IntelCaster – by Arthur F Wayne

Obviously the gatekeepers and their apparatchiks are into damage control right now because I’ve exposed their Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “raid/strike” lies.

Also from within the “truth” movement I am now receiving messages that I’m full of shit and that I’m simply very anti-American.  Continue reading “ANOTHER Aerial Photo Analysis Proves that the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Strike Never Happened”

IntelCaster – by Arthur F Wayne

This update is a follow-up for my previous update, which you can find here.

There’s no question about it anymore. The alleged raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi never happened. Why else would they have to cheat with the aerial photos??

Go to the aerial photo comparison that I pulled up, below, as provided also by The Independent.  Continue reading “The FAKE ISIS Raid by the U.S.: Their Own Photos Expose Their Lies. See for Yourself.”

Daily Mail

Nearly a thousand protesters took to the streets of Brooklyn to demonstrate against the NYPD after a spate of violent arrests on the subway and over its plans to put more officers on the beat to catch anyone who skips paying the fare.

The protesters started gathering in Downtown Brooklyn near Barclays Center at about 7pm Friday, with their signs reflecting the dual nature of the march.  Continue reading “Anti-cop protesters in Brooklyn block traffic, vandalize bus, say ‘Don’t let these pigs touch us’”

From the Trenches has been hacked.  The hack occurred at the server between 9 and 10 this morning, just right after we had left for our Sunday target practicing session.

The only password hacked was my personal password into the backside of the site, and the fact is there is no information on any user in the files at From the Trenches World Report, as you all should well know.  Continue reading “Trencher Alert”

Press TV

US troops are reportedly back in military bases in northeastern Syria which they had previously evacuated ahead of Turkey’s military action against Kurdish forces in the area.

Turkey’s Anadolu Agency has reported that American forces arrived in the west of Syria’s northern province of Raqqa on Saturday to rebuild their military base.  Continue reading “US troops back at military bases in northeast Syria”

The tree was 25 to 30 feet above the cut. The cut was approx 12 feet from the ground, standing on the roof. The tree was 15 inches at the cut.

The tree leaned over the cabin east northeast so I chose to use a hinge cut. A hinge cut is where ya don’t cut a wedge facing the way you wish it to fall, but back cut through two-thirds of the way or so until the tree barely starts to fall, and hopefully uses the uncut part as a hinge to lay itself down slowly as possible.  Continue reading “Fall a hazard tree with a entry level saw, singing do wa diddy diddy dumb, but I did it.”

PJ Media – by Tyler O’Neil

Every Columbus Day, liberals insist that the story of European colonization is a simple narrative of good versus evil: horrible Europeans came upon innocent Native Americans, introducing slavery, exploitation, and oppression. A massive archaeological discovery blows one of many gaping holes in this narrative. While Europeans did indeed do horrible things, the natives weren’t exactly innocent.

Two hundred and fifty skeletons of children between the ages of 4 and 14 have been unearthed at Huanchaco, Peru, in what experts say is likely the world’s largest child-sacrifice site. Huanchaco is a site of the Chimú culture (1200-1400), a predecessor to the mighty Inca Empire, which also carried out child sacrifices.  Continue reading “Largest Child-Sacrifice Graveyard Strikes Huge Blow to Native American Innocence Myth”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Rochester, NY — Utterly horrifying footage the Rochester police department fought to keep secret has just been released as part of a lawsuit showing officer Javier Algarin jump a family’s fence, enter their private property, and murder their dog.

As TFTP has consistently reported, in their relentless and often violent pursuit to control what citizens can and cannot put in their bodies, the police state leaves behind a trail of blood and suffering. Many times over, this trail often contains the blood of defenseless animals like the Dempsey family’s beloved black lab named Tesla.  Continue reading “Horrifying Video Shows Cop Jump Family’s Fence, Kill Dog in Front of 10yo Girl”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Boulder, CO — A Boulder County woman got an unfortunate lesson in police brutality recently and the video of it looks like something out of 1930s Germany.  After attempting to exercise her rights not to incriminate herself, she found out the hard way police will not only taser you when you’re in handcuffs, but they’ll taser you when you’re completely restrainedContinue reading “Cops Strap Woman to a Chair, Torture Her with Taser Over Refusing to Sign a Ticket”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said her agenda to provide amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States and driving up legal immigration levels will help pay for her “Medicare for All” plan.

On Friday, Warren released her plan to end all private health insurance — stripping millions of American union workers of their negotiated healthcare plans — and enact a Medicare for All program, which would force taxpayers onto public healthcare plans.  Continue reading “Elizabeth Warren: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Will Pay for ‘Medicare for All’”

Fox News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California’s governor on Friday threatened a possible takeover of the troubled utility blamed for sparking deadly wildfires across the state with its outdated equipment unless it can emerge from bankruptcy ahead of next year’s wildfire season with a plan focused on safety.

Gov. Gavin Newsom called all sides to a meeting early next week, saying he would personally try to mediate a solution involving Pacific Gas & ElectricContinue reading “Governor threatens possible PG&E takeover if no plan is made”