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Archive: TWFTT 12-22-21

Breitbart – by Nathaniel Charles

The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) warned Tuesday there is too much at stake to celebrate Christmas this year, cautioning it is better to either cancel or postpone the annual festivities than risk the death of a loved one.

W.H.O. director-general and Ethiopian biologist Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told journalists in Geneva the “fastest way” to “get back to normal” is for people to cancel or delay Christmas events, the Daily Mail reports. Continue reading “W.H.O. Says Cancel Christmas Now or ‘Grieve Later’”

LA Times

The militia leader came before Val Verde County commissioners at their regular meeting in this border town 200 miles west of San Antonio wearing a straw cowboy hat, boots and a T-shirt emblazoned with the American flag.

He introduced himself as Samuel Hall, north Texas-based founder of Patriots for America. For the last two months, volunteers from his militia — which doesn’t disclose the size of its membership — had coordinated with the sheriff of neighboring Kinney County to stop illegal immigrants. The militia patrolled in shifts, funded by donations. They approached ranchers in Val Verde about running operations on their land too. Hall hoped to win commissioners’ blessing at Tuesday’s meeting. Continue reading “Texas militia sanctioned by sheriff seeks government support to halt flow of migrants”

Gateway Pundit – by Julian Conradson

As our nation’s greatest enemies build their military might and actively threaten to launch attacks, US Military and Defense leaders are focusing on the important things – mainly, purging the ranks of all dissenters and pushing the Left’s radical ideology.

On Monday, as over 28,000 world-class men and women await their dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine, the Pentagon issued detailed new guidelines that prohibit service members from engaging in a wide range of activities, citing concerns of increased “domestic violent extremism” within the military over the past few months. Continue reading “Pentagon Issues Guidelines to Crack Down on Domestic and Patriotic “Extremism” Within Military Ranks – Simply “Liking or Reposting” Certain Views Can Trigger Discipline”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

new report from the Rockefeller Foundation called “Reset the Table” (sound familiar?) calls for a total centralization of the global food supply in order to solve the “hunger and nutrition crisis.”

The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic increased hunger in children by more than 500 percent, the report alleges. And the only way to solve it is for food to be communized and controlled entirely by a global central government.  Continue reading “Rockefeller Foundation planning to communize (and weaponize) the global food supply”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While the full approval of the best-selling mRNA vaccines by the FDA remains elusive, the US is already working on giving the ‘Supersoldiers of Tomorrow’ a leg up by developing a “universal” COVID vaccine that will supposedly be effective against all future variants. The US Army is wrapping up early clinical trials of the new jab in the coming weeks.  Continue reading “US Army Developing World’s First “Universal” COVID Vaccine As Original Jabs Await Final Approval”

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

Despite numerous major countries making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory, the Japanese government has told its citizens “do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.”

Germany is set to follow Austria by imposing mandatory jabs, with refuseniks who still resist taking them facing escalating fines and eventually prison sentences.  Continue reading “Japanese Government Tells Citizens: “Don’t Discriminate Against the Unvaccinated””

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

In Austria, the unvaccinated are fined by the government up to 3600 euros for not taking the experimental COVID vaccine.

And now starting in February the government will be sending out vaccination “hunters” to track down the unvaxxed. Continue reading “Austrian Government Hires Vaccination “Hunters” to Track Down those Inhabitants Who Have Not Had Their Fauci Vaccine”

Daily Mail

Vladimir Putin has warned he is willing to take ‘military measures’ in response to ‘unfriendly’ Western action in Ukraine, in the clearest sign yet that the Russian strongman is gearing up for war.

Putin, speaking during a meeting at the defence ministry on Tuesday, said Russia will ‘react toughly to unfriendly steps’ and stressed ‘that we have every right to do so.’ Continue reading “Putin drops first hint at potential war in Ukraine as he warns of taking ‘military measures’ against the West”


SALEM, Mass., Dec. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced the arrival of new artwork at the Illinois Capitol Rotunda in celebration of the Satanic holiday — Sol Invictus, which takes place on the 25th of December. The new display, created by artist Chris P. Andres (@chrispandres), depicts the Satanic deity Baphomet as a swaddling babe. This year’s exhibition, once again coordinated by TST’s Illinois congregation, will be installed on December 20th at 1 pm. The installation continues the Satanic Temple’s three-year tradition of displaying religious art in the Illinois Capitol building — except for 2020, when the Capitol building was closed for all displays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Continue reading “The Satanic Temple Unveils New Satanic Artwork in Illinois Capitol Rotunda”

Investment Watch – by Chris Black

Remember CIA/Mossad false flag chemical attacks in Syria from a few years ago? Putin surely does.

Also ,keep in mind that every single war ZOG has ever started has been kicked off with a false flag. Continue reading “Russia Says US Preparing Chemical Weapons False Flag in Eastern Ukraine”

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Archive: TWFTT 12-21-21

Epoch Times – by Jack Phillips

President Joe Biden’s administration is planning to mail out some 500 million COVID-19 tests, starting in January, according to the White House.

The White House on Tuesday said it will send the test kits to homes as part of an effort to deal with the Omicron COVID-19 variant, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday said accounts for about 73 percent of cases in the United States. It’s not clear yet whether the variant causes more severe disease than previous variants, although fewer than a dozen deaths have been reported worldwide.  Continue reading “Biden Plans to Deploy Military, Distribute 500 Million Tests Amid COVID-19 Omicron Wave”