It has been two weeks since the August job report came out wherein for the first time since 1945, zero jobs were created. So what has our faithful government done to address this clear and present danger to our Republic? Not one damn thing. I know you socialist pigs out there are going to say President Barack Obama has brought forth a bold new jobs plan that is going to make everything all right again. Horse doo doo.
All Barry the Rat has accomplished is having his opening campaign speech, outlining the rhetoric he intends to parrot up to 2012, introduced before a joint session of Congress. And all this big bold plan equates to is more of the same old shit, which will be countered by the neo-cons with more of their same old shit. The fact is jobs are not going to be created because the whole idea is to cripple our economy to the point that we will compete at the work site for food.
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