HR 589 was swept aside using Clause 2 (c) of Rule XXI as the legislation would have created new unfunded law as an attachment.  I was the first to blame Barbara Lee for not knowing the rules but in all truth and fairness, I’m sure she did.  The fact is these rules are routinely waived for issues, oh like, defense expenditures.

Though the House Resolution 589 is not completely dead in the Ways and Means Committee it certainly must be considered to be in its death throes. The bill at present has 67 backers but would require 283 to bring it forward. 

Thursday’s jobs report showed 410,ooo new jobless claims indicating that all the talk about job recovery is just more lies.
Continue reading “99ers Unemployment Extension HR 589 in Death Throes”

HR 589 is shot down this morning.  Apparently the House Resolution violated a rule which says any legislation that changes existing law or creates new law cannot be added as an amendment.  Unbeknownst to us Barbara Lee tried to attach HR 589 to the Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Budget Resolution, a stopgap measure that will continue to fund the federal government. 

The point of order was initiated by Congressman Denny Rehberg, a Republican from Montana.

The only way the bill can go forward now is through overwhelming support which would require republican support, which is not going to happen.  It is disturbing to find out that our greatest advocate Barbara Lee evidently either does not know the House rules or somehow thought she was exempt from them.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Legislation Shot Down In Flames”

It has been 45 days since the 112th Congress took over and in that time nothing has been done to address the needs of the 15 million long term unemployed.   All this new Congress seems to be interested in is making up lost revenues, which in theory is not a bad thing.  But let’s look at the problem in fact. 

The mortgage derivative collapse, by admission, was the final consequence of a massive Ponzi scheme perpetrated by the banksters.  They stole $22 trillion from the rest of us.  Think about that number because it is the sole reason that we have lost our jobs, are suffering from a $14 trillion debt, and a $4 trillion budget deficit.  

The fact of this reality is unarguable and every member of Congress knows it to be true.  They also know that this massive debt must be eliminated or our country is going to go bankrupt.  So will these self-proclaimed patriotic Americans arrest the thieves, retrieve the monies, and put our country back a right?  Noooo. 
Continue reading “99ers Water-Board the Banksters”

Imagine a person owning a business and that person, out of necessity to run the business, has hired employees and given them responsibilities.  One day your employees tell you they all need new cars.  You say that’s not unreasonable as the business is doing well.  And then you find out that the person writing the paychecks has been paying out amounts in excess of anything you ever intended.  You go to your employees to enquire as to what is going on.  They tell you that they had a meeting and raised their pay and gave themselves more benefits. 

You are then alerted so you start looking at the books.  It takes you days to decipher as they have been compiled in a manner designed to deceive.  At the end of the day you find out that your business is in big trouble as your employees have been milking and defrauding your business through relationships they have established with other businesses. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 – Unemployed Have Rights”

As promised, I tried to contact the Congresspersons sitting on the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources who will be deciding the fate of HR 589. Eleven calls – eleven press secretaries away from their desks, out of the office, or speaking on a conference call.  I left a lot of messages with only one return call and one lady even hung up on me when I told her she was my employee and I wanted to know her name.  In short, I was denied access most likely because so many 99ers have been emailing and calling the members of the committee since we released their names here on From the Trenches.

The one person that did call me back was from Lloyd Doggett’s office.  However she became agitated and distressed when I pushed her to answer one simple question.  Mind you, she did not even know what the question would be.  She gave me the number to the press person for the Democratic side of the Committee and of course I got voice mail. 
Continue reading “99ers – HR 589 to be Decided by 7 Republicans and 4 Democrats – Does it stand a Chance? Let’s Find Out”

Every once in a while it becomes necessary to attack the false left-right paradigm in order to keep the lie it represents front and center in the minds of those the propagandists seek to control.  I’m sure every 99er would agree that jobs and unemployment are for the majority the number one issue in the U.S. today.  However the will of the majority is subservient to the interests of the rich. 

