Since recorded history the Jewish people have been exiled from 109 countries around the world.  In researching the subject various reasons are given for the conflicts between Jews and other people.  But the main consensus seems to be that the Jewish people do and have always set themselves apart and elite from the rest of the peoples of the world.

Jews make up about .2% of the world’s population, yet wield such power and influence around the globe as to make it an inescapable conclusion of logic that they have created their own power structure with a foundation rooted in the belief that they are superior to the rest of humanity, which they put at the level of the beasts of the field.  And like the beasts of the field, the rest of humanity, they believe, has been put here by their God to serve their wants and perceived needs.
Continue reading “Will Political Correctness Lead to a Second Holocaust?”

After coming to the conclusion that not only has our economy not been getting better, but is indeed getting worse, I was at an impasse as to what action I should take.  I knew I was going to change directions, but on which path would I find any hope for returning to work.  After long consideration I decided to create my own job.

As From the Trenches has grown exponentially since coming online, I concluded that the truth might indeed set me free.  That is when I made the decision to take out loans and return to school to learn radio broadcasting.  It is my intent to add a live broadcast to From the Trenches when I finish school in September.
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Supporters, Henry Gets another Unemployment Extension”

Well the tide is turning against the neo-cons, though they did have a hell of a run at it, especially having lost the presidency, the House, and Senate in 2008.  Give the devil his due as they used the backlash against the Democans to catapult themselves back into control of the Congress with yet another phony roadmap/mandate from the people while masquerading as Tea Partiers.  Beyond comprehension, they managed to secure tax cuts for the top 2% while further exporting our jobs and economy overseas.

Many people are looking at the stock market and saying, “Good deal; the rich are losing wealth.”  Wrong.  What the rich are doing is transferring the wealth they have stolen from us.  You have to remember, wealth does not cease to exist.  When you see the US stock exchange going down, know that another market in another country, using another currency is going up.  This is how the corporate elite have been funneling the wealth out of our country since the market’s inception.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking Unemployment Extension, HR 589 Supporters, Americans, Exile the Corporate Elite into the One World Order”

As Lady Liberty drops to her knees with the international corporate mafia’s dagger in her back, the elites are gathering in Switzerland to plan the coup de gras at the Bilderberg meeting.  So I wonder what new schemes they are cooking up.  How about a QE3 and a war on Iran?  These kinds of things are always good for business.

It never ceases to amaze me how the American citizens, who are in reality the most powerful sovereigns on this planet, just kept trudging along with their eyes on their feet as their power was used to further the goal of their destruction.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking Unemployment Extensions HR 589 Supporters Our Enemies are in Switzerland at the Bilderberg Meeting”

Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament

“Italian politician, member of the Northern League, and member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Mario Borghezio, was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security yesterday as he attempted to enter the meeting and protest its secretive globalist agenda. He was reportedly accompanied by other EU members.

Remarkably, Borghezio’s maltreatment went unreported in the United States. This would be analogous to the beating of a member of Congress going unreported by the media.
Continue reading “More Going On At Bilderberg Meeting In Switzerland”

“Thanks to the fantastic work of Bilderberg activists, journalists and the Swiss media, we have now been able to obtain the full official list of 2011 Bilderberg attendees. Routinely, some members request that their names be kept off the roster so there will be additional Bilderbergers in attendance. has confirmed several more names of Bilderberg attendees not on the previously published list, including Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the former PM of Spain, former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.”

Continue reading “Bilderberg Group 2011: Full Official Attendee List”

Foreclosures in the U.S. continue on at a record rate.  Home equity is at its lowest point since 1947.  Weekly new jobless claims came in at 427,000.  A record deficit.  A record debt.  A country in the deepest depression it has experienced since its inception.  So what is the number one news story in the United States?  Anthony Weiner says he will not resign as more of his colleagues call for him to do so.

In case you have been living under a rock in Siberia and haven’t heard, I will let you in on what’s going on.  Congressman Anthony Weiner photo-texted a picture of his wiener to six women and then denied he did so.  I have to believe that the folks at CNN, NSNBC, and FOX are making sacrifices to the propaganda gods in thanks for Congressman Weiner’s indiscretions, as it is literally impossible to fill a 24 hour news cycle with a single story about a mother who may or may not have killed her child.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters, Henry Addresses the 99ers Regarding an Unemployment Extension”

If there were ever any doubts that the corporate elite hold we the people in complete contempt those doubts should be dispelled.  General Motors is at present pushing for a one dollar per gallon additional gas tax.  The purpose of the tax is to force us to buy their new hybrids.  I guess they might force those in the middle class, but as for the rest of us, we will be reduced to being permanent pedestrians.

This is socialism in its most communistic form.  They have taken our right to take our personal property down the public road and turned it into a privilege.  Now they are going to turn that privilege into a social advantage.
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Supporters, Long Term Unemployed – It’s Time to Hurt Back”

It has only taken five days for the neo-cons to take the reality of the deplorable condition of jobs in the United States, and the fact that the problem only continues to grow worse because of the wanton neglect of our so called representatives to address it, and turn it 180 degrees around to become more deregulation of the bastards that destroyed us after we deregulated them, more tax cuts for the same dirt bags, or else they are going to punish us by completely destroying our economy.

