The Oregonian

SALEM — Every time Mariana Alvarez leaves her home, she crosses herself in prayer in hopes she will be able to return to her three children.

Alvarez moved to Salem from Mexico, and lives in Oregon without proof of legal residence. Under state law, that means she isn’t eligible for a driver’s license.  Continue reading “Oregon may grant driving privileges to undocumented immigrants”

Merry Jane – by Randy Robinson

The bacteria used to create tequila just got a new job: making the molecules naturally produced by the cannabis plant.

Farmako, a biotech firm based in Frankfurt, Germany, filed an international patent for the genetically-modified microorganisms in February. The bacteria, Zymomonas mobilis, is one of the key ingredients for manufacturing tequila. In the tequila-making process, the bacteria convert glucose — or sugar — into booze.  Continue reading “Scientists Are Using Tequila Technology to Create THC”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Duden

Mexico is bracing for the “mother of all caravans,” after Interior Secretary Olga Sánchez Cordero warned on Wednesday “We have information that a new caravan is forming in Honduras, that they’re calling ‘the mother of all caravans,’ and they are thinking it could have more than 20,000 people.”

The figure has been disputed by activists such as Irineo Mujica of group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, who has accompanied several caravans in Mexico and said in a statement that “there has never been a caravan of the size that Sanchez Cordero mentioned.” Continue reading “‘Mother Of All Caravans’ Forming In Honduras – Up To 20,000 Hope To Cross US Border: Report”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House on Friday warned Russia and other countries backing President Nicolas Maduro against sending troops and military equipment to Venezuela, saying the United States would view such actions as a “direct threat” to the region’s security.

The warning comes after two Russian air force planes landed outside of Caracas on Saturday, believed to be carrying nearly 100 Russian special forces and cybersecurity personnel.  Continue reading “White House warns Russia, others against sending troops to Venezuela”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In the past, when President Trump threatened to close the southern border over Mexico’s unwillingness to crack down on illegal immigrants crossing through its territory, many took his words with a grain of salt. But after the president twice tried to dictate federal policy via tweet over the past week, there’s cause to believe this might be more than just frustrated presidential bluster.  Continue reading “Trump Threatens To Close Southern Border Next Week”

Living Lies – by Neil Garfield

In order to maintain the illusion of legality and an orderly marketplace the banks and their servicers must continue to push foreclosures even if it means going after people who are not actually withholding payments. The legacy of the mortgage meltdown and the brainless government policies that let the banks get away with what they had done, is that the crime not only continues but is being repeated with each new claimed securitization or “resecuritization” of residential loans.

Continue reading “If you think foreclosures are a thing of the past, think again”

Town Hall – by Kurt Schlichter

Imagine you spent two years completely screwing up at your job, I mean not merely getting every single thing wrong but loudly, proudly getting in everyone else’s face about how right you are. You’d get fired, terminated, 86’d, and Schiff-canned. But not the mainstream media. The media hacks failed for two years-plus, nonstop and without equivocation, but are they ever going to be held to account? No, they’re just going to gather in a big circle and Pulitzer each other.  Continue reading “You’re A Sucker For Not Believing That The System Is Rigged”

Independent Sentinel – by S Nobel

The American Thinker has a must-read article about Jussie Smollett. It explains his extreme arrogance and deceitfulness. He was brought up by a communist mother.

It is obvious he is lying when he claims he didn’t stage the hate hoax crime, yet he keeps declaring innocence while demonizing the very police who he victimized. There is a certain amount of inner hate towards others that drives someone to do that.  Continue reading “This Explains It! Jussie’s Mommy’s a commie with a Black Panther history”

Metro – by Jasper Hamill

Computer experts have claimed that the chips which power most of the computers in the world are hiding mysterious and ‘undocumented’ technology.

Analysts from Positive Technologies alleged that Intel chips and processors contain an enigmatic ‘logic signal analyser’ capable of reading ‘almost all data on a computer’. Continue reading “There is mysterious ‘undocumented technology’ hidden on Intel computer chips, researchers say”


With the recent second verdict where a jury ruled that Roundup weedkiller contributed to a man’s cancer, controversial pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are once again in the news.

These chemicals, particularly the herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) have long played a role in American agriculture, but their health risks are only now being understood. As a result, thousands of cancer lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto, the company that invented Roundup, and Monsanto’s new parent company, Bayer AG. Continue reading “The Places in America that Use the Most (and Least) Pesticides”

The Guardian – by Gabrielle Canon

Residents from one of San Francisco’s most desirable neighborhoods are taking a controversial approach to blocking a new homeless shelter: launching a crowdfunding appeal.

Their campaign on GoFundMe – best known as a site that hosts fundraisers for medical expenses or victims of natural disasters – has prompted an angry response from the city’s mayor.  Continue reading “San Franciscans raise $46,000 to stop homeless shelter in wealthy area”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman had a dramatic day in court Wednesday where the accused NXIVM sex-cult financier fainted in response to being asked if she’d secretly retained lawyer Michael Avenatti.  Continue reading “Michael Avenatti, Pedophilia And A Fainting Heiress: NXIVM Sex-Cult Trial Gets Surreal”

Fox News

David Smith had long been a competitive shooter, and he wasn’t going to allow a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease to end his hobby.

The 46-year-old, now considered by a “powerhouse on the competitive circuit,” and who just scored a spot at the 2019 World Rifle Shoot in Sweden, was first diagnosed with the crippling nervous system disorder eight years ago. Continue reading “Professional shooter uses ‘gun therapy’ to lessen symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The New York Times covered a study on bullet size and suggested that a move away from bigger bullets could result in a reduction in fatalities.

The title of the column–People Kill People; But the Bullets Seem to Matter–makes clear the underlying theme is to introduce the possible benefits of ammunition controls.  Continue reading “New York Times: Next Front for Gun Control Fight Is Smaller Bullets”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

In yet another major move from the great folks over at the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and 9/11 victim family members Robert McIlvaine and Barbara Krukowski-Rastelli, a joint federal lawsuit has been filed to assess any evidence the FBI may have known about that contributed to the destruction of the towers on 9/11 which they may have kept from Congress.  Continue reading “Bombshell Lawsuit Claims FBI Knowingly Hid Evidence from Congress of Explosives Used on 9/11”

Mint Press News – by Whitney Webb

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — After U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he planned to unilaterally recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights — which is internationally recognized as Syrian territory — some powerful Israeli politicians are now petitioning Trump to also recognize Israeli sovereignty over Palestine’s occupied West Bank.  Continue reading “After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli””

The Man Unleashed – by Elias Marat

Sometimes when shiftless bureaucracy prevents crucial government work from getting done, citizens will take matters into their own hands.

And one Canadian man who took it upon himself to fill potholes in his Nova Scotia town is receiving the warm support of his neighbors, as well as some material aid such as some bud, some fresh-brewed coffee, and some cash.  Continue reading “Canadian Man Fills Potholes and Gets Weed, Coffee, Cash From Grateful Locals”