
Students across the US walked out of their classrooms Wednesday in support of the Second Amendment to the country’s Constitution, which enshrines the right of US citizens to keep and bear arms.

The rallies, called “Stand for the Second,” were spearheaded by 18-year-old Will Riley, a senior at Carlsbad High School in New Mexico, to demonstrate that not all young people support the previous gun protests that swept the nation after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, on February 14 that killed 17 students.
Continue reading “US Students Stage Nationwide Walkout to Show Support for Second Amendment”

LA Times

A sex offender who led police on a wild pursuit from Los Angeles to Kern County in a motor home with his two children was arrested Thursday, authorities said.

Stephen Houk was detained in Barstow around 4:30 p.m., more than 100 miles from where police last saw him, according to Nicole Nishida, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Continue reading “Suspect in wild motor home pursuit is arrested in Barstow, police say”

The Hill

In Lord of the Flies, William Golding states that “the best ideas are the simplest.” Allowing veterans to receive care at the facility of their choosing — whether that facility is run by the VA or not — seems like a simple idea. Unfortunately, like many ideas routed in politics, this simple idea has succumbed to partisan bickering that has left the VA much like the fictional island in Golding’s novel.   Continue reading “Fly infestation in VA operating rooms — another example of chaos within agency”


The thought of having a bug crawl in your ear is nightmarish for many people, but for Katie Holley of Melbourne, Florida, that nightmare recently became a reality.

This week, Holley penned a surprisingly hilarious essay for Self.com about waking up one night in April feeling “a weird movement” in her ear, as if something were burrowing inside. She rushed to the bathroom for a cotton swab and gently wiped inside her ear. On the swab she saw two “skinny black lines” that looked an awful lot like roach legs.   Continue reading “‘I felt it thrashing about’: Woman rushes to ER with live roach in her ear”

Investment Watch – by Chris Black

Israel’s Defense Minister said on Thursday in an interview for a Russian newspaper, the Kommersant respectively, that Israel will continue to hit military targets in Syria. Also,  Avigdor Lieberman warned the Russians that, let me quote:

“If the S-300 systems aren’t aimed at us, that’s one thing. If they open fire on our aircraft, we certainly will respond.  We always take Russian interests into account, and hope they take Israel’s security interests into account”   Continue reading “Israeli Defense Minister Asks Russia to Stand Down Syria Air Defenses or They Will Be Attacked Too”

Daily Mail

These stark images showing the heart of the Fukushima nuclear disaster zone reveal the devastation inside its destroyed reactor.

The scenes were captured by a camera attached to a 50ft rod and inserted into reactor 2 at the doomed Japanese power plant, on the country’s north east coast.

Footage shows melted nuclear fuel attached to the pillars, walls and ceiling, as well as puddles of coolant, and debris piled up 16 to 27ins thick on the ground.   Continue reading “INSIDE the heart of Fukushima’s deadly reactor”

Yahoo News

Washington (AFP) – Chinese nationals have on multiple occasions shone military-grade laser pointers at US pilots operating out of the American base in Djibouti, the Pentagon said Thursday.

Officials have issued a formal diplomatic complaint and demanded Beijing investigate a series of incidents dating back several weeks, spokeswoman Dana White said.   Continue reading “US military pilots injured by Chinese lasers in Djibouti: Pentagon”

Lebanon?…What Election?

In a matter of mere hours, a new election will take place. Unlike seemingly all other national elections worldwide, this election will bring real “hope” to a needlessly impoverished country. This election will see real “change” come to a country far too long restricted and controlled by external foreign powers. For this is an election that is steeped in real democracy; not the US-inspired definition – the one based solely on the archaic shards of what little is left of a desperate empire struggling to hold onto its waning influence. This election will showcase, finally and thankfully, a return to the true definition.   Continue reading “The Most Important Election in the World!”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

In the Orwellian police state that is America, truth is easily stranger than fiction and Donald Trump’s nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize proves it. After a year of saber rattling, provoking nuclear war, and dropping countless bombs in multiple countries—killing innocent women and children in the process—Trump has been nominated for the world’s most prestigious recognition for peace.

In a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, House GOP members nominated the president, recommending that he “receive the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his work to end the Korean War, denuclearize the Korean peninsula and bring peace to the region.”   Continue reading “Just Like Obama, Trump’s Warmongering Just Got Him Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize”

Jon Rappoport

Warning: Suddenly withdrawing from psychiatric drugs can be very dangerous, even life-threatening. Withdrawal should be done gradually, supervised by a caring professional who knows what he’s doing. See Breggin.com.

On the heels of my article celebrating the work of Dr. Peter Breggin, a hero who has exposed the lies of psychiatry, I am reprinting my article, from 2013, which details the fraud.   Continue reading “Psychiatry and the great fraud”

The Daily Caller – by Robert Donachie

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.

The representative wrote an op-ed in USA Today Thursday rolling out what he feels is the gun control policy America should adopt, one that would take “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” away from law-abiding citizens and threaten them with jail time if they refuse.   Continue reading “Eric Swalwell Unloads Gun Platform Liberals Really Want”

Yahoo News

PORT WENTWORTH, Ga. (AP) — An aging C-130 Hercules that rescued and resupplied U.S. citizens after last year’s hurricanes crashed onto a Georgia highway during what was supposed to be its final flight, killing all nine Puerto Rican airmen on board.

The huge military plane was being flown into retirement in Arizona, reducing Puerto Rico’s National Guard fleet to five similar planes, two of which need maintenance and aren’t being used, Adjutant Gen. Isabelo Rivera said. He said the aircraft was more than 60 years old.   Continue reading “Transport plane that crashed in Georgia was on final trip”

Jerusalem Post

NEW YORK – An omnibus bill full of measures to improve the relationship between Israel and the United States has passed the US Senate, after being delayed since May.

The bill declares Israel a “major strategic partner” of the US; enhances Israel’s trade status to expedite export licensing; increases cooperation on energy, water engineering, research and development; and expands authority for forward-deployed US weapons stockpiles in the Jewish state.   Continue reading “US Senate Elevates Israel’s Status As ‘Major Strategic Partner’”