The Demopublicans have historically sold themselves as proponents of the working man and the poor, whereas the Republicrats claim corporations and the rich as their own.  The fact is they all defecate through the same hole and the American workers are spoon fed what comes out.  As the fact that we are losing more jobs every day is being ignored out of hand, the one party socialist system is busy catering to their fellow filthy rich.
Continue reading “99ers Break the False Left-Right Paradigm, Push HR 589 and Eliminate NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT (WTO)”

Many would like to know exactly what is being done in reference to solving our ever worsening jobs problem.  You would think that as our continuing loss of jobs is the number one issue in America today, it would be all over the mainstream news.  Not so.  The fact is unless you are an Egyptian living in America you might as well not bother turning the television on.

I have been reading a lot of comments saying we need to do what the Egyptians did and little blurbs such as “Walk like an Egyptian.”  I have something to tell you.  The Egyptians haven’t accomplished shite.  The fact is if Jose Mubarak had dropped dead of a brain aneurism nineteen days ago, the Egyptian people would be in the same condition that they are in today.  That is living under martial law and under the control of a military dictatorship.
Continue reading “99ers Go Forth and Push HR 589 through the Ways and Means Committee”

In looking at the way the 99ers have jumped on the opportunity to change their destiny by aggressively attacking the problem of the Ways and Means Subcommittee that needs to move HR 589 to the House Floor as soon as possible, I am encouraged.  I believe that if enough of us can get together and assert ourselves aggressively, it is going to catch many who might oppose us completely off balance. 

The drive to force the passage of HR 589 needs to get out of control.  We cannot slow down, but rather we must intensify our efforts over the weekend.  We must go to every venue where a 99er might be found and convince him or her to email and tweet all the eleven members of the subcommittee over the weekend.
Continue reading “99ers – The Fight for HR 589 Intensifies”

In following the progress of the unemployment extension legislation it is revealed that it is being identified as HR 589 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2011.  The emergency legislation was introduced Wednesday by Congresswoman Barbara Lee to the House Ways and Means Committee. 

This is an alert.  It is imperative that every 99er work to flood the Ways and Means Committee with emails demanding that the legislation expediently be moved through the committee and onto the House floor.  These are the individuals who sit on the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Ways and Means Committee.  Also call the Capitol switchboard at 1-866-220-0044 and ask to speak to these members.  Don’t ask, demand, that HR 589 be put through.
Continue reading “99ers Alert – HR 589 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2011 is Introduced to Ways and Means Committee”

Well it has been two days since the press release to reintroduce HR 6556 and as of the writing of this article I haven’t heard the word 99er mentioned once in the mainstream propaganda.  Congresswoman Lee said there would be a lot of hard work ahead which leads me to wonder what the hard work involves.  If she would tell us maybe we could help.  The fact is I have seen Harry Reid introduce and have a bill voted on within a matter of days.  And if this House Resolution is going to be introduced as an emergency measure, one would think that the very word emergency would indicate the need for a speedy process.

I understand that support for the bill will probably be its single greatest obstacle as most of the politicians are already bought and serve only those special interests that paid for them.  In observing the political maneuvering in Washington DC, I am beginning to wonder if HR 6556 is being put in place as a measure of compromise.  Continue reading “99ers – HR 6556 Not by Compromise but by Right”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Bobby Scott held a press conference Wednesday morning to announce the reintroduction of HR 6556.  And Monday evening MSNBC’s Ed Shultz addressed the issue of the 99ers and the legislation extensively.  It was good to see the 99er issue thrust back into the mainstream propaganda machine.

Of course there is a trade off.  Schultz seemed to rave without taking a breath for five minutes expounding on his total devotion to social communism.  He mixed truths with half truths and lies.  Truths, like the description of the deplorable conditions the 99ers are living in.  Half truths, like the right wing of the false left-right paradigm is 100% responsible for our plight.  Outright lies, like social communism is American.
Continue reading “99ers – HR 6556 No More than Another Lie?”

I just received this email from Joel Payne, Communications Directory for Congresswoman Barbara Lee. 

Henry –

How are you?  I am the Communications Director for Congresswoman Barbara Lee who introduced the 99er bill today with Congressman Scott.  I understand that you are concerned about the coverage we got for today’s event.  Continue reading “Update: HR 6556 Coverage”

Well 9:45 am Eastern Time has come and gone and nowhere in the mainstream media is there the smallest mention of Barbara Lee’s long awaited press conference.  I contacted Ms. Lee’s office this morning.  One of her receptionists told me that the big news release was indeed happening, but apparently there is nowhere in the media that we 99ers can go to view this earth shattering event.  Ms. Lee’s receptionist said that CNN was supposed to be on the scene but apparently, if they are, they are not reporting the event live. 

