
U.S. Supreme Court – A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 295 U.S. 495 (1935)

A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States No. 854

Argued May 2, 3, 1935 Decided May 27, 1935* 295 U.S. 495

CERTIORARI TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT   Continue reading “A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States (1935)”

Find Law

United States Supreme Court – Argued: October 13, 1969    Decided: March 23, 1970

Appellees are New York City residents receiving financial aid under the federally assisted Aid to Families with Dependent Children program or under New York State’s general Home Relief program who allege that officials administering these programs terminated, or were about to terminate, such aid without prior notice and hearing, thereby denying them due process of law. The District Court held that only a pre-termination evidentiary hearing would satisfy the constitutional command, and rejected the argument of the welfare officials that the combination of the existing post-termination “fair hearing” and informal pre-termination review was sufficient. Held:   Continue reading “Goldberg v. Kelly, (1970)”


President-elect Donald J. Trump said on Twitter that SoftBank Group Corp. founder and Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son will invest $50 billion in the U.S., creating 50,000 new jobs.

Son told reporters the funding would go to “new companies, startup companies in the United States.” The Japanese billionaire is developing a $100 billion technology fund with the government of Saudi Arabia, though it’s unclear whether that would be part of the U.S. investment.   Continue reading “Japan’s SoftBank to Invest $50 Billion in U.S., Trump Says”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Going to the airport and waiting through four-hour long lines to get molested by government agents just so you can get on a plane is really be getting to a large swath of Americans. People must be cracking under the pressure and deciding that flying just isn’t worth it anymore, and that if they want to have rape nightmares, they can save their $500 and hours of their life that they’ll never get back and watch a Miley Cyrus music video instead.   Continue reading “Flying So Traumatic for Americans, Airports Now Offering Pigs in Ballerina Tutus Playing Toy Pianos for “Therapy””

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

According to the USDA, Americans waste between 30 and 40 percent of their food supply, which translates into 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food per year, and waste continues to rise. Corporate retail food and restaurants account for a great deal of waste, throwing out arbitrarily expired food products, and dishes left unsold. But even household food waste accounts for a whopping 120 pounds per month, per family of four, according to a CBS News report. Enter Anthony Moyer and Samuel Troyer, residents of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, who knew about the wasteful habits of such corporate entities, and decided to do something about it.   Continue reading “Good Samaritans Arrested for Taking Perfectly Good Food from Dumpsters to Give to Charity”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

The Express is reporting that ISIS (you know, the western-backed rebels that have come to be called ISIS), is planning an attack on Trump’s inauguration.

Apparently they’re referring to it as “Bloody Friday”:   Continue reading ““Bloody Friday” Fearporn: Now ISIS Claims It Will Attack Trump’s Inauguration”


Russian weapons manufacturers came in second in total annual revenues of the top 100 arms producing companies, bested only by the US, whose arms sales amounted to $209.7 billion in 2015, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Global arms sales reached $370.7 billion in 2015, SIRPI reported on Monday, after tabulating the revenues of weapons manufacturers from the US, Western Europe, Russia, and beyond. The numbers come despite a downward trend over the past five years that saw a 0.6 percent fall in sales revenues from 2014 to 2015.   Continue reading “In decline? Weapons business made $370.7 billion in 2015, with US dominating, study shows”

Times of Israel

A new poll found that the vast majority of Israelis believe US President-elect Donald Trump will be a “pro-Israel president.”

According to the poll, 83 percent of Israelis view Trump, a Republican who has made statements putting him in line with many of the Israeli government’s right-wing policies, as pro-Israel.   Continue reading “New poll finds high support for Trump among Israelis”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The mystery deepens.

A week or so ago, conspiracy theorists were scratching their heads as to why more than 8500 people in Australia would suddenly have to a hospitalized in a concentrated wave allergies that left several people dead.

Now, a similar event has been reported in Kuwait, where reports claim that thunderstorm activity has triggered a mass reaction and nearly a thousand people were taken to the hospital with severe asthma; again, several people died.   Continue reading “Covert Depopulation? Mysterious “Thunderstorm Asthma” Now Strikes Kuwait – 5 Dead, 844 Hospitalized”


A store with no checkout lines?  According to Amazon, it’s right around the corner, at least in Seattle.

According to the online giant, Amazon Go is a brick-and-mortar store in which customers can walk out of the store without a check-out register and have the items automatically billed to their Amazon accounts.

Using the Amazon Go app, the customer enters the store, takes the products they want and then walks out when finished.   Continue reading “Amazon to open grab and go grocery store with no checkout lines”


Imagine, going to a store to purchase cough syrup and finding out, the police put a GPS tracking device inside the bottle and tracked you every where you went.

Now imagine, going to another store to purchase a pair of sneakers and finding out the police also put a GPS tracker inside them as well.    Continue reading “Police are putting GPS trackers into countless retail items”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Can you believe how rapidly the world is changing? The largest internet based companies are starting to work on shutting down free speech. They call it “hate speech” which is anything the children of Satan deem a threat to them. Anything that might uncover their agenda or anything that might provide a righteous light. Look, when someone starts telling you what is good and bad speech everyone’s ears should really perk up. Now is the time to think for yourself and question everything.

Continue reading “Web Giants To Cooperate On Removal Of Extremist Content”

WSWS – by Patrick Martin

The disclosure by President-elect Donald Trump Thursday night that he will appoint retired Marine Corps General James Mattis as his secretary of defense has been greeted with approval across the political establishment and in the major organs of the corporate-controlled media.

Trump made the remark towards the end of his rally-style address in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he elaborated a perspective that combined extreme nationalism and militarism with demagogic promises to defend the interests of the working class. He referred several times to Mattis’s nickname, “Mad Dog,” given to him after he led the savage Marine counteroffensive that retook the Iraqi city of Fallujah in December 2004. Only in today’s America could the nomination of a general with that moniker be hailed as a sign of moderation and good sense.   Continue reading “Trump picks General “Mad Dog” Mattis for secretary of defense”

The Ottawa Citizen

If you’re upset that your commute took a few minutes longer this morning, be grateful you don’t live in Montreal.

Facebook user Willem Shepherd posted this video on Monday morning and it has already racked up hundreds of thousands of views.

This isn’t your normal  video of cars sliding down a slippery slope.   Continue reading “Watch as two buses, a police car and a snowplow slide down an icy Montreal hill”

Consumerist – by Kate Cox

Kids say a lot of random, unsolicited, or just plain personal things to their toys while playing. When that toy is stuffed with just fluff and beans, it doesn’t matter what the kid says: their toy is a safe sounding board. When their playtime companion is an internet-connected recording device that ships off audio files to a remote server without even notifying parents — that’s a whole other kind of problem.   Continue reading “These Toys Don’t Just Listen To Your Kid; They Send What They Hear To A Defense Contractor”