The other day I needed to go to the emergency room. Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my MAGIC GREEN HAT. When I went into the E.R., I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left.
Well this summer is flying by, we are now in the last week of July and can safely say that in the 218 days since the 112th Congress convened, not one goddamn job has been created. And we are now looking at a 13th week of 400,000+ newly unemployed. And of course since Google removed From the Trenches from its news index the mainstream propagandists are not even saying the word “job” anymore.
Some of you have suggested that we contact the larger patriot sites and let them know of our plight, and if the patriot movement and the sites involved therein were consolidated toward the single cause of the reinstitution of our Republic under our Constitution, said contact would seem the logical thing to do. There is just one little problem. It is called money. Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Milking the Revolution”
Last week, Carmen Álvarez Excelsior wrote a report for claiming the notorious drug gang Los Zetas will attempt to overthrow the Mexican government next year using weapons sent by the United States.
The Arizona’s Build the Border Fence project raised $80,000 in its first two days. I cannot say what it has done since then as it would seem the issue has been taken out of the news index from the mainstream to the internet. The last article I wrote on this subject was not indexed in the news by Google. I think we are seeing a C-change in the information world wherein the truth is now considered non-news. Of course it is not news to us that the news being indexed is more lies than not. Continue reading “Arizona’s Build the Border Fence Project Suffering News Blackout”
If you have been following the mainstream propaganda at all you have seen that jobs have been completely removed from the discussion. We lost 418,000 jobs last week. From last Thursday up to today another 210,000 have lost their jobs and joined the ranks of the unemployed. And come Thursday it will be 420,000. And of course the international elite will have managed to plunder our nation for another week. Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension Supporters – The Truth Behind the Debt-Ceiling Crisis”
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This statement may have been true in our country at one time but it is not anymore. Or maybe there just aren’t any tough people left. Have we become America, land of the candy-ass, home of the slave? A people with something to lose will naturally take a lot more shit as they do not want to risk what they have. But for Christ’s sake when a people who have had everything taken and are being abused every day can do nothing more than avert their eyes and tremble, it must be said to be nothing more than pure cowardice.
I know our enemies control all the resources but I could never imagine being reduced to the point that I was afraid to shout my curses at them and spit in their faces if I could get close enough. You so called men out there, have you ingested so much fluoride from the water and synthetic estrogen from the plastic bottles you drink out of, that your balls have shrunken to useless raisins hanging between your legs? Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Let's Bring Back Dueling”
My next review from our Red Pill Documentaries page is The New American Century. This film was created in 2009 by Massimo Mazzucco, and covers the Project for the New American Century and the people behind this absurdly evil plan.
Many people in this country have heard of The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), but I do not believe that a majority of those people truly understand the goals of this project. After watching this film it becomes obvious that PNAC was nothing more than a push to transform our nation into a one that uses military force to rule the world. Continue reading “Red Pill Documentary Review: The New American Century”
From the Trenches World Report continues to suffer from the despicable actions being perpetrated by Google. Our new articles are not being indexed in Google News and every day our old articles that are indexed are fading into the past. I had hoped that as From the Trenches had been put forth as a tool for the 99ers that, after our followers realized what was going on, our people would roll up their sleeves and go to work countering the actions being taken by Google by spreading the word of the injustice throughout the net. This is not occurring and in all truth, I am not surprised.
Rather than becoming enraged at having their communications taken away, the 99ers have cowered and tried to distance themselves from the site. I guess, believing that if the powerful are coming after us here at From the Trenches, it’s probably best to distance oneself as those powerful people might try hurting them in some way. Continue reading “99ers, How Long Will We Endure These Bullies?”
There are 418,000 newly unemployed this week, making twelve weeks with over 400,000, making 4.8 million new unemployed in the last three months. And what of HR 589 unemployment extension? Well Barbara Lee says she thinks Obama is thinking about it. Wonder what makes her think that? What do you think?
Considering the overall average, one would have to believe that in addition to the 4.8 million new unemployed there are 4.8 million new 99ers, who of course are no longer counted in the unemployment percentage, leaving a scenario wherein the unemployment percentage number only rises when it gets twice as bad, twice as fast. And it did rise in June. Continue reading “4.8 Million More 99ers Needing HR 589 Unemployment Extension”
In a further attempt to destroy From the Trenches World Report Google yesterday failed to index an article by Rachel Cohen entitled Help Arizona Build a Fence on the Border. We at From the Trenches are working to acquire the necessary information to serve Google civilly. It is difficult as we will have to coordinate with militias in California for the procurement for the filing of liens.
As previously mentioned Google got its seed money from the CIA and for all intents and purposes they are one with the traitors in our government. They have sought to break one of the last communications the 99ers have. We have seen our hit numbers cut in half as a lot of the people who come to From the Trenches do so by putting “99ers” and “HR 589 unemployment extension” into a Google search. Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Further Attacks from the Communists at Google”
In the face of new revelations revealing the AFT’s involvement in running guns into Mexico with the approval of the insurgents in our government, at least up to the level of our Attorney General, the great sovereign State of Arizona once again has stepped up to the plate to lead the resistance in the United States.
Arizona has launched a campaign to raise money to build a fence on their southern border as they are no longer going to tolerate the federal government’s pro-illegal invasion policies. Those involved in the movement are reaching out to every citizen in every state and asking for donations to pay for the construction of the fence. Continue reading “Help Arizona Build a Fence on the Border”
What do you do when the cool kids at Google won’t let you hang out in their tree house? Why, you build one of your own, of course.
That’s the approach that members of Anonymous are taking after several affiliated accounts belonging to members of the hacktivist collective were barred from using Google Plus, the Web giant’s latest foray into social media. Continue reading “Anonymous hackers start their own social network”
Those are the words that punk pioneer Iggy Pop barked out in his 1973 anthem “Search and Destroy,” and now Google is taking a cue from the rock and roll legend as they turn up the heat on a group of Belgian newspaper that filed a lawsuit against the search engine superstars recently and won. Continue reading “Search or destroy: Google bans Belgian papers from web results”
Well the 99er issue and the 99ers were supposed to have disappeared by now. But despite the best efforts of the corporate elite we have not, as some among us have refused to be swept under the carpet and forgotten. Now Google is attempting to define and enforce a policy that defines who and what a 99er is, and what is news to a 99er.
Either you report the dogma from the false left paradigm (vote in social communism for jobs) or you report the false right paradigm (submit to corporate elitist rule and they will let you be their slaves). Considering it is the internet the 99ers have come to to organize for resistance, Google has to be considered the worst enemy we have. But is it not just us. Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters, Put Brin, Page, and Zuckerman on Your List”
The 99ers, HR 589, and Ron Paul supporters are deliberately being kept out of the corporate owned mainstream news media and likewise all three have turned to the internet to organize and get their message out. The fact is the mainstream media has become a laughingstock as their attempts to alter our reality have become pathetic in their desperation. The mainstream tried coming on the net to use their power and money to dominate. Once again to no avail as their propaganda, designed to move the masses, is having little or no affect on the individual seeking valid information.
NATO has launched a new round of airstrikes in Libya targeting Misurata, a major oil port, which makes perfect sense. When the oil is refined it is then put into tanks, which emit carbon monoxide, which causes cancer, which kills people. Thus, it is completely logical to bomb oil as a part of our humanitarian mission.
The mainstream media is very excited about the new bombings, saying they may allow the tin anti-government rebels to take control of the oil facilities, which will allow them to sell the oil to procure more money to buy more weapons to kill more people. Which is okay, at least they will not be dying of carbon monoxide poisoning. Continue reading “Further NATO Airstrikes in Libya”