Consortium News – by Nicolas J.S. Davies

How many people have been killed in America’s post-9/11 wars? I have been researching and writing about that question since soon after the U.S. launched these wars, which it has tried to justify as a response to terrorist crimes that killed 2,996 people in the U.S. on September 11th 2001.   Continue reading “How Many Millions of People Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? – Part One: Iraq”

Courthouse News – by Nicholas Iovino

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – The city of Oakland will pay $35,000 to settle a lawsuit claiming police tried to cover up an attempted home invasion and assault by two drunk off-duty officers.

Olga and Nemesio Cortez sued the city and five police officers in October 2016. The couple said police tried to make them change their story to protect two inebriated officers, including one who allegedly assaulted them in front of their children.  Continue reading “Oakland Settles Police Cover-Up Claims for $35,000”

The ‘Skripal poisoning’ is an equation with very many known unknowns. Can we try at least to investigate these issues? Yes, we can! Independent journalists all around the world are trying to understand this strange situation and find out the real the grounds for such diplomatic steps of Great Britain.

British mass media have been many times get caught misleading the information provided and diverting public opinion. But now everything is much more serious. Practically all the members of the British government including the prime minister are doing their best trying to keep this whole charade alive.   Continue reading “Overview of Media on Skripal Attack: Economic Causes Prevail”

Fox News

California on Monday promised to sue the Trump administration over its decision to ask the 2020 census respondents if they are citizens of the United States.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced the suit against the administration late Monday on Twitter, saying the measure would be unlawful.   Continue reading “California to sue Trump admin over citizenship question in 2020 census”

Fox News

A Texas man who was arrested Sunday after police said they found a weapons stockpile that included an AK-47, AR-15 and bump stock in his hotel room told investigators that he was on a classified government mission, The Lowell Sun reported.

Francho S. Bradley, 59, and Adrianne D. Jennings, 40, were taken into custody after Bradley called police to the hotel room to report that someone was breaking in. Police responded and found the weapons, the report said.  Continue reading “Texas man who allegedly had weapons stockpile in Boston-area hotel says he was on a classified mission”

Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

While the nation remained fixated on gun control and Facebook’s violative practices last week, the U.S. government quietly codified the CLOUD Act, its own intrusive policies on citizens’ data.

While the massive, $1.2 trillion omnibus spending bill passed Friday received widespread media attention, the CLOUD Act — which lawmakers snuck into the end of the 2,300-page bill — was hardly addressed.   Continue reading “The US Government Just Destroyed Our Privacy While Nobody Was Paying Attention”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Syrian government forces have now secured most of the eastern Ghouta enclave, the last remaining rebel-held area near Damascus, the capital and the largest city of the Syrian Arab Republic.

With Syrian forces nearing full control of the war-torn region, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley recently warned, Washington “remains prepared to act if we must,” if the United Nations Security Council fails to act on Syria for its assault on eastern Ghouta.   Continue reading “War Preparations: Leaked Images Allegedly Show US Military Tanks Arriving In Jordan”

Big League Politics – by Peter D’Abrosca

In a not-yet-released CBS Documentary, David Hogg, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student who has become the face of the gun control movement, changes his entire story and admits that he was not at the school during the event.

In a Time interview done within hours of the shooting Hogg recounted, “Our first response was ‘that sounded a lot like a gun shot’ and we closed the door.” Hogg claimed that he was in his AP enviromental science class during the shooting. He also made videos of himself and other students, regarding gun control, purportedly while the shooting was going on.  Continue reading “David Hogg Changes Story, Wasn’t At School When Cruz Opened Fire”

The Federalist Papers – by Steve Straub

Two Democrats have introduced a bill that would require background checks nationwide for the purchase of ammunition:

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are introducing legislation to require a background check for all firearm ammunition sales.   Continue reading “Bill Introduced to Require Background Checks For Ammo Purchases”

True Pundit

The hushed FBI investigation unfolding inside the FBI’s public Broadway show version of the Las Vegas shooting investigation started when a witness claimed he hid outside Mandalay Bay in the bushes for hours after the stream of gunfire started raining down on concert goers on Oct. 1.

The same man also claimed he was inside the room next door to the shooter when gunfire erupted on 22,000 country western fans — mostly Trump supporters — at an outdoor concert in the shadow of the MGM resort’s sprawling Mandalay Bay resort.   Continue reading “FBI Pinpoints New Person of Interest in Las Vegas Shooting, Then Told to Stand Down, Not Pursue Suspect”


Description: TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Electronics

OBJECTIVE: Develop a system that can be integrated and deployed in a class 1 or class 2 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) to automatically Detect, Recognize, Classify, Identify (DRCI) and target personnel and ground platforms or other targets of interest. The system should implement learning algorithms that provide operational flexibility by allowing the target set and DRCI taxonomy to be quickly adjusted and to operate in different environments.
Continue reading “Automatic Target Recognition of Personnel and Vehicles from an Unmanned Aerial System Using Learning Algorithms”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

During the March 25 airing of Face the Nation, Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv suggested people looking for something to blame ought to be pointing at the “cowards of Broward County” rather than guns.

Kashuv was referencing the Broward County Sheriff’s Office from which a deputy arrived on scene 90 seconds into the attack and waited outside the building while the gunman spent nearly five more minutes shooting innocents.  Continue reading “Parkland School Shooting Survivor: Don’t Blame Guns, Blame the ‘Cowards of Broward County’”

College Fix – by Christian Montoya

‘Unfathomable’ indoctrination

A Minnesota student conservative club that was shut down for criticizing a student protest against the American flag is strongly supporting a state bill that would require “academic balance” from school employees.

“The amount of indoctrination we have endured in school because there are no restrictions placed on teachers expressing their political views is unfathomable,” Ana Doval, vice president of the Young Conservatives Club at Edina High School (below), told The College Fix in an email.  Continue reading “Conservative students cheer ‘academic balance’ bill after school shuts down their club”

Fox News

The mayor of Aliso Viejo, California is joining leaders of other cities looking to opt out of state’s “sanctuary” law, which allows for less cooperation on the local level with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

Mayor David Harrington (R) expressed his disagreement with the designation on “Cavuto Live,” calling it “unconstitutional” and saying it makes residents less safe.  Continue reading “‘It’s Unconstitutional’: More CA Cities Looking to Opt Out of Sanctuary Law”