The Organic Prepper

A new Ebola outbreak is on the radar in the Congo and just over a week ago had reached a city of more than a million people. Well, things likely got a whole lot worse over the weekend when family members of 3 infectious patients with confirmed cases of Ebola broke them out of quarantine and took them to a prayer meeting with at least 50 people. That may seem like it’s a long way from the US but read on.   Continue reading “Here’s How This Ebola Outbreak Could Potentially Reach the US”

On this day we worship a standing army and without a Bill of Rights

It is Treason

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.” Noah Webster  

Continue reading “Founder’s Quotes on the dangers of a standing army and the need for a constitutional militia”

The Organic Prepper

Preppers and Spam go together like peas and carrots, right?  Well, for some preppers, anyway. And if you’re one of them, you need to go check your stockpile right now.

Hormel has recalled 228,614 pounds of the canned lunchmeat loaf because it may be contaminated with metal fragments. There have been complaints of minor oral injuries, but nothing more serious at this time.   Continue reading “Check Your Stockpile: 228,614 pounds of SPAM Recalled”

Yahoo News

Noted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones offered to give $3,000 to Mike Rotondo, a 30-year-old New York man enjoying internet infamy for refusing to move out of his parents home.

The offer came during a sit down with Rotondo, who flew to Texas to appear on Jones’ InfoWars show. The Syracuse native rose to prominence last week after his parents went to court to evict him from their home. According to the suit, Rotondo refused to find work or contribute to the household in any meaningful way after having spent the last eight years of adulthood living in the house. Critics have lampooned Rotondo, with many accusing him of typifying millennial laziness.    Continue reading “InfoWars Host Alex Jones Gives $3,000 to Michael Rotondo, Man Evicted From Parent’s House”


The company behind “Sesame Street” is suing the makers of Melissa McCarthy’s upcoming raunchy comedy, “The Happytime Murders,” for referencing the popular kids show in its marketing campaign.

The R-rated film follows “two clashing detectives” — Melissa McCarthy and her partner, a puppet named Phil Phillips — in Los Angeles as they work together “to solve the brutal murders of the former cast of a beloved classic puppet television show,” according to its website.   Continue reading “‘Sesame Street’ sues makers of raunchy puppet comedy ‘The Happytime Murders’”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Stagecoach, TX — A tragic scene unfolded in a small Texas town Friday evening in which a Texas police officer shot and killed his own brother inside his home. His brother was also a cop. Although there were initially no arrests, after an investigation, the killer cop was arrested and charged with murder.

According to police, they were responding to the home of Stagecoach police officer, Robert Lee, a 35-year law enforcement veteran, on a potential breaking and entering call. The call came in around 5:18 pm.   Continue reading “Texas Cop Arrested for Murder After Shooting and Killing His Own Brother, Who’s Also a Cop”

Patriot or Traitor

John Andrew Ross is a treasonous United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

According to a ruling by U.S. district judge John Ross in St. Louis, Missouri, governments can require a people to make themselves sick. More specifically, a local ordinance that requires planting grass, to which a St. Peters, Mo. woman is allergic, does not violate a “fundamental right.” Thus, judge John Ross granted a summary judgment sought by the City of St. Peters and ruled against a federal lawsuit brought by Jan and Carl Duffner, who must now devote half of their lot to cultivating a plant that makes them ill. The basis of the judge’s ruling is that the Supreme Court has ruled that “aesthetic considerations constitute a legitimate government purpose.”   Continue reading “John Andrew Ross is a traitor.”

Mad World News

Netflix announced this week that the company had hired Barack and Michelle Obama to produce shows and films as part of a multi-year deal. Well, it didn’t take long for the streaming service to learn the hard way that the move to bring the Obamas on board was a disastrous mistake.   Continue reading “Netflix Learns The Hard Way That Hiring Barack & Michelle Was A Disastrous Mistake”

Boston 1775

In 1888 Edward W. Pride’s Tewksbury: A Short History recounted the town’s response to the Lexington Alarm and added:

One of the Tewksbury men was Eliphalet Manning. One of Captain [John] Trull’s grandsons, Mr. Herbert Trull, often related that when a boy, on his way to Salem, he used to pass Manning’s door. Eliphalet would call out: “I fought with your grandfather from Concord to Charlestown. He would cry out to us as we sheltered ourselves behind the trees: ‘Stand trim, men; or the rascals will shoot your elbows off.’”

Continue reading “Capt. John Trull: “Stand trim, men.””