President Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro held a meeting Monday morning with the United States Chamber of Commerce.  The event was hyped by the mainstream propagandists as a new era wherein Obama will be becoming more business friendly.  This is an insult to the intelligence.  Obama has been engaged in a virtual lip lock with big business since taking office.  This administration and the propagandists that represent it seem to believe that the people of America have the long term memory of a cabbage and will accept any assertion they put forth, either out of desperation or raw stupidity.

The Obama administration represents one of the biggest corporate giveaways, well since the last administration.  In specific the bailouts of the car companies, stimulus moneys channeled to big business, billion dollar tax cuts to the top 2%, and let’s not forget the $30 billion given to the so called small banks just before the 2010 Congressional elections, which is being identified as the point that Obama decided he needed to become more business friendly.
Continue reading “99ers, Obama’s Speech, HR 6556, Unemployment Extension, SSDD”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s HR 6556 is supposed to be introduced this week and every 99er is praying that it will not be swept aside again.  Republicans released a document last week purporting that they intend to cut $100 million from the budget this year.  Frankly I do not see how the unemployment extension can possibly be passed in the face of these budget cuts.

Some people seem to think that I am seeking recognition and fame.  Anyone who has followed my work has to know that this assertion is repugnant to the message I have been putting forth.  One thing that has bothered me all my life is the fact that our founding fathers are identified with a specific elitist group; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and John Hancock to name a few.  Continue reading “99ers – Will Boehner Allow HR 6556 to Proceed?”

It seems everyone is looking for a quick fix for the unemployment problem.  Well to get a quick fix or any other we must understand the motivations of the people who are causing the problem.  And just what exactly is the motivation of the rich?  Profit.  The fact is they have profited to a fault in what they have done to the 99ers and they will continue to abuse us as long as it is profitable to so. 

I am not an attorney but I do believe there is something contained in the body of our law in reference to unjust enrichment.  The enrichment they are enjoying at present is the direct result of an unjust act in that they have unlawfully manipulated our institutions to allow them to enrich themselves through our natural resources without any compensation to the rest of us; in short they have taken their share of our natural resources and ours. 
Continue reading “99ers – 14 Weeks of Socialist Free Unemployment Benefits”

Upon hearing the good news Friday morning that the jobless recovery would continue, I called Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s Washington D.C. office.  During a conversation with Jackson’s press secretary I was informed that only two thousand of our resumes had been presented to Congress to date, as it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to print them and the cost could not be justified.  Via further inquiry I found out Mr. Jackson has addressed our Congress on the 99er issue twice in January for one minute on each occasion, making a grand total of two minutes of time allotted to 20 million long term unemployed. 

Jackson’s aid further indicated that Speaker of the House Boehner is responsible for the no-action being taken for the 99ers.  Apparently one man is running our Congress and neither Jesse Jackson Jr., nor any other Congress person can do any business without his permission.  If this is true I guess all the rest of the so called representatives might as well come home and stop collecting a pay check and let John Boehner run our Congress as an undisputed dictator.
Continue reading “99ers Tier 5 Supporters – HR 6556 to be Reintroduced Wednesday”

The mainstream propagandists are reporting only 36,000 jobs were created in January, which is far below the 250,000 expected.  In fact 325,000 jobs need to be created each and every month just to keep up with the new people entering the work force that are leaving college and just starting out in their careers.  So how in the world is it possible that the unemployment rate dropped to 9%?  Well I will tell you.  Six million long term unemployed are not being counted as unemployed anymore.  In fact everyone who becomes a 99er is automatically removed from the equation. 

It is now being put forth as a fact that when a person’s unemployment runs out and they have not found a job, it is because they are no longer looking and just do not want one.  As predicted the 99ers have gone from being considered unemployed to being street beggars who prefer that life. 
Continue reading “99ers and Tier 5 Supporters – 9% Unemployment? Fight or Die!”

Those of us who have been able to go grocery shopping this month have noticed about a third less in our shopping cart than was there in previous months.  We have been told the bursting of the housing bubble is the reason we have lost our jobs and been made impoverished.  Well there is now a new bubble we need to worry about.  It is being described in mainstream media as the food bubble.  Apparently the insane amount of money the Federal Reserve has been printing is starting to show its affects on the commodities markets. 

This is and is not an issue involving supply and demand.  You see, the 21st century farmer is selling his crops before they are even grown to speculators.  The whole idea of the speculative selling was originally put forth as a way to insure stable prices to the farmer.  However, as the dollar is being devaluated at an alarming rate, the crops sold next year at a price that would seem reasonable this year are going to leave the farmer short. 
Continue reading “99ers – Another Week, No Tier 5, No Jobs”

There is hardly a newspaper left in this country that is still being printed.  The majority of the people of the United States have come to the point that they no longer believe a single word being told to them by the mainstream media.  The fact is the alternate media on the internet has become the single source for those who demand the truth.