And of course the socialists are saying that the problem could have been a lot worse and the only answer is more stimulus for the same rich bastards that did this to us.  I guess they want to send more green energy dollars to China for research and development.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Slaves Have a Job”

The United States Supreme Court has joined the group of insurrectionists attacking our Constitution and the sovereignty of our country.  The court rejected challenges to a California law that give illegal invaders in-state rates on college tuitions, while legal citizens from every other state in our union are forced to pay the full rate.

Let’s step back and look at this issue.  Get out a map that has North America on it.  Look at California.  Look north of California, you see the sovereign State of Oregon, which is one of the fifty United States of the Americas.  The people of the State of Oregon pay federal taxes, a part of which supports the colleges in the State of California.  The people of the State of Oregon are charged out-of-state tuition rates if they go to college in California.
Continue reading “Supreme Court Rules Against U.S. Constitution and for Mexico”

Alabama’s legislature has passed an Arizona style immigration bill which is now awaiting the signature of Governor Robert Bentley.  The bill was passed on votes of 67-29 in the House and 25-7 in the Senate.  The new law will allow for law enforcement to investigate the legal status of those they reasonably suspect of being in the country illegally.

It will also make it a crime for an illegal alien to apply for a job in the state.  The law will also require all employers to use E-Verify to establish the citizenship of all applicants.  Sanctuary cities will be outlawed.  Further it will make it a crime to transport and or harbor illegal aliens.  And I like this one best of all.  Any business twice convicted of hiring illegals will lose their business license.

Continue reading “Alabama Legislature Strikes a Blow for Legal Americans”

The very same economists who were hyping the lie of a recovery are now saying that the unemployment rate is going to stay about the same at 9% through 2012.  99ers, bear in mind that as hundreds of thousands more join our ranks they will cease to be counted.  This is one aspect of long term unemployment that continues to be buried along with the 99ers it represents.

New polls are showing that 80% of Americans are angry at “Business as usual” in Washington DC.  Well, duh.  The fact is the unemployment rate has been at 9% or higher 23 out of the past 25 months and with the renewed foreclosures causing home prices to plummet again, even those still employed can see the writing on the wall.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – What If”

On March 19th American war planes attacked the sovereign country of Libya.  This act was a violation of international and United States law.  The people of the United States were told that the act was necessary in order to prevent the deaths of innocent civilians.  All through the Middle East and Northern Africa innocent civilians are being shot every day and these actions are being condemned as the crimes against humanity they represent.

However, last Friday when unarmed protesters from Syria crossed an imaginary line on its border with Israel they were shot down in cold blood.  For two days the outrage went without explanation except to say that the protesters had provoked the Israelis.  The protesters were simply walking onto land that had been taken from them by the invading Israelis.
Continue reading “Protesters Blatantly Murdered by Israeli Government”

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) OH, in an interview on MSNBC, said the House was giving President Obama two weeks to explain his actions in Libya.  We all know that the US air invasion of Libya was and is a violation of US and international law.  Kucinich said during the interview that Gaddafi was, before the violence broke out, trying to implement a democratic system at the local level.

Another measure introduced in the House that called for an immediate withdrawal from Libya was of course defeated.  I guess we have to continue enforcing that no-fly-zone by attacking the Libyan ground forces and bombing Gaddafi’s home.
Continue reading “The Invasion of Libya is Another Lie”

Florida’s Governor Rick Scott has signed a new law that would make it mandatory for welfare recipients to be drug tested.  Scott says American tax payer dollars should not be subsidizing the drug habits of the poor.  Scott recently made it mandatory for state employees working under him to undergo random urinalyses.  On a CNN interview Scott was asked what evidence he had that the poor were using welfare monies to buy drugs.  He was asked this question twice.  And twice he said there are studies that indicate that it is true.

In a follow up interview, CNN talked to Howard Simon of the ACLU.  Simon said that only one study of drug use among welfare recipients had been conducted in Florida.  He further stated the study was ended when no evidence of said drug use could be found.
Continue reading “Florida Welfare Recipients to be Drug Tested, Will the CEOs on Wall Street be Next?”

It is being reported that if the United States Congress does not raise our debt limit, Moody’s is going to drop our credit rating.  So just what or who is Moody’s?  Well I will tell you.  Moody’s Corporation is the parent company of Moody’s Investors Service, which provides credit ratings and research covering debt instruments and securities.  Moody’s is also the organization that gave Triple A ratings to the bad derivatives made up of the toxic mortgages that resulted in the economic collapse.

It worked like this.  The banks made loans that they doubted could be paid back; high risk, high interest loans.  They then packaged those bad loans into derivatives, after which they hired Moody’s to evaluate these toxic loans and give them a fraudulent Triple A rating, after which they were purchased by institutions like workers’ pension plans consisting of 401Ks.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – The Banksters Want More”

It seems every politician is now attempting to make our Constitution a buzz word in every speech.  Sarah Palin has a copy of it on the side of her bus.  Well I have a message for those who think they can hijack the cause of the American people of the American race.  Constitution is not a buzz word.  It is a living reality and we the people are understanding its true meaning more and more every day, while people like Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin attempt to degrade its significance by commercializing it.

Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin are laughable in their lack of knowledge of American history.  Their attempts to assert the righteousness of their neo-con elitist’s views using our Constitution, is an insult to our intelligence.
Continue reading “99ers, Unemployed – Referendum from the People to Dr. Ron Paul”