Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In a series of statements via the official Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Twitter account, Israel has said it “expresses sorrow” over the deaths of the 15 Russian crew members aboard a maritime surveillance plane that was shot down near the Syrian coastal city of Latakia Monday night.

While expressing regret towards the Russian loss of the aircraft and personnel, which was reportedly downed by mistake as Syrian anti-missile defense systems attempted to respond to a barrage of Israeli rockets and airstrikes from over the Mediterranean coastal area, Israel said that ultimately it is the Syrian military that’s responsible.   Continue reading “Israel “Expresses Sorrow” Over Russian Plane Downing, But Blames Assad And Iran For Incident”


About 1.7 million chickens have been killed in flooding from Florence as rising North Carolina rivers swamped at least 60 farm buildings where the animals were being raised for market, according to a major poultry producer.

Sanderson Farms said Tuesday the losses occurred at independent farms that supply its poultry processing plants. The company said its facilities suffered no major damage, but supply disruptions and flooded roadways had caused shutdowns at some plants.   Continue reading “1.7 million chickens drown as NC rivers swollen by Hurricane Florence”

There will be no broadcast of The Word From the Trenches again today.

Koyote has been trying to get me to write a mandamus and publish it in The Trenches.  I told him I would need two months of rest before I could even make the attempt.  However, an indirect assertion has been made that I am an owned being/corporate property, and this I cannot let go.   Continue reading “No Word From the Trenches”

The Organic Prepper

The solar observatory that was dramatically closed down last week has reopened, but they still haven’t really explained what happened despite the release of a lengthy statement.

Who else has a ton of questions about the facility that was closed down abruptly last week by federal agents arriving in Blackhawk helicopters? The Sunspot Solar Observatory has been at the top of Sacramento Peak ever since 1947. It’s in Sunspot, New Mexico, in Otero County. And on Sept. 6 every person there was evicted evacuated by the FBI.  Continue reading “The Solar Observatory That Closed Has Reopened and They Still Haven’t Explained”

Yeah right, any day now…

Natural News – by Mike Adams

The desperate last-minute attack on Brett Kavanaugh by the lying, dishonest Democrats is a last-ditch effort to halt a series of events that will lead to mass arrests of Democrat-linked deep state operators who committed crimes of treason against the United States of America.   Continue reading “Desperate Measures: Plot to stop Kavanaugh is deep state’s last attempt to save itself from mass arrests (and military trials)”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

The ACLU has admitted that migrant parents in the “family separation” furor are deliberately leaving at least 114 children in the United States, says a court filing by the federal government.

The acknowledged abandonment of the 114 children and youths — plus the de-facto abandonment of up to 232 others — undermines the progressives’ media-magnified claim that President Donald Trump maliciously separated victimized families as they fled from crime into the safety of the United States.   Continue reading “More Migrants Split Their Families to Keep Youths and Children in U.S.”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Amid reports that opioid overdose deaths in New York City have climbed over the past year to fresh record highs, the Senate has passed a sweeping suite of legislation designed to stem the flow of deadly and illicit synthetic opioids like fentanyl into the US via the US Postal Service, while also offering new tools to law enforcement and funding for addiction treatment.

The bill, known as the “Synthetics Trafficking and Overdose Prevention – or STOP – Act“, was passed by a 99-1 vote one month after President Trump declared that the constant flow of fentanyl into the US via illicit labs in China and Mexico was “a form of warfare.”  Continue reading “Senate Passes Sweeping Bill To Combat Opioid Crisis As NYC Overdose Deaths Hit Record High”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

A group of over 40 Congress members have sent President Trump a bipartisan letter reminding him that the US Constitution requires that the president seek Congressional approval before taking military action in Syria or elsewhere. Congressman Justin Amash (R-Mich.) announced via Twitter on Monday that the letter had been sent to the White House.

Ironically Rep. Amash made the announcement just as Monday’s evening’s massive Israeli strike on Syria was underway, which resulted in a downed Russian surveillance plane carrying 14 troops amidst the confusion of missiles flying over the Mediterranean as it was hit by Syrian defense attempting to stave off the attack by Israel.   Continue reading “Congress Members Demand Trump Seek Approval Before Military Action In Syria”

Breitbart – by Michelle Moons

President Donald Trump hosted hundreds at the White House Monday for a Hispanic Heritage Month event highlighting several Hispanic business owners and the historic economic accomplishments for Hispanic-Americans under his administration.

Participants who gathered in the White House East Room included business, faith, community, and local elected leaders from across the U.S., according to the White House.  Continue reading “Trump Heralds Hispanic-American Businesses and Economic Success at Heritage Event”

World Events and the Bible

You remember GDPR right?

Maybe not, no one really said much about it, though it was far reaching. It is a European Union law that “protects the privacy” of European users, yet, it impacted the entire web. This is why you see privacy statements all over websites these days, to comply or be sued.

Why is a European Union law handcuffing the rest of the world?…  Continue reading “Europe’s New Copyright Law Could Change The Entire Web”

CBS News

For the media, Elizabeth Holmes’ story proved irresistible: a bright young woman revolutionizing blood testing, in Silicon Valley no less. Fortune magazine put her on their cover. Forbes named her one of the richest self-made women in the world. Time selected her as one of its 100 Most Influential People. At CBS News, Norah O’Donnell interviewed Elizabeth Holmes for CBS This Morning. Continue reading “Was the media duped by Elizabeth Holmes?”


For those of you that think law enforcement really cares about you I give you…Operation C.A.R.E.

What is Operation C.A.R.E.?

Operation C.A.R.E. or “Combined Accident Reduction Effort” began in 1977 as a Michigan and Indiana State Police safety initiative.   Continue reading “Operation C.A.R.E. checkpoints used to question thousands of motorists”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As more information about the downing overnight of a Russian reconnaissance plane by aging Syrian antiaircraft weapon becomes available, the Russian Defense Ministry has issued a shocking claim that will undoubtedly ratchet up tensions between Russia and Israel. While Russia had previously blamed Israel for the downing of the plane, which resulted in the deaths of 15 Russian servicemen, the MoD is now saying that Israel intended to use the Russian plane as “cover” during the attack.   Continue reading “Moscow Accuses Israel Of Using Downed Russian Jet As “Cover” During Syrian Attack”

Reason – by Joe Setyon

A proposal under consideration in California would allow marijuana businesses to deliver weed straight to people’s doorsteps, even in places where it’s illegal to sell pot.

Sounds convenient, right? Not according to Morgan Hill Police Chief David Swing, president of the California Police Chiefs Association (CPCA), who warned the proposal could lead to robberies, assaults, and homicides.   Continue reading “California Police Chief Claims Legal Weed Delivery Could Lead to ‘Assaults and Homicides’”

The American Conservative – by Michael Shindler

The United States is a nation rife with indebtedness: student loans, credit card balances, unpaid medical bills, and hefty mortgages are all familiar features of American life. During certain points in history, people faced the prospect of incarceration when they could not honor their private debts. In America, the Supreme Court judged this grim practice unconstitutional in 1983—yet even today, many Americans are threatened with jail time or even sent to prison at the behest of creditors hungry for payment.   Continue reading “Private Creditors Can Put You in Jail”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Despite the fact that our species has had many years to perfect how we travel in cars, fatality rates continue to rise and roads are just as dangerous as ever.

Instead of trying something different, most governments throughout the world continue to double-down on their outdated and ineffective strategies, mostly involving extortion, which has done nothing to improve road safety. Continue reading “City Replaced Corrupt Cops With Mimes Who Lowered Traffic Fatalities Far Better than Tickets”