The whole scenario is beginning to seriously worry the international corporate mafia.  This is why you are seeing extreme measures being proposed to censor and control all information going out over the net in the United States.  The propagandists are finding it difficult, if not impossible, to shape our reality and control our actions. 
Continue reading “Rupert Murdoch Announces The Daily News Service for IPad Owners”

99ers living in tent cities in Pennsylvania will be enjoying their holiday feast.  In an effort to participate in Groundhog Day the 99ers adopted a big fat grey rat.  They are calling the rat Punxsutawney Barry Soetoro.  You see while the rich folk on the other side of the tracks are eating pastries and sipping hot toddies preparing for Punxsutawney Phil to appear, the peasants in the tent city will be having their own ceremony.  Wherein the grey rat Barry is let out of his cardboard box at noon on a hill top with a halide light shining over his head, and if he sees his shadow that means six more months with no relief for the long term unemployed.

After the ceremonies the rich folk will be attending party events designed to pamper their every indulgence and allow them to wallow in the delusion that they truly deserve all they have stolen from the rest of us.  The 99ers back at the tent city will be enjoying their own feast, groundhog on a stick.  That, my friends, is the difference between a rich man’s groundhog and a poor man’s.
Continue reading “A 99ers Groundhog Day Cookout”

Is the issue of jobs being addressed by those claiming to represent the people of the United States in the House, Congress, and the Executive?  The answer is no.  The fact is the jobs issue has become nothing more than a political excuse for those currently in power to do anything they want.  If they want to cut a program and give the money for that program to the rich they simply say, “We have to do it to create jobs.”  If they want to keep tax cuts for the rich they say, “It will create jobs.”  If they want to deregulate, which in reality is what caused the economic crisis and the loss of our jobs, they say, “We are doing it to create jobs.” 

I expect any day to see a bill introduced to euthanize all the 99ers in the name of creating 100 jobs running the gas chambers.  The fact is not only has not one job been created by our new Congress, but we are losing thousands every day to further corporate downsizing and a further transfer of jobs overseas. 
Continue reading “99ers Job Diversions”

The United States has a $1.4 trillion budget deficit and economists are saying we simply cannot afford to spend anymore.  If that is true why are we paying to quarter troops in Japan, Germany, South Korea, and in all reality 150 countries around the world?  It has recently been brought front and center that Egypt is the second largest recipient of US foreign aid at $1.55 billion per year.  And of course the chosen people of Israel are number one at $3.175 billion per year.  That is $2.775 billion in military aid coupled with; get this, $400 million in economic aid.  People, our economy is worse than Israel’s so why is this treasonous government borrowing money in our grandchildren’s name to give to the Israelis?  Evidently because they are entitled to it.

According to the government’s user-friendly Web site, Uncle Sam doles out “more than $58 billion a year in foreign assistance through more than 20 agencies.”  This amount is adjusted yearly for inflation and doled out like clockwork.  These are by definition entitlements for citizens of other countries. 
Continue reading “99ers, the Less Unity, the More Violence”

President Obama, in a speech on Friday, said that the people have rights, the right to be heard and have their issues addressed.  He went on to say that to ignore these rights is to invite the people to legitimately rise up against their government.  He further indicated that he supported such uprisings by the people when their adverse conditions are being ignored.  Of course Obama was not talking about the 99ers, or even the people of United States, but rather the people of Egypt.

President Soetoro is not only a two bit liar but a hypocrite to boot.  He talks about his solidarity and support for the people of Egypt who have been ignored by their totalitarian government to the point that they are rioting and being shot down in the streets.  But when it comes to the people of the United States he is projecting a double standard. 
Continue reading “Egyptian Style Rioting in America?”

Vice President Joe Biden, in a Yahoo interview, was asked what the long term unemployed need to do.  To which he responded, “Hang in there.”  He also added that we should stop smoking and eat healthier and exercise in order to bring down health care costs.  Joe Biden does not live on the same planet as the 99ers. 

Three days until the first of February and not one single piece of legislation to help the unemployed in any way has even been introduced in the Congress.  In fact the very word job is being said less and less in the mainstream propaganda.  Meanwhile the filthy rich continue to steal our resources hand over fist.
Continue reading “Joe Biden tells 99ers, “Hang in There””

There were 454,000 new jobless claims last week.  Hey no big deal, at least that is according to the mainstream propagandists.  What is important are corporations continuing to make record profits and the stock market climbing to above 12,000 points.  When the financial crisis hit the stock market was at 14,000, it dropped to 9,000.  So what did that 5,000 drop in points represent?  It was indeed the final result of the numerous Ponzi schemes being run by the off shore banks that had by that time, taken over complete control of the United States government. 

