
Toymaker Mattel Inc. has announced plans to sell a nursery gadget that will listen to infants and watch over them, record their sleep patterns, and even play a lullaby should they awaken.

Put another way: It eavesdrops on kids.

Skeptics are asking if the device, similar to’s Echo with its Alexa voice assistant, will violate children’s privacy and deepen a trend of surrendering intimate human connections to technology that talks and listens.   Continue reading “Mattel Gadget Listens to Babies, Setting Off Privacy Alarms”

Fox News

A gunman turned a Las Vegas concert into a killing field Sunday night, murdering at least 50 people and injuring more than 400 others in the deadliest mass shooting in modern United States history.

The suspect, who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, was identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, a resident of Mesquite. Police initially sought a woman believed to be Paddock’s roommate, Marilou Danley, as “person of interest.” Detectives later made contact with her, and “do not believe she is involved with the shooting on the strip.”   Continue reading “At least 50 dead, more than 400 hurt in Las Vegas concert attack”

Ars Technica

Three years ago, Cody Wilson and his organization, Defense Distributed, released a $1,200 computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) mill called the Ghost Gunner. The machine essentially made home gunsmithing faster, cheaper, and more portable than ever before, but it had a limited scope (no pun intended). Initially, the Ghost Gunner only aimed (OK, maybe some pun intended) to complete unfinished lower receivers for AR-15 semi-automatic rifles.

Today, that scope widens: Wilson and Defense Distributed are now in the handgun business, too.   Continue reading “3D print a serial-free handgun at home with the latest Ghost Gunner update”

Capital Hill Outsider – by Ronnie Herne

The greater question is not “were” Harvey and Irma magnified and steered, but “by whom”?

I cannot tell you 100% that our recent hurricanes were magnified and steered into population centers.  But I can tell you 100%  that they certainly could have been magnified and steered into those population centers.

   Readers here are generally ahead of the curve.  It’s one of the reasons you read here.  A bunch of you have encountered the awkward, somewhat  unfriendly word “Geoengineering”.  It is sometimes written more phonetically as GeoEngineering.   Continue reading “Weather Wars. Weather Weapons. Surprised?”

Dear Senator,
As long as you refuse to call out the heinous spraying of southern Oregon’s upper atmosphere and the manipulation to total control of the jet stream and all weather systems, you are no better than that sick Obama construct. Just what do you think is in all those hundreds of aerosol emissions, water vapor? Or have you been threatened along with every other person in the DC Swamp to look the other way? Do you actually know what metal nano-particles in the form of aerosols sprayed on public and private lands does to fire behavior? Well, Sir, it ACCELERATES that behavior!!!! So if you are speaking about necessary changes to the way the Forest Service fights historically unprecedented fire behavior you might take into account the total lack of regional thunderstorms over southern Oregon in the last 10+ freaking YEARS!!! Ingest these facts: that the drought in southern Oregon is man-made, that there are no more regional shoulder season wetting rain events, that fire behavior is off the charts and that those persistent “contrails” are loaded with chemicals which are making our land and citizens sick. Where is the formally pristine air shed over Crater Lake? Annihilated by hundreds of annual aersoling dumps!! You talk about “clean air”? What an effing joke!   Continue reading “Re: Federal Leviathan Harms Oregonians”

The Daily Sheeple – by Alex Thomas

A former Memphis police officer was recently arrested near the White House after police found a variety of weapons during a search in which the man openly claimed to work for the Central Intelligence Agency.

The man, Timothy J. Bates, was arrested last Sunday with an arsenal of firearms, including an assault rifle and a loaded AK-47. The weapons were found after Bates oddly allowed officers to search his car while ranting about a CIA microchip implanted in his head and the need for his paycheck which would presumably be for work he carried out for the agency. (If true)   Continue reading “FORMER POLICE OFFICER ARRESTED WITH MASSIVE ARSENAL NEAR WHITE HOUSE, CLAIMS HE WAS A CIA MK ULTRA ASSET”

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — The Danish military deployed troops in Copenhagen on Friday to guard the city’s synagogue and the Israeli embassy, hours ahead of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday.

The deployment was the first by troops in the Danish capital since WWII.

The synagogue and the Israeli embassy have been under police protection since two deadly attacks in 2015.

An AFP correspondent at the scene saw armed soldiers standing outside Copenhagen’s main synagogue, with the narrow medieval street where it is located sealed off on both ends, hours before the start of Yom Kippur on Friday evening.   Continue reading “In First, Denmark Deploys Troops to Guard Synagogue, Israeli Embassy”

Waking Times  – by Buck RogersStaff Writer

It’s hard to tell sometimes if art is imitating life, or vice versa. Add to that the fact that we live in a world heavily manipulated by a massive deep state apparatus with unlimited funding to experiment with the weaponization of any and all technology, and you may find yourself wondering if the big screen is trying to send you a wake up call.

“In the future, the technology that controls the weather controls the world.” ~Geostorm

Following in the footsteps of flicks like Independence Day and Armageddon, a new apocalypse-themed, big-budget movie introduces the concept of weaponized weather to the general public. Geostorm, a Warner Brothers and Skydance production coming to the theaters in October of 2017, pitches the classic hero-father against the technology of geoengineering and weather modification.   Continue reading “GEOSTORM – HOLLYWOOD INTRODUCES WEAPONIZED WEATHER AND GEOENGINEERING TO A DUMBED DOWN PUBLIC”

Waking Times – by Patrick Henningsen, New Dawn

By carefully controlling mainstream media and educational institutions, elite social engineers are able to control the flow of public discourse in order to serve their own goals and interests. By doing this, they create something akin to ‘consensus reality’. In other words, by controlling the perception of public consensus on any particular issue or event, you effectively control the prevailing reality.

A leading example of this social engineering phenomenon today is in the relentless promotion of war and global conflict throughout the media and education systems. Their carefully coordinated efforts can be boiled down to a simple concept: establishing legitimation and delegitimation in relation to the state or state institutions.   Continue reading “CONTROL 101: CREATING CONSENSUS REALITY”

Waking Times  – by Isaac Davis,

“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance… Films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” ~ George Orwell, 1984

Few things in American culture exemplify the fractured status of the collective psyche quite like the popularity of the National Football League (NFL). The NFL has become a de facto symbol of American freedom, while in reality it performs the function of the Roman circus, keeping the distracted from the extortion and crimes of state.    Continue reading “NFL HYSTERIA A REMINDER OF HOW THE ELITE HAVE CONTROLLED MEN FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS”