As families gather together for Christmas, the talk around the table this year will be unique in comparing to those past.  The existence of the lie that we Americans have been living in for too many years can no longer be denied.  Twenty-eight million of us have lost our jobs, many of us our pensions and homes, and those still lucky enough to be working realize that they are next.  We have been witnessing the execution of a deliberate plan to disenfranchise and dispossess we the people and leave us in a third world hell.

Fortunately for us and unfortunately for our enemies, the international corporate mafia, through communicating with one another on the internet, there has been a great awakening.  The sleeping giant has risen from his slumber and quite frankly, he is pissed.  We the people, in returning to our Constitution, are now preparing to lay to waste those who would have enslaved us had we been less diligent.  It is indeed quite sobering to see how close we have come to the abyss.
Continue reading “Christmas and the American Family”

364,000 new jobless claims were filed this week and this is being hailed as a good thing.  Listen up people; this is the Christmas shopping season. This is as good as it gets.  About the second week in January after all the broken Chinese junk has been returned, the party will be over.  Millions who had temporary jobs will be again unemployed.  This is what the mainstream propaganda machine is failing to report on.

Ron Paul is in first place in Iowa and the fact that he is going to win that state can no longer be argued.  It has become evident that Ron Paul is the choice of we the American people of the American race.  And knowing that Barack Hussein Obama cannot beat Dr. Paul, the communists are playing their last card.
Continue reading “CNN and MSNBC Launch Pigment Attack on Ron Paul and We the People”

The mainstream propaganda machine has taken on a new tactic in their effort to stop Ron Paul’s legitimate run for GOP candidate for president.  Terry Branstad, Iowa’s Governor, is apparently calling on the Republicans to dismiss Ron Paul if he wins in that state.  Just who in the hell does this fellow think he is?  Not only should the people of Iowa reject this suggestion but when Branstad comes up for reelection they should let him know in no uncertain terms, that they do not appreciate him or anyone else trying to nullify their will using the power of the Governor’s Office, which belongs to the people.

The Republican Party,, is indicating that they are somehow angry because Independents and Democrats are registering as Republicans in order to insure Dr. Paul’s nomination.  They are saying that Dr. Paul and his people are trying to take over their party.  I for one did not realize that any party belonged to any particular group of individuals.  And if we the people choose to use the system to enforce our will, it is perfectly legitimate for us to take over the Republican Party as it has become a stop gap between we the people and our self-determination.
Continue reading “The Propaganda Machine Launches New Attack on Ron Paul”

The SEIU (Service Employees International Union) has launched a campaign to take over the Occupy movement for the soviet socialists.  The SEIU contributed $61 million to Obama’s election campaign in 2008 and now they think they are going to hijack our movement and use it to put the traitor Obama in office for another four years.

I think the SEIU understands that our patriotic movement cannot be taken over, however I do believe they are going to try to use the same techniques used by the neo-cons on the grassroots Tea Party to create the illusion that they control the power the movement represents.
Continue reading “Grassroots Occupy Protesters and Tea Partiers Be Aware There are Infiltrators in our Midst”

The desperation coming from the mainstream propaganda machine in the hopeless attempt to stop Dr. Ron Paul from securing the GOP nomination is becoming more bizarre every day.

Let’s talk about the Communist News Network first.  If the soviet socialists/Demorats truly believed Ron Paul could not beat Barack Obama, would they not be doing everything in their power to make sure Ron Paul is the GOP candidate?  Of course they would.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Leads in Iowa Poll – One Party System in a Panic – Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?”