How many times have you heard the mainstream propagandists and politicians say that we all will have to suffer to repair the damage?  Well we 99ers certainly have done our share of suffering.  But it is a natural fact that the top ten percent have not only not suffered, but have prospered in what they are calling a jobless recovery.  A jobless recovery means every one recovers except the jobless. 
Continue reading “99ers, The Citizen Spy Network is coming to Shut us up and Take our Guns”

This newscast occured early today on a Fox News Broadcast.  The local Fox reporter interviewed one of two lawyers that were on the flight with the Underwear Bomber.  This clip was broadcast one time in the early hours of the morning. 
Continue reading “Whistleblower Reveals Underwear Bomber as Government Operation”

Well the State of the Union Address turned out to be nothing more than another campaign speech full of half-hearted promises, many of which we have already heard.  And of course, no mention of the 99ers, though there did seem to be a few issues which all seemed to support.

One issue that got the thumbs up was more corporate tax cuts.  Of course we all realize that when corporate tax cuts are doled out the Chinese companies in America benefit and as China is a communist dictatorship; all business in China is the property of the Chinese government.  Hence corporate tax cuts in America equal more money for the Chinese government.
Continue reading “The Sorry State of the Union”

In checking the Congressional docket I see no mention of HR 6556 which would give 99ers 14 more weeks of unemployment benefits.  Again the only thing being mentioned is more corporate tax cuts and incentives.  The unemployed are 20 million strong or more accurately 20 million weak.  For those of you who still will not accept the reality that the baby boomers were singled out for culling from the work force and comprise the majority of the 99ers, I have a question for you.

Granting the reality of the fact that the 99ers are unorganized tell me this, do our so called representatives not realize that organized or not, as individuals we are going to vote them out of office for no other reason than they have ignored our plight?  Think about it, we represent 20 million votes.  When in the history of our nation has 20 million voters been totally ignored?  The answer is never.
Continue reading “99ers – the Weakest of the Weak”

42% of businesses say they are going to hire someone in 2011.  I wonder in which country the hiring will occur.  13,000 United States Post Offices are to be closed down in 2011 and another 15,000 are being looked at for cuts.  Record unemployment is being seen in the face of record corporate profits.  There are 19 states facing bankruptcy and either we are going to have to, or rather our grandchildren are going to have to, bail them out or they are going to make drastic spending cuts, hence jobs, pensions, and medical packages.  40 million Americans are now receiving food stamps.  Property crimes are on the rise.

11 police officers were shot in the last 24 hours, four of them killed.  In total, 14 police officers have already been killed in the line of duty in 2011.  So what is my point?  Thus far in 2011 we have lost 20 soldiers in Afghanistan, and I think that we call it a minor war.  So would it not suffice to say that there is a minor war going on in our country as present?
Continue reading “Will HR 6556 be Reintroduced or Not?”

Dateline Seattle:  A missing person’s report was filed Thursday evening when record keepers in Heaven came up one short during their roll call.  The case was solved when this reporter found the missing angel, one Emily ChristinaRae Shivley, six pounds, born to Christopher and Amanda Shivley.  Emily was last seen being held by her grandfather like a rich man holds his gold.  The grandfather’s only comment was, “I think we’ll keep her.”

On the January 25, 2011 the con man Soetoro will be attempting to blow as much sunshine up the American public’s arse as is humanly possible.  The event is being billed as the State of the Union Address.  It could be more properly identified as the Pathetic State of the Union Address.

I am sure his speech writers, working with every bit of information provided to them through the corporate think tanks, will make this State of the Union Address the greatest attempt at polishing a turd in our nation’s history.  But at the end of the day that turd will still be a turd, reeking and in need of a flush.
Continue reading “99ers This Situation as a Whole Stinks”

At last, the 112th Congress has returned to work.  So have they passed any legislation that is going to get us jobs?  No.  Has any legislation been introduced to help the long term unemployed?  Well, no.  So what emergency legislation was pushed through Congress, hopefully in time to get it to the Senate, just in time to get it to the President, to save us from slipping off the edge and into the abyss of economic destruction?  Well, none actually.

What was passed in Congress Wednesday was the bill to repeal Obama care.  Oh, thank God, just in the nick of time.  The bill is scheduled to go to the Senate where it is expected to be voted down and in the unlikely event that the bill gets past the Senate, President Obama has already said he will veto it.  Being a 99er and watching this crap is akin to a drowning man watching the people on the boat polishing the rope.
Continue reading “99ers Get Prepared”