Shoeless Joe

Sharon Bowen thought her late husband was a bit crazy for buying a scrapbook filled with black and white photos of Cleveland ballplayers from the early 1900s — but not anymore. It turns out that book held what may be the only autographed photo of Shoeless Joe Jackson, the Holy Grail of baseball signatures.

Jackson, who was tossed out of baseball for throwing the 1919 World Series and remembered in the movie “Field of Dreams,” was illiterate and rarely signed anything but paychecks and legal documents, making his autographs among the rarest in sports.   Continue reading “Rare Shoeless Joe Jackson autograph photo may bring $100,000”

Washington’s Blog

Governments from Around the World Admit They Do It

There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes.

In the following 42 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admits to it, either orally or in writing:   Continue reading “42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks”

My Fox Atlanta – by Dale Russell

UPSON COUNTY, Ga. – With so many tragic stories of school violence in recent memory, every threat must be taken seriously.

But, FOX 5 I-team Senior Reporter Dale Russell has been investigating a bomb threat made at one Georgia elementary school in Upson County that has some asking if “zero tolerance” has gone too far.   Continue reading “Sheriff charges 9-year-old autistic child with making bomb threat”

AP PORT LABOR A F USA CAUSA Today – by Chris Woodyard

LOS ANGELES — West Coast ports were expected to reopen to shipping Monday after a weekend shutdown that heightened labor tensions and hinted at the ongoing dispute’s potential to sap billions of dollars from the U.S. economy.

At the normally busy Port of Los Angeles, cranes sat idly perched over ships stacked high with containers during the weekend while other loaded vessels bobbed at anchor offshore. The terminal operators’ decision to shut down ship movements at 29 West Coast ports affected not only goods such as cars, clothing, building materials and electronics from Asia, but also American agricultural exports.   Continue reading “West Coast ports to reopen after weekend shutdown”

CCC small spiritofcccJames Bovard

Few things vanish from public memory more quickly than government atrocities. When I was growing up on a mountainside across from the Shenandoah National Park in the 1960s, no one spoke of the injustices committed against the mountaineers brutally expelled from their homes in the 1930s to create that park. Instead, all that mattered in Front Royal, Virginia, my nearby hometown and the northern entrance of the park, was that the tourists the park attracted were good for local business.

Now, almost 80 years after the park was opened, more attention is finally being paid to the redneck ethnic cleansing committed by both the state and federal government. “Shenandoah: A Story of Conservation and Betrayal,” by Sue Eisenfeld, a Johns Hopkins University writing instructor, beautifully captures the mountain people and the official vendetta that made them refugees from their own land.   Continue reading “Wash. Times: Redneck Ethnic Cleansing Recalled”

Alexis Tsipras | Source: PressenzaSent to us by Human Wrongs Watch.

Human Wrongs Watch – by Tony Robinson, Pressenza

Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, addressed parliament on 8 February 2015 to outline a number of measures that seek to end the enormous suffering inflicted on the population over the five years of austerity imposed by the troika of institutions.

Included in the first wave of policies are:   Continue reading “Greece says, “Antio litotita” (Goodbye austerity)”

Missing Vets KRGV ScreenshotAnd I’m sure the U.S. government will sit and do nothing about them.

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

MCALLEN, Texas – Two American citizens who are U.S. Army veterans remain missing after taking a trip to the Mexican border city of Matamoros.

According to information released to Breitbart Texas by Brownsville Police, Ernesto and Jesus Garcia had travelled to Matamoros on January 30th to visit relatives. The two brothers were supposed to drive back to Brownsville on Monday at around 2 a.m. They have not been heard from.   Continue reading “Two US Army Vets Missing In Mexican Border City With Raging Cartel War”

Senate TourBreitbart – by Lana Shadwick

MISSION, Texas – A bipartisan delegation of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) was at Anzalduras Park on the Rio Grande border on Saturday. Breitbart Texas was there when Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI), ranking member Tom Carper (D-DE), and committee member Ben Sasse (R-NE), finished their Rio Grande tour of the war-torn region near Reynosa and Matamoros.

The Park is located across the river from Reynosa and Matamoros, and security was tight with two armed escort boats and at least one helicopter overhead. The region is currently the scene of a bloody war between factions of the Gulf Cartel and the violence appears to be escalating. It is also the region where two U.S. Army veterans are currently missing.   Continue reading “Homeland Security Committee Senators Tour War-Torn Texas Border Region”

AP Photo/Manuel Balce CenetaBreitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On Sunday, MSNBC aired Melissa Harris-Perry’s interview of Attorney General Eric Holder and he said the “single failure” of his tenure as AG was the failure to secure gun control.

