Fox News

Alexander Mckenzie, a 31-year-old Army veteran who, according to court documents, is being treated for post-traumatic stress disorder, recently had his gun confiscated by the Seattle Police Department even though he had committed no crime.

It’s one of 27 guns seized legally by the Seattle Police Department from 16 individuals since last July under Washington State’s new Extreme Risk Protection Order law.  Continue reading “Police legally seizing guns under ‘red flag’ laws”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

Hands down, the most important factor in maintaining public health is access to clean water, and scientist Liangjie Dong from the University of Hawaii has come up with a revolutionary new technology that stands to bring clean water to even the poorest and most remote regions of the world – all for just a few pennies a gallon.   Continue reading “Scientists create a cheap paper water filter that removes lead, arsenic and bacteria while being portable and disposable”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

While the connections between the plans to destroy Syria and the Obama administration are generally known, what is even less well-known is the fact that there existed a plan to destroy Syria as far back as not only the Bush administration but also the Reagan Administration in 1983.

Documents contained in the U.S. National Archives and drawn up by the CIA reveal a plan to destroy the Syrian government going back decades. One such document entitled, “Bringing Real Muscle To Bear In Syria,” written by CIA officer Graham Fuller, is particularly illuminating. In this document, Fuller wrote,   Continue reading “1986 CIA Document Analyzes Possibilities Of “Regime Change” In Syria”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

When the initiative was first announced, McDonald’s decision to raise its employees’ wages to $1 above minimum wage (albeit only at corporate-owned stores, a minority of the company’s total count) was hailed as a radical example of corporate accountability – a direct repudiation of the far-left notion that “quarterly capitalism” and employers accepting responsibility for their employees were mutually exclusive.   Continue reading “McDonald’s Employees Furious As Company Renegs On Wage Hikes”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump declared as “dead” on Monday a program that protects immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children and pressed Congress to “immediately” pass legislation to secure the U.S. border with Mexico.

Trump, who has taken a hard line on legal and illegal immigration as president, said in September he was terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but gave the Republican-controlled Congress until March 6 to replace it. Congress failed to meet that deadline, but courts have ruled the program can remain in place for now.   Continue reading “Trump declares DACA ‘dead,’ urges Congress to act on border”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

A 1500-strong army of illegal migrants is marching to the US border through Mexico this month with the blessing of the Mexican government.

The Pueblos Sin Fronteras, an international group against borders, is behind the invading army.  Continue reading “Caravan of Illegal Migrants Marching to US Border Looks More Like Army of Young Male Invaders”

The New Observer

In a major break with the Jewish lobby—which normally strictly controls public pronouncements from European Union officials—the EU’s diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini has called for an official investigation into the deadly massacre of unarmed Palestinians by Israel over the Easter weekend.

At least 17—and counting—Palestinians were shot dead and more than 1,400 wounded after Israeli army snipers, soldiers and drones attacked thousands of protesters who had flocked to a sit-in near the border fence between the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories.   Continue reading “17 Dead, 1,400 Injured: EU Calls for Probe into Latest Israeli Massacre of Palestinians”

The Weather Channel

Severe thunderstorms packing damaging winds, large hail and a few tornadoes are possible Tuesday across a wide area, from Texas to the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys.

An area of low pressure will slide eastward across the Midwest while its trailing cold front sweeps through the south-central states and a warm front lifts northward into the Ohio Valley.   Continue reading “Severe Thunderstorms Packing Damaging Winds Possible from Texas to the Ohio Valley on Tuesday”


Republican politicians in Virginia Beach scrambled to assure their Facebook followers that a post by an impostor group comparing anti-gun “walkout” protesters to the Nazis was in fact a hoax.

A Facebook page claiming to belong to the Republican Party of Virginia Beach published a post on Sunday – riddled with spelling mistakes and accompanied by a photo of children’s shoes at Auschwitz – that claimed the Holocaust could have been prevented if Europe’s Jews had guns.  Continue reading “Virginia Republicans slam gun-control hoaxers who used photo of children’s shoes at Auschwitz”

BEIRUT (AP) — The most powerful Syrian rebel faction on the fringes of Damascus began abandoning its stronghold in the once rebel-held enclave of eastern Ghouta on Monday, opening the way for government forces to secure full control of the area, after seven years of revolt.

The first fighters from the Army of Islam left the town of Douma around midday as part of an evacuation deal that will hand the town to the Syrian government, reported the state SANA news agency. The rebels were headed to Jarablus, a town in northern Syria where control of the territory is shared between Syrian rebels and Turkish forces.  Continue reading “Largest Syrian rebel group starts leaving Damascus enclave”

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A 20-year-old Texas man who as a teenager invoked “affluenza” in his defense after killing four people in a drunken wreck has been released from jail. Tarrant County sheriff’s spokesman David McClelland says Ethan Couch was released Monday from the county jail near Dallas after serving nearly two years for a revoked probation.  Continue reading “Texas man who invoked ‘affluenza’ defense released from jail”

MENDOCINO, Calif. (AP) — An SUV carrying a large family from Washington state accelerated straight off a scenic California cliff and authorities said the deadly wreck may have been intentional. The wreck was discovered last week, days after child welfare authorities began investigating whether the children were being neglected.

Information pulled from the vehicle’s software shows it was stopped at a flat, dirt pull-off area before it sped off the steep rocky face and plunged 100 feet (30 meters), said Capt. Greg Baarts of the California Highway Patrol.  Continue reading “SUV plunge off cliff may have been intentional, police say”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

Anti-gun sociopath David Hogg — see daily news coverage at — has been caught in a Reddit post celebrating the death of billions of people from mosquito-borne disease, an InfoWars investigation has now found.

Mosquitoes “kill humans, billions of them, which is great for the environment,” Hogg stated in a Reddit post from late 2017, confirming that Hogg is not merely a foul-mouthed bully of legal firearms owners, but actually despises humanity and celebrates the mass killing of billions of peopleContinue reading “Anti-gun sociopath David Hogg caught on Reddit celebrating the mass killing of “billions of people” as being “great for the environment””

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel said on Monday it has canceled a plan to deport African migrants to Africa and reached an agreement with the U.N. refugee agency to send more than 16,000 to Western countries instead.

Other migrants, many of whom are seeking asylum, will be allowed to remain in Israel for at least the next five years, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.  Continue reading “Israel says to send 16,000 African migrants to Western countries”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

New York, NY — It has been over five months since then 18-year-old Anna Chambers accused two on-duty NYPD officers of raping her in the back of a police van on the night of September 15th, 2017. As emphatically as she claims she was raped and did not consent to having sex with two police officers, she asserts not only have the police continued to attempt to intimidate her but the very justice system she looked to for help was set up to help the alleged rapists — until now.  Continue reading “NYPD Cops So Bad, Lawmakers Forced to Ban Them from Having Sex With People They Arrest”