Well the actors pretending to be our representatives have come forth through their propagandists mouthpieces and declared that, “Gee golly, things are worse than we thought. Come to find out things have actually been getting worse over the past year rather than getting better.” They are saying that their estimates were wrong and are now running polls to see if we the people think the situation is getting worse or better. The whole scenario would be laughable if the implications to millions of us were not so dire.
Let’s look at it like this. They have now admitted that rather than gaining jobs we have been losing jobs by the millions. So do you think they would be willing to take it a step further and admit that all those nasty things they have been saying about the long term unemployed have also been wrong and untrue? You know, like ”There’s plenty of jobs out there,” and “We are lazy and just want to kick back and enjoy the good life, hungry and living in the streets.”
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Unemployment Extension – We Want More Than the Illusion of Jobs and Prosperity”