Times of Israel

It’s time for People of the Pod to bring you the Jewish angle on the origins of United States President Donald Trump’s impeachment case and JTA’s Europe correspondent Cnaan Liphshiz gives the background on Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky.

In our weekly podcast, produced in partnership between the American Jewish Committee and The Times of Israel, we take you beyond the headlines and analyze global affairs through a Jewish lens.  Continue reading “Zelensky and the Trump call — good for the Jews?”

Reason – by Jacob Sullum

Shortly after 5 a.m. on November 5, 2018, two police officers arrived at Gary Willis’ house in Glen Burnie, Maryland. They were there to take away his guns. They ended up killing him instead.

According to the Anne Arundel County Police Department, the 61-year-old man, who at that hour presumably had just been awakened by the officers’ knocking, answered the door with a gun in his hand. Continue reading “States Are Depriving Innocent People of Their Second Amendment Rights”

Once again, the American voter has dutifully begun their quadrennial march to futility at the hands of another election cycle full of false prophets. None seem to realize or remember that the monocracy that they hold so sacrosanct is not- and has not been- a democracy for decades. Yet these societal lemmings, known as “voters,” again prepare to exert their media controlled, fact adjusted opinions at the polls while singing joyfully the praises of their one chosen new demagogue and praying that this time their candidate will, post-election, actually represent them from the Oval Office of American despair. Continue reading “The Most Important Presidential Election Question (That No One Ever Asks!)”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE concerning a directive involving the United States Marine Corps reserve units via MARADMINS number 550/19, signed on Oct. 3, 2019, authorized by Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley, Director, Manpower Plans and Policy.

Notably, Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley was nominated by President Trump for the rank of major general, according to a Jan. 16, 2019 Defense.gov press announcement. Before serving in his current role, Shipley served as the deputy director, Program Analysis and Evaluation, Department of Programs and Resources for the U.S. Marines. Continue reading “U.S. Marines reserve units activated for “emergency within the United States” which “will come with little warning” – cites “threats in the Homeland””

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CBS Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Ahead of a President Donald Trump rally in Minneapolis and a controversial new uniform policy, the Minneapolis police union is selling a shirt in support of the president.

On Saturday, Lt. Bob Kroll, Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis president, posted a photo of the shirt on his Facebook page and asked for others to share.  Continue reading “Mpls. Police Union Selling ‘Cops For Trump’ Shirts Ahead Of Trump Rally”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

New York, NY — Flexing his mighty blue privilege granted to him by his badge, a former NYPD cop was acquitted on felony child rape and sex abuse charges this month — despite filming the interactions with the 15-year-old victim himself. Instead of going to jail for years, like he should have, this cop will likely escape any actual accountability. Continue reading “Cop Acquitted for Rape, Despite 5 Videos Showing Him Having Sex With a Child”


NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge rejected President Donald Trump’s challenge to the release of eight years of his tax returns for a New York state criminal probe, saying on Monday that he could not grant such a “categorical and limitless assertion of presidential immunity.”

Trump’s lawyers notified the judge that they will immediately appeal the ruling. Continue reading “Judge tosses out Trump challenge to tax return turnover”

Big League Politics – by Jose Nino

During a chilling exchange during the House Judiciary Committee hearing on banning assault weapons, Dr. RaShall Brackney, Chief of the Charlottesville Police Department, stated that she supports a ban on a broad range of guns.

While fielding a question on potentially banning hunting rifles, she said, “I believe any weapon that can be used to hunt individuals should be banned.”  Continue reading “Charlottesville Police Chief Wants to Ban All Guns”

Daily Caller – by William Davis

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris re-iterated her support for a mandatory gun buyback program Wednesday, saying a government under her leadership may confiscate “as many as 10 million” guns.

The 2020 presidential candidate was asked by MSNBC host Craig Melvin how she would get existing “assault weapons” off the streets, noting that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban did not include a confiscation program.  Continue reading “Kamala Harris Says She Might Confiscate ‘As Many As 10 Million’ Guns”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Passaic, NJ — In an ongoing dispute between EMS companies, the local police, and Orthodox Jews, a senior police officer, Juan Nieves of the Passaic Police Department, threatened to arrest a man for filming him as he arrested the man’s mother for obstruction of justice. Continue reading “Cop Threatens to Arrest Rabbi if He Posts Video of Him Arresting Grandma for No Reason”

Breitbart – by Jack Montgomery

The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that EU governments can order Facebook to take down content worldwide after an Austrian politician was insulted online.

Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, a leading figure in Austria’s left-progressive Greens Party, was branded a “lousy traitor of the people” and a “corrupt oaf”, among other things, in an Austrian news article concerning her party’s support for a minimum income for refugees which was shared on a Facebook user’s personal page, according to court documents. Continue reading “Global Censorship: Court Rules EU Govts Can Take Down Content Worldwide After Politician Insulted”

Minnesota Daily – by Natalie Rademacher

Textbooks in hand, members of the student group Students for a Democratic Society held a sit-in outside University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel’s office Friday morning.

The students are calling for the University to disarm the University Police Department and increase the diversity of the student population. The sit-in is part of a broader campaign by the student group this year to demand action by the University.  Continue reading “Students host ‘study-in’ outside Gabel’s office”

Daily Mail

The number of elderly people taking antidepressants has more than doubled in two decades – despite no increase in the numbers with depression.

A major British study also reveals that the majority of over-65s who take the drugs do not have depressive symptoms.  Continue reading “Number of elderly on anti-depressants doubles in 20 years”


Contract talks aimed at ending a 21-day strike by the United Auto Workers against General Motors have taken a turn for the worse, hitting a big snag over product commitments for U.S. factories, a union official wrote in an email to members.

The letter from UAW Vice President Terry Dittes casts doubt on whether there will be a quick settlement in the contract dispute, which sent 49,000 workers to the picket lines on Sept. 16, crippling GM’s factories.  Continue reading “GM Workers Strike Continues as Negotiations Hit Snag Over Commitments to U.S. Factories”

New York Post – by Yaron Steinbuch

US troops on Monday began pulling out of positions along the border in northeast Syria ahead of an expected invasion by Turkey, according to US-allied Kurdish forces.

The Kurdish militia in Syria said a Turkish attack could reverse gains made against Islamic State.  Continue reading “US troops begin withdrawal from Turkey’s border in Syria”