions on arresting, prosecuting and jailing offenders for drug crimes. That means drugs represent a huge focus for those who participate in the criminal justice system. Let’s explore the impact and the recent history of American justice when it comes to the drug war. Continue reading “How the Drug War Impacts the Criminal Justice System”
Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX). Tests conducted via ICP-MS document mercury in the Flulaval vaccine at a shocking 51 parts per million, or over 25,000 times higher than the maximum contaminant level of inorganic mercury in drinking water set by the EPA.(1)
The tests were conducted via ICP-MS using a 4-point mercury calibration curve for accuracy. Even then, the extremely high level of mercury found in this flu shot was higher than anything we’ve ever tested, including tuna and ocean fish which are known for high mercury contamination. Continue reading “Natural News tests flu vaccine for heavy metals, finds 25,000 times higher mercury level than EPA limit for water”
Paul Volcker wants a new Bretton Woods agreement to replace the old one which Nixon broke in August of 1971 when he refused to redeem dollars for gold at $35 an ounce. Henry Kissinger took us onto the Petrodollar standard in 1973 after the Arab-Israeli war. The Gulf oil monarchies agreed to sell oil only in dollars. These dollars bought US Treasury bonds and helped fund America’s perpetual budget deficit and to pretend it had also solved its trade imbalance. Some have mistakenly accused America of fighting Oil wars. We have been fighting wars to defend the Petrodollar. The wars against Iraq, Libya and Syria have been waged to oil being priced in dollars. Iran has no nuclear weapons program. The sanctions against Iran were designed to force the Iranians to back down and sell their oil for dollars. Continue reading “Power Elite Set To Steal Everything And Then Kill The Dollar”
The Hill – by Alexander Bolton
Tea Party Patriots has filed a complaint against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) with the Senate Ethics Committee to protest his repeated attacks against Charles and David Koch.
Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, filed the complaint, charging Reid with “unlawfully and unethically targeting private citizens. Continue reading “Tea Party hits Reid with ethics charge over Koch brothers”
ATLANTA (Reuters) – A Georgia police officer moonlighting as a security guard was shot to death after attempting to arrest an intoxicated customer in the parking lot of a Waffle House restaurant, police said.
The officer’s brother then shot and wounded the shooter, according to police.
Kevin Jordan, 43, a police officer in Griffin, Georgia and father of seven, tried to arrest the drunken woman on Saturday, police said. Continue reading “Georgia police officer shot to death making arrest at Waffle House”
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet
drive-in movies and burger joints in the pistol-packin’ USA.
Cowboys, Indians, Al Capone and bathtub gin.
Hoola hoops and Frisbee games, and southern girls with two first names.
Drag racing, tractor pulls, and rodeo stars on top of bulls.
Bowling leagues and the P.T.A. and boy scout troops that weren’t gay.
Moonshine, sugar wine, running faster than the cops.
High school proms and football games and endless rows of crops. Continue reading “For People of No Culture (have some of ours)”
This is a great example of how the game works. In a world in which every government on earth needs “liquidity” to survive, and the primary goal of every government is and always has been survival (the retention of arbitrary power at all costs), the provider of liquidity is king. So what is liquidity and who provides it?
…Ecuador agreed to transfer more than half its gold reserves to Goldman Sachs for three years as the government seeks to bolster liquidity. The central bank said it will send 466,000 ounces of gold to Goldman Sachs, worth about $580 million at current prices, and get the same amount back three years from now…“Gold that was not generating any returns in vaults, causing storage costs, now becomes a productive asset that will generate profits,” the central bank said in the statement. Continue reading “Ecuador To Transfer More Than Half Its Gold Reserves To Goldman Sachs In Exchange For “Liquidity””
Click 2 Houston – by Dawn Brooks
The Houston Fire Department was called to a southwest Houston parking garage at 1 Riverway Dr. after receiving reports that a roof collapsed around 7:51 p.m.
Officials confirmed part of the top floor of the garage collapsed. Continue reading “Roof collapses at southwest Houston parking garage”
Posted on 30 Май 22:19
опубликовал Сухов боец красной армии [suho]
The level of analytical discussions on the Russian Internet is perfectly described by the political scientist Simon Uralov: “To consider that the Ukrainian crisis set off only the minds of the Kievan colleagues and turned them all into bloodthirsty hysterics is fundamentally mistaken. Among the Moscow colleagues there is also an incredible number of such.” The purpose of this material is to take a step back from the hysteria and coldly analyze the situation in Ukraine.
Continue reading “Why there is no Russian military intervention in the Ukraine”