With great fanfare, the Pentagon has recently released the news that they have in fact been studying unidentified flying objects, also specifying that their study ended in 2012. They may have been lying about the study ending, but if the study did in fact end, it can be assumed that nothing interesting or credible had been found.
No conclusive evidence was disclosed, but instead these revelations amounted to more of the same descriptions of items moving through space in ways unfamiliar to those who are familiar with conventional, Earthly aerodynamics.
I’m not going to suggest that people who have seen UFOs are crazy, drink too much, and nor am I going to attribute their sightings to swamp gas, because I’ve seen some unexplainable flying phenomena myself. I would like to point out however, that just because unidentifiable flying objects are seen, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re extraterrestrial. Isn’t it possible that Earthly technology exists that the general public isn’t aware of? Continue reading “UFO”