Month: September 2018 Reports: Secret Service Special Agent Todd Madison, a.k.a. “Hillary’s handler,” died at a Wisconsin hospital on December 8, 2017, at age 49 after serving 20 years with the agency protecting some of the most high-profile countrymen and women including the Clintons during their tenure at the White House. Continue reading “Again: Hillary’s 2016 election Secret Service agent Todd Madison dead at 49”
Patriot Journal – by Adam Casalino
California’s Jerry Brown, or “Governor Moonbeam” as we like to call him, has been burning his state to the ground from the moment he took office.
Time and again he’s proven he cares more about winning in politics than Californian citizens. Continue reading “Jerry Brown Signs California’s Death Warrant—His Ruling Signals The End”
New York Post – by Isabel Vincent
Matthew Russell Lee barely had time to notice the person who sat uncomfortably close to him at a First Avenue bus shelter.
In a split second, he was handed a scrap of paper.
“Look under the bench,” read the hand-scrawled note. Continue reading “How an accredited reporter got a lifetime banishment from the UN”
During hurricanes like Florence, many people find themselves trapped and needing rescue. Sometimes volunteers step in to help — but emergency managers say some may be creating problems of their own.
This week while visiting eastern North Carolina, President Trump thanked the first responders who sometimes risk their own lives to help, mentioning traditional government officials like police officers and firefighters – and “our great Cajun Navy.” Continue reading “The Cajun Navy: Heroes Or Hindrances In Hurricanes?”
MARIANNA — Prosecutors are dropping charges in at least two dozen cases initiated by a former Jackson County Sheriff’s Office deputy who’s under investigation for allegedly planting drugs on people during traffic stops.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement confirmed Wednesday it opened an investigation Aug. 1 into Deputy Zachary Wester at the request of the Sheriff’s Office, located in Marianna. The investigation into allegations of official misconduct is still open, and no charges have been filed against Wester. Continue reading “Fired deputy under investigation for planting drugs”
MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian Defense Ministry on Sunday again blamed Israel for the downing of a Russian plane by Syrian government forces and said Israel appeared “ungrateful” for Moscow’s efforts to rein in Iran-backed fighters in Syria.
Syrian government forces mistook the Russian Il-20 reconnaissance plane for an Israeli jet and shot it down Monday, killing all 15 people aboard. While the Russian military initially blamed the plane’s loss on Israel, President Vladimir Putin later attributed it to “a chain of tragic, fatal circumstances.” Continue reading “Russia blames Israel for downing of plane by Syrian forces”
Eventually, most world governments and peoples, will become incensed by Israelis theft of land, stealing of resources, lying and murders, and will see the U.S. for the crypto Jewish state that it has become.
The small arms treaty that was signed a few years ago with the UN, will be the catalyst for a UN invasion by several countries at once in an attempt to disarm the American population, to be put under the rule of the harsher tenants of Islam, not by the Arabs or Muslims themselves, but likely by the Mossad and CIA. Continue reading “Koyote Prophecy 101.1”
This headline comes from the NY Post. Apparently, the “experts” think the next crash is going to be worse than the “Great Depression“. Well, these guys must be really bright, I mean they are great at pointing out the obvious. We have been talking about this subject for years, when all the “experts” said the system was fixed and stable.
No worries, we are not economists anyway, just folks with common sense and a Bible in our hand, what do we know? Continue reading “Next Crash Will Be ‘Worse Than The Great Depression’”
Global Research – by Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29, 2013). Continue reading ““Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East”
Have you ever wondered why on some days the sky is its normal blue color with perhaps a few puffy clouds billowing by, while on others the sky is covered with aerosol-looking “streamer” clouds emanating from airplanes, criss-crossing back and forth as they suffocate the atmosphere in a blanket of white? Many people call this latter phenomenon “chemtrails,” and an eye-opening video recently published to shows how these chemtrail operations appear to be spraying so-called “living fibers,” which are showing up on landscapes, crop fields, and even around people’s homes. Continue reading “Watch this clip at showing the effects of “living fibers” being sprayed from the skies via aerosol all over our food and families”
(Reuters) – Payments processor PayPal Holdings Inc said on Friday it decided to end its business relationship with popular U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s Infowars website after finding instances of hate speech and discriminatory content on the site.
The move makes PayPal the latest tech company to take action against Jones, a deeply controversial right-wing radio talk-show host who has suggested that the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax, among other sensational claims. Continue reading “PayPal ends business dealings with Alex Jones’s Infowars”
NATICK, Mass — The American military calls its combat field rations M.R.E.’s, for Meals, Ready to Eat, since they require no cooking. But the troops long ago decided that those initials stood for Meals Refused by Everyone. The stuff may have been filling, but it sure wasn’t appetizing.
Even the head of the Army’s combat ration program acknowledged that the first few generations of M.R.E. entrees were full of “mystery meat and no-name casseroles,” and that troops in the field quickly grew sick and tired of them.
Continue reading “A Breakthrough for U.S. Troops: Combat-Ready Pizza”