Yahoo News

(Reuters) – Remington Outdoor Co Inc [FREDM.UL], one of the largest U.S. makers of firearms, filed for bankruptcy protection on Sunday to carry out a debt-cutting deal with creditors amid mounting public pressure for greater gun control.

The company’s chief financial officer, Stephen Jackson, said in court papers that Remington’s sales fell significantly in the year before its bankruptcy, and that the company was having difficulty meeting requirements from its lenders.   Continue reading “U.S. gunmaker Remington files for bankruptcy”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Chillicothe, Ohio – A police department has determined that its officer acted within policy when he opened fire on a dog in front of two children and then proceeded to fire a stray bullet into a neighboring house.

The department has determined that Officer Traevon Williams should face no consequences for his actions and has simply recommended that he take an online course to learn how to deal with animals after he opened fire in a residential neighborhood and endangered the lives of several innocent people.
Continue reading “Cop Pulls Gun, Shoots Family Dog In Front of Kids, Lies About It—’Within Dept Policy’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Fort Worth, TX — The body camera video showing a Fort Worth police officer viciously attack and then falsely arrest an innocent man has just been released. However, many are now asking why it took more than a year to indict this cop knowing that investigators had video evidence of the attack the entire time.

The victim in this incident was then-20-year-old Henry Newson who’d just been released from the hospital. As he was waiting for his mom to come pick him up, officer Jon Preston Romer, 38, who was working as security at the hospital, walked up to Newson and began to attack him for no reason.   Continue reading “Body Cam Of Cop Beating Innocent Man So Disturbing, He Was Actually Charged”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

The “Hitler Youth” invasion of Washington D.C. took place [Saturday] as young fascists-in-training were corralled into the nation’s capitol to demand that government authoritarians strip away the civil liberties of all law-abiding Americans in the name of “gun control.”

Just like Hitler Youth enthusiasts, these fascists-in-training are told they’re “saving lives” for “a better future,” and that the only thing standing in their way is a bunch of violent gun owners who want to murder every baby in sight. (The irony of all these left-wingers actually condoning the abortion murder of babies, of course, is completely missed in all this.)   Continue reading ““Hitler Youth” student gun control march invades Washington”

Free Range Report – by William E. Simpson II

Klamath River Dam Removals Challenge The Will Of The People And Congress

Can politicians from just two states and a greedy uncaring corporation execute a deal to undermine an Act of Congress and the will of the people by crafting a work-around? And if so, who will be next to execute a similar workaround designed to usurp the power of Congress and the will of the people?   Continue reading “Plan to shut down Oregon dams portends disaster for environment, energy consumers”

Missoulian – by Kim Briggeman

Mineral County has sent a tax bill to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, claiming the federal government has “failed its obligation” to citizens of the county.

“The loss of funding from the federal government has left Mineral County with no other alternative than to assess the Federal Government for their portion of the property taxes on the 640,183 acres they manage,” commissioners wrote to Secretary Sonny Perdue in a letter approved and mailed Friday.

Continue reading “Mineral County sends feds a tax bill”


This elephant in Nagarahole National Park in India shocked many scientists many it appeared to exhale a large cloud of smoke. The elephant is seen picking up something from the forest floor and closing its mouth and then exhaling the smoke. Scientists are guessing it may have been trying to ingest the wood charcoal.
Continue reading ““Smoking” elephant leaves scientists confused”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

WASHHINGTON, D.C. (INTELLIHUB) — Saturday’s student-led March for Our Lives event was nothing more than a globalist-funded communist campaign in which the marchers themselves partook in trampling not only their own constitutional rights but the constitutional rights of their fellow countrymen in an outright push to further ban, suppress, and limit the Second Amendment which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”   Continue reading “March for Our Lives activists marched against our constitutional rights in planned psyop”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

For the first time, Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV released new dramatic footage showing Israeli forces using a weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) against a Hamas rally in the Gaza Strip, according to the Times of Israel.

The short video clip published by Al-Mayadeen shows a weaponized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) targeting demonstrations in the southern Gaza Strip, controlled by the Palestinian militant group Hamas.   Continue reading “Caught On Camera: Israel Targets Civilians With A Chemical Weapon Drone”

Yahoo News

The state of Utah has legalized a controversial childrearing method called “free-range parenting.”

On Friday, Gov. Gary Herbert signed bill SB65 that would allow kids the freedom to walk to and from school, wait in parked cars (while their parents run errands in a store, for example), and visit playgrounds solo, according to a story published Monday by the Associated Press. The bill, which doesn’t specify an age limit for the above activities, will go into effect May 8.   Continue reading “Controversial ‘free-range parenting’ is now legal in Utah — here’s what that means”

Breitbart – by John Binder

The omnibus spending bill, passed by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, will allow more illegal aliens to be released into the United States after they are caught crossing the southern border through the “Catch and Release” program.

The spending bill, which Trump signed despite opposition from conservatives and his base of supporters, paves way for the Catch and Release program to not only continue, but increase in its use.  Continue reading “Omnibus Spending Bill Allows More Illegal Aliens to Be Released into U.S. Through ‘Catch and Release’”

Sons of Liberty Media – by Bradlee Dean

“The short memories of Americans is what keeps these false flag attacks moving forward.”

We’re seeing Facebook, YouTube, Twitter scrubbing the eye and ear witnesses as to what contradicted the CIA-controlled narrative when it came to what allegedly took place at Parkland High School in Florida.  (We found the ones that have been reposted)  Continue reading “Keeping You Outside the Building – Parkland High School Shooting has 70 Cameras & Only 4 Released”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Denver, CO – A man was shot and killed by police officers who opened fire on a moving vehicle because they believed it was being driven by a dangerous jail escapee they were attempting to capture.

Steven Nguyen, 27, was killed and Rafael Landeros, 23, was wounded after three Denver police officers began chasing the car they were driving and eventually fired several rounds into the vehicle after they claimed the men were not following orders and appeared to be searching for something in the car when they were ordered to show their hands.   Continue reading “Cops Mistook Man for Escaped Convict So They Murdered Him and Called It ‘Reasonable’”

Global Research – by James F Tracy

This article  by Professor James Tracy first published in August 2015 is of particular relevance in relation to the “fake news” campaign directed against the alternative and independent media.

In a bitter irony, the media coverup of  the CIA’s covert support to Al Qaeda and the ISIS is instrumented by the CIA which also oversees the mainstream media.   Continue reading “The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know”