In the interview, Harris-Perry looked at Holder and said, “You once said the worst day in office was the day that you had to walk through the bloodied aftermath” following the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary. She said, “Children were slaughtered in their classrooms and we have not made any meaningful progress on changing the access to guns in this country. Are we a nation of cowards when it comes to guns?”   Continue reading “Eric Holder: Inability to Pass Gun Control My ‘Single Failure’”

LastJudgementA.jpgBATR, December 5, 2005

You don’t have to be a follower of Cyrus Scofield to be duped into believing that the rogue nation of Israel is Zion.  All those ‘faithfully challenged’ love their celebrated dispensationalist saint.  But what about the remaining secular nut cases that run to the defense of that despotic state that claims to be a democracy?  “O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!” – yes we are all Hamlets when it come to being exploited by the propagandists of perdition.   Continue reading “USrael and Armageddon”

Video Rebel’s Blog

On the day Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Kiev to talk to America’s puppets their currency, the hryvnia, dropped 35% in value.

Ukraine’s farm lands survived the Holomodor, World War II and even Chernobyl but they might not survive Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). GMO does not make a new plant by crossing two species. They splice proteins from one species into another. A hideous example would be the scientist who genetically spliced a protein form a spider into a salmon. More commonly GMO foods are designed to grow a Bt pesticide inside the corn (maize) that kills insects who eat the crop. Monsanto does not have to prove its products are safe to humans. The American government sells approval for campaign contributions. Monsanto fed Bt corn to mice for 90 days. They then shut the experiment down at the end of 3 months.   Continue reading “Ukraine: Lose This War Before Monsanto Ruins Your Farms!”

00000000000000000000000000000000000Free Thought Project – by Cassandra Rules

Burlington, IA– On January 6, Burlington Police Department officer Jesse Hill shot and killed unarmed 34-year-old Autumn Mae Steele in front of her husband and their 4-year-old son.  The officer was supervising a domestic dispute when he deemed it necessary to shoot the family’s dog, Sammy, but shot Autumn instead.

Witnesses say the dog was being playful, but the officer “felt threatened” when the dog jumped on his back, so the officer pulled out and began shooting.  At some point, the officer slipped and fell as he was firing, and one of the bullets struck Steele in her chest.   Continue reading “After Cop Kills Woman In Front of her Husband and 4-year-old Son, Police Took the Family Dog Too”

In different times, Janice Crouch, Brittany and Michael Koper and Paul CrouchWND – by Bob Unruh

The former chief financial officer of Trinity Broadcasting, the nation’s largest Christian broadcasting network, has filed a lawsuit against her former company and its top bosses for allegedly threatening her with a loaded gun when she objected to “unlawful distributions” of $100 million to themselves and others.

The lawsuit was filed Jan. 29 by Brittany Koper, the granddaughter of TBN founder Paul Crouch Sr., who died last year, and her husband, Michael Koper, against Trinity Christian Center, International Christian Broadcasting, Matthew Crouch, Janice Crouch and John Casoria.   Continue reading “Held at gunpoint’: Scandal rocks biggest Christian network”

Automobile traffic backs-up as it travels north from San Diego to Los Angeles along Interstate Highway 5 in California December 10, 2013. REUTERS/Mike BlakeThe Daily Caller – by Peter Fricke

A new poll shows that more than two-thirds of American voters oppose any increase in the federal gas tax, even if the proceeds would be spent on infrastructure projects.

The poll was conducted by Freedom Partners, a nonpartisan free-market advocacy organization, and asked respondents to evaluate statements incorporating the primary arguments made by both supporters and opponents of increasing the gas tax.   Continue reading “Poll: Voters Resoundingly Reject Gas Tax Increase”

kitch_knifeGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

A hitchhiker in Kentucky learned a couple of valuable lesson this week when a good Samaritan tried to give him a ride. Namely, don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. After being picked up by Raymond Givens (yes, I had to read that twice too, it’s Raymond, not Raylan Givens) the hitchhiker tried to rob Givens at gunpoint.

According to local media reports:   Continue reading “Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight – Hitchhiker Pulls Knife, Victim Pulls Gun”