
Story broke this week of Biden’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas admitting to the Border Patrol that the border is worse than it has ever been.

Now we have the actual audio of the interaction Continue reading “Here’s The Leaked Audio Of Biden’s DHS Secretary Admitting The Border Is Worse Than Ever”

Campus Reform – by Antoinette Aho ’26

At Boston University, students are no longer graded on their writing, as Marisa Milanese and Gwen Kordonowy, explain in a recent article on the school’s writing program’s “‘ungrading’ movement.”

According to Milanese and Kordonowy in a recent column, out of 100 instructors in the Boston University program, “nearly half employed contract grading in some form this semester.” Continue reading “University writing instructors are no longer grading students’ writing”

Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks

American truckers are preparing to follow the lead of their Canadian counterparts and convoy protest from California to DC.

Facebook group for the anti-vaccine mandate protest has already amassed over 50,000 people. Continue reading “Convoy to DC 2022: American Truckers to Form Convoy Protest From California to DC”

Fox News

The Canadian province of Nova Scotia made it illegal for people to gather along a highway ahead of the “Freedom Convoy” of truckers that made their way across the country in protest of vaccine mandates.

The local government issued “a directive under the Emergency Management Act prohibiting protesters from blockading Highway 104 near the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border.” Continue reading “Nova Scotia outlaws support on highway for ‘freedom’ truckers days after massive protest”

Raw Story – by John Wright

Federal law enforcement agencies on Friday released their first post-Jan. 6 report designed to help people spot potential violent extremists among family members, friends and peers.  Continue reading “‘Unusual goodbyes’: Feds list post-Jan. 6 indicators for spotting violent extremist family, friends”

Gateway Pundit – by Julian Conradson

You can’t make this stuff up.

CBC News, a Canadian state-sponsored media outlet, baselessly claimed that RUSSIA is the criminal mastermind behind the massive truckers for freedom convoy. Continue reading “Canada State Media Suggests Russia is Behind Truckers For Freedom Convoy – Yes, Really”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family were moved to a secret location on Saturday due to security reasons amid anti-vax protests.

Anti-vax protesters and truckers late Friday night descended on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Continue reading “Trudeau and Family Moved to Secret Location Due to Security Reasons Amid Anti-Vax Protests”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Lawrence Demonico, the president of Rare Breed Triggers, has just released a YouTube video responding to the alleged leaked ATF memo circulating the internet in the last 24 hours.  Continue reading “Rare Breed Triggers Responds To Alleged Leaked ATF Memo To Seize FRT-15s From Dealers”

Gateway Pundit – by Joe Hoft

New York COVID deaths from nursing homes were 49% greater than previously reported.  But no worries, the investigation into former Governor Cuomo’s related actions was killed by new Soros-backed Manhattan DA.

TGP reported multiple times in 2020 how Governor Cuomo in New York implemented programs that ordered sick COVID patients back into elderly homes in the state.  As a result, thousands of elderly needlessly died in the state.  Continue reading “COVID Deaths in New York Nursing Homes Were Under Reported by Nearly 50% But Both DOJ and New Manhattan DA Drop Investigations into Cuomo”

Breitbart – by John Hayward

Peter Schweizer’s new book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win tells the story of how Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) husband Richard Blum was part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military. The military has never been able to calculate how much sensitive data these computers allowed China to steal. Continue reading “REVEALED: Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Partly Owned a Chinese Company That Sold Spyware to U.S. Military”


NewsGuard, a controversial service that ranks news sources read by clients online based on how trustworthy it considers them to be, will soon be available for free to millions of schoolchildren in the US.

The New York-based company signed a licensing agreement with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the second-largest teachers’ union in the country, making the service available to members and their students, the two said this week. Continue reading “Millions of US kids to be told which news is fake”