Casey Anthony was released from the Orange County Jail in Orlando, Florida early Sunday morning and whisked away to an unknown location.  Apparently there are a lot of people who want to kill Ms. Anthony as the government has failed in its effort to do so.

Who did these twelve people making up her jury think they were in refusing to convict her on circumstantial evidence, which was not allowed in our courts just twenty years ago?  How could they have possibly had a doubt as to her guilt when hundreds of thousands of Americans, following her case through the unbiased news sources, are so sure she did it?
Continue reading “Casey Anthony’s Release from Jail Raises Questions”

As the debate in Washington rages as to who is going to get screwed next, the 99ers fall further into obscurity.  In watching a report on FOX News on Sunday I heard one economist saying that we give too much unemployment in the United States and that is why we have such high unemployment.  Well I hope that man dies of stomach cancer next week.  I am so sick of these rich bastards popping up on my television screen to blame this whole mess on the victims.

It was the massive fraud on Wall Street, with tentacles stretching out across the globe, which facilitated the fraudulent Ponzi schemes.  It was the bought off treasonous dirt bags in our government that passed NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT, which pays big rich corporations to move our industry and jobs out of this country.   It is the theft of our natural resources which is leaving us destitute today.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Extension – Henry has the Solution to the Unemployment Problem”

The following article was originally published June 16, 2011 on the Alpha Omega Report and as you will see contains several things which have already come to be.

St. Moritz, Switzerland  June 9-12

The agenda for the Bilderberg 2011 Conference included a variety of topics.

According to leaks from at least one attendee, the topic of primary concern involves the “Arab Spring” revolts and efforts to widen the revolt into a regional war to produce regime-change and trigger a wider, world war. Part of the plan was for NATO to engage Libya’s dictator in a military conflict that would trigger a regional war. Continue reading “Bilderberg 2011 Agenda”

The biggest problem the 99ers and those supporting the HR 589 Unemployment Extension are facing is communicating our cause to one another and the American public at large.  The issue of the long term unemployed is becoming more predominant in every discussion day by day.  But that is because it is a part of the looming crisis that is threatening to bring our country to its knees.  I have yet to see an in-depth piece that truly depicts the plight of the 99ers and this is due to the increasing censorship of the media in every quarter.

I know FOX News to be the epitome of opinion and spin but it has recently been revealed that individuals in the Obama administration have been denying FOX News access to Obama’s cabinet members, aides and advisors.
Continue reading “99ers Why Does is Seem HR 589 Unemployment Extension has Ceased to Exist?”

It’s just another miserable day in the lives of the 99ers.  President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, during a news conference yesterday, when questioned in reference to his position on extending payroll tax extensions and unemployment insurance, said,

“I think both would be good for the economy.  A payroll tax cut is something that has put a thousand dollars in the pocket of the typical American family over the last six, seven months and has helped offset some of the rising costs in gasoline and food.  And I think that American consumers and American businesses would benefit from a continuation of that tax cut next year.
Continue reading “99ers Will Obama Advocate for HR 589 Unemployment Extension?”

The new jobless claims number dropped, plummeted, plunged to a measly, insignificant 405,000.  Obama did it.  Full employment, how could we have ever doubted him for a moment?  Now we can all pitch in some of our new found wealth to get rid of those draconian unfair taxes on the profits of the rich.

Personally I have not been sleeping well, knowing of the deplorable condition the rich are finding themselves in.  They should have never been taxed.  It is wrong, it has always been wrong.  And let’s face it, it would have never been necessary had it not been for the insatiable greed of the old, the poor, the sick, and the most deplorable of all, those goddamn greedy bastards, in the middle class who seem to think the world owes them the right to work and earn a living.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – The Rich were Right We are Wrong”

Neo-cons and socialists alike were cheering as Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, hinted of a QE3, which means more stimulus dollars for the rich.  The DOW shot up 170 points but calmed to about 44 by the end of the day.  I guess the thieves thought twice about taking so much profit in one lump so late in the week as the new jobless claim numbers will be coming out today.  I swear sometimes their duplicity shines.

Stuart Varney, the staunch right wing conservative, could hardly sit still and was downright giddy in announcing the possibility of QE3 and pointing out its positive effect on the stock market.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension It’s Going to be All Right, Bernanke is Giving Us QE3”

President Obama, if anyone cares to still call him that, has enacted new reporting rules for firearms sales in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and California using some illogical logic combining the Tucson, Arizona shooting and the fact that firearms from the United States are being used by the drug lords to commit crimes.

To start with, Jared Lee Laughner is so deranged that he could have very easily used a motor vehicle in his crime and done just as much, if not more, damage.  As for the guns in Mexico, the Mexican drug cartels can buy their guns any where they want.  They just choose the United States because they can buy the weapons directly from the ATF, who provides them security in taking them back across the border, and also in bringing the drugs into the United States to pay for them.
Continue reading “Obama Attacks the 2nd Amendment”

The lies of the propaganda machine came crashing down this past week.  All the sunshine they had been blowing up our arses in reporting that the economy and jobs were getting better, was shown to be a pack of lies.

It is amazing, right up until the crash in 2008, the so called economists told bald faced lies in reference to the upcoming crash that they knew was on the way.  Through the lies the general population lost more money in the phony stock market crash than they would have had they known the truth.  And of course all of this was common knowledge…for a while.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Our Attacks on the Press are Showing Results”

Does everyone remember back when the Euro was being made the new European currency?  The Euro was introduced to the world markets back in 2002.  Since then look what has happened.  The international bankers have used it and the debt attached to destroy Europe as surely as the dollar is being used to destroy the United States.

