By Dave DeCamp –

The US will increase military aid to Guyana amid tensions with neighboring Venezuela over the disputed Guayana Essequibo region, The Associated Press reported on Monday. Continue reading “US to Increase Military Aid to Guyana Amid Tensions With Venezuela”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Special counsel Robert Hur, who was appointed by Biden-appointed Attorney General Merrick Garland, will not be charging President Biden for mishandling classified documents, according to the Washington Post. Continue reading “Report: Biden DOJ Won’t Change Biden for Mishandling Classified Documents”

By Colin Rugg

Shocking how quiet all the feminists are. Continue reading “NEW: Female college volleyball match dominated by *5* biologic males for the entire game as female players were kicked to the bench.”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

My family moved to Los Angeles during the 1984 Olympics. “I Love L.A.” was on the radio and the city was the envy of the world. I loved everything about L.A. I immediately became a Dodgers, Lakers, Rams, and Kings fan. And I loved the Los Angeles Times, mostly because of its sports section and exceptional calendar (entertainment) section. With no internet, the L.A. Times was everyone’s primary source of information, not just for news but for the scores of the games, who’s coming in concert, what’s on TV, and the weather.

Continue reading “LA Times Tells Angelenos They’re Wrong About Crime, Everything Is Fine”

By Cullen McCue – Trending Political News

The bid to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has failed after three Republicans voted no.

House Republicans introduced articles of impeachment against Mayorkas due to his failure to secure the southern border. When the measure went to the floor for a vote Tuesday, it failed to pass after Reps. Ken Buck (R-CO), Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Tim McClintock (R-CA) joined Democrats in voting “no.” Continue reading “BREAKING: Bid To Impeach Alejandro Mayorkas Fails After Three Republicans Join Democrats”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

Even before Biden took over the White House thanks to millions of mailed-in harvested ballots dropping in at 3am in the morning, Seattle had emerged as one socialist America’s liberal meccas. Here are the consequences.

According to Seattle’s King5 news, Sandia, a Mexican restaurant in the city’s Laurelhurst neighborhood, has been broken into no less than 5 times in the past 6 months, costing the business $10,000. Continue reading “Seattle Restaurant Has Been Broken Into 5 Times In Past 6 Months”