C-Span’s website at present has no information on the subject.

I contacted Bobby Scott’s office.  His receptionist would not even confirm that CNN was present at the press release.
Continue reading “99ers HR 6556 Secret Press Release”

The mainstream propagandists, in thinking they have eliminated the 99ers from reality, have now concentrated their efforts on attacking the labor unions in the individual states.  The states are in a lot of trouble, but one must ask how much of it has been caused by federal mandates.  The main focus in the demonization of the labor unions is in reference to salary increases and the states’ inability to pay retirement pensions in the long run. 

The filthy rich have milked the individual states just as surely as they have milked the United States and now that they have piled the wealth they are aggressively pushing for laws to protect what they have acquired.  You see the states have to continue to function and the money has to come from somewhere.  The rich man has no intent of giving back that which he has stolen and is trying to turn we the people against one another in determining who will replace the stolen monies.
Continue reading “99ers Watching HR 6556 Closely”

President Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro held a meeting Monday morning with the United States Chamber of Commerce.  The event was hyped by the mainstream propagandists as a new era wherein Obama will be becoming more business friendly.  This is an insult to the intelligence.  Obama has been engaged in a virtual lip lock with big business since taking office.  This administration and the propagandists that represent it seem to believe that the people of America have the long term memory of a cabbage and will accept any assertion they put forth, either out of desperation or raw stupidity.

The Obama administration represents one of the biggest corporate giveaways, well since the last administration.  In specific the bailouts of the car companies, stimulus moneys channeled to big business, billion dollar tax cuts to the top 2%, and let’s not forget the $30 billion given to the so called small banks just before the 2010 Congressional elections, which is being identified as the point that Obama decided he needed to become more business friendly.
Continue reading “99ers, Obama’s Speech, HR 6556, Unemployment Extension, SSDD”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s HR 6556 is supposed to be introduced this week and every 99er is praying that it will not be swept aside again.  Republicans released a document last week purporting that they intend to cut $100 million from the budget this year.  Frankly I do not see how the unemployment extension can possibly be passed in the face of these budget cuts.

Some people seem to think that I am seeking recognition and fame.  Anyone who has followed my work has to know that this assertion is repugnant to the message I have been putting forth.  One thing that has bothered me all my life is the fact that our founding fathers are identified with a specific elitist group; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and John Hancock to name a few.  Continue reading “99ers – Will Boehner Allow HR 6556 to Proceed?”

It seems everyone is looking for a quick fix for the unemployment problem.  Well to get a quick fix or any other we must understand the motivations of the people who are causing the problem.  And just what exactly is the motivation of the rich?  Profit.  The fact is they have profited to a fault in what they have done to the 99ers and they will continue to abuse us as long as it is profitable to so. 

I am not an attorney but I do believe there is something contained in the body of our law in reference to unjust enrichment.  The enrichment they are enjoying at present is the direct result of an unjust act in that they have unlawfully manipulated our institutions to allow them to enrich themselves through our natural resources without any compensation to the rest of us; in short they have taken their share of our natural resources and ours. 
Continue reading “99ers – 14 Weeks of Socialist Free Unemployment Benefits”

Upon hearing the good news Friday morning that the jobless recovery would continue, I called Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s Washington D.C. office.  During a conversation with Jackson’s press secretary I was informed that only two thousand of our resumes had been presented to Congress to date, as it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to print them and the cost could not be justified.  Via further inquiry I found out Mr. Jackson has addressed our Congress on the 99er issue twice in January for one minute on each occasion, making a grand total of two minutes of time allotted to 20 million long term unemployed. 

Jackson’s aid further indicated that Speaker of the House Boehner is responsible for the no-action being taken for the 99ers.  Apparently one man is running our Congress and neither Jesse Jackson Jr., nor any other Congress person can do any business without his permission.  If this is true I guess all the rest of the so called representatives might as well come home and stop collecting a pay check and let John Boehner run our Congress as an undisputed dictator.
Continue reading “99ers Tier 5 Supporters – HR 6556 to be Reintroduced Wednesday”