It looks like Italy will be the next world power to suffer for the international fraud committed by Lehman Brothers.  Are the Italians working any less hard than they were back in 2002?  Are they producing less?  No, but somehow their country will go bankrupt if they cannot get another bailout at 30% interest.  This is deliberate destruction.  How the countries of this world allow themselves to be lulled into this trap escapes me.
Continue reading “Italy Following Greece into Second Round of Austerity”

Well this week has started out pretty much as predicted with both sides of the false left-right paradigm trying to use our misery to further their agendas.  They say we must raise the debt ceiling….or else!   The phony left says they cannot go forward because the phony right will not give in on tax hikes.  The phony right is saying they cannot go forward because the phony left will not allow them to take Social Security and Medicare unless the phony right agrees to tax hikes.

This whole scenario is as staged as a Broadway production.  All of these bastards in the one party system know that this country has already gone bankrupt.  Hell we have been living in receivership for a hundred years.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Ignore the Blame Game Prepare for War”

There is an old saying, “Good fences make good neighbors” and that assertion has proven to be fact on the U.S./Mexican border.  Because we lack a fence we are seeing our neighbor’s bad behavior spilling over our border and affecting us in our own lives.  41 Mexicans were killed on Monday in Mexico and because we have no fence the incident is being described as a threat to our security.  Well, duh.

It has evidently become our concern that that Mexican Zetas, which are ex-Mexican military special forces that received enhanced training in the United States, are now vying for control of the Mexican drug cartels that they started out as private armies for.  And today we have to wonder if some of those people shot in Mexico were not killed using guns sold to the Zetas by our ATF, of which said sales were sanctioned by our government from the President down.
Continue reading “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, Especially When the Mexican Zetas Are Your Neighbors”

This article was posted in Time’s online site on July 5th, no doubt as a reaction to the cry of foul by the patriot community that shook the net after their July 4th Time Magazine cover and article attempting to shred our Constitution.

The $1.3 trillion mentioned in this article would be a step in the right direction.  And if it only turned out to be a trillion and would only take us to next summer and the heart of the 2012 election with a new debt ceiling crisis, I’m sorry, but that would be perfect.

As for Time’s contention that it would look bad if we made the Fed tear up this phony debt, well I hate to pop anyone’s bubble, but it already looks bad, like the surface of the water does to a drowning person going down for a third time.
Continue reading “Debt Ceiling: Could Ron Paul's Plan Save Us From Disaster, Twice?”

As the investigation into the ATF’s selling guns to the Mexican drug cartels expands, in the wider picture the international insurgency into the United States being conducted by Mexican nationals and traitors within our own government is expanding accordingly.  It is now being revealed that FBI agents were using US tax dollars to purchase guns for the drug cartels without the US Congress having any knowledge of these actions.

What is being called a “botched operation” is in reality a blatant act of treason for monetary gain.  And as, right or wrong, these actions happened and are happening during a time of war, those committing treason should be facing the death penalty.  But this will never happen, because at the top of this treasonous insurgency is the same international banks that have and continue to commit international fraud unfettered in literally every country around the world.
Continue reading “Operation Gunrunner – More of the Mexican Insurgency Coming to Light”

Last week it was revealed that NATO is running low on bombs for Libya.  To date 2000 have been dropped, the majority being on Tripoli.  But this is not city busting nor genocide being committed on Libyan civilians.  According to our illustrious president this isn’t even war.  It is in fact a humanitarian effort designed to save lives.

They can take Libya out of the mainstream news but the lie it represents is not just going to go away.

They say the battle in Libya is one for democracy.  Quite frankly I do not believe in democracy, but working on that theory democracy is supposed to mean that the majority rules.  However the reality of the day is that we continue to pound the majority with our love bombs to further the cause of the minority, which is in reality made up of Al Qaida insurgents, of which our service members are locked in mortal combat with in four other countries.
Continue reading “Libyans will not Reach our Nation’s Capital”

In discussing the feasibility of voting Texas Congressman Ron Paul into the White House in 2012, it has been asserted at From the Trenches that we not only have to elect him but do so with an overwhelming majority.  Many have predicted that if Dr. Paul is elected the international corporate mafia will nullify our decision through a theft of the election, as was done to Al Gore in 2000.  This hypothesis is certainly a possibility, and thus the need for an overwhelming majority and the commitment that if the election is stolen or Dr. Paul assassinated, we will bare our liberty teeth and take our Republic back by force.

This issue has proven to be very real by none other than Time Magazine.  On June 16th Time announced that it would be conducting an online poll to determine who the people wanted as the GOP challenger to Barack Obama, wherein citizens across the nation would go online to Time’s site and cast their vote.  At the end of the contest the candidate with the most votes would appear on the cover of the July 8th edition of Time Magazine.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Will our Vote for Ron Paul be Counted?”

There are at present over a million practicing attorneys in the United States.  These creatures represent the true leaches on the butt of society.  The fact is our founding fathers gave us a system of law contained in our Bill of Rights that, for all intents and purposes, eliminates any need for any attorney.  I challenge anyone reading this article to put forth any issue that cannot be settled using this simple common law system.

All practicing attorneys are members of the BAR.  So what is the BAR?  Most people think it is a government entity that monitors and regulates the practice of law.  Wrong.  Think of the BAR Association like a pyramid, starting at the top with the international, British Accredited Registry, operating out of and for the Queen’s court.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension The Un-Attorned Truth”

#1 Right now, the U.S. government says that 14.1 million Americans are unemployed.

#2 There are fewer payroll jobs in the United States today than there were back in 2000 even though we have added 30 million people to the population since then.

#3 The number of Americans that are “not in the labor force” is at an all-time high.

#4 The United States has never had an employment downturn this deep and this prolonged since World War 2 ended.
Continue reading “40 Facts That Prove The Working Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out”