State of Politics

After a community college shooting left 10 people dead, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the 2016 presidential candidates — both parties — should be talking about gun control.

At the same time, Cuomo is calling on Democrats nationally to take a page from the GOP playbook and threaten a government shutdown over gun control.

“I would like to see Hillary and the vice president and whoever else is in the race on both sides talk about this issue of guns and let’s have that as one of the top priorities,” Cuomo said during an interview on NY1. “Rather than the political blather that is now going on and let’s put some real issues on the agenda and let’s put at the top: What are you going to do about guns?”   Continue reading “Cuomo Wants Gun Control To Be Issue In 2016 Campaign”

Daily Mail – by Jenny Stanton

A child jihadi armed with a rocket-propelled grenade has threatened to behead ‘Dog of Rome Obama’ in a chilling new video released by ISIS.

The boy, who is only about ten-years-old, tells US President Barack Obama he is ‘dreaming’ if he thinks American soldiers will enter the large swathes of land the terror group controls.   Continue reading “Child ISIS jihadi taunts ‘Dog of Rome’ Obama to submit to the ‘Caliphate’ or die in direct video threat”


The top 500 US companies retained $620 billion that would have otherwise been taxed and spent by the government by using overseas bank accounts, according to a report from Citizens for Tax Justice and the US Public Interest Research Group Education Fund.

“At least 358 companies, nearly 72 percent of the Fortune 500, operate subsidiaries in tax haven jurisdictions as of the end of 2014,” the report states. In total, the 500 companies keep about $2.1 trillion in tax havens outside the US, most often in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands.   Continue reading “Top 500 US companies keep $2.1 trillion where tax collectors can’t get it”

VISALIA, Calif. (AP) — A man who says he was a cartel enforcer pleaded guilty Tuesday to nine counts of murder in California after acknowledging to investigators that he had committed killings across the country.

After being arrested in 2013, 53-year-old Jose Manuel Martinez opened up to investigators about his violent career that he said involved more than 30 killings. However, authorities said he refused to name his cartel associates.   Continue reading “Man who says he was cartel enforcer pleads guilty to murders”

NEW YORK (AP) — After 25 years of trying to clear himself in a notorious tourist killing, Johnny Hincapie walked out of a courthouse Tuesday, his conviction overturned and his resolve intact.

He faces the possibility of prosecutors appealing the decision or retrying him in the 1990 killing of Utah tourist Brian Watkins, who was stabbed to death in a subway station as he defended his parents during a mugging that helped crystallize an era of crime and fear in the nation’s biggest city.   Continue reading “Judge tosses conviction in NYC tourist killing; man freed”

Russia Insider

BAGHDAD—Iraqi Shiite lawmakers and militia leaders are urging Russia to launch airstrikes on Islamic State militants in their country, a sharp reproach to the U.S.-led air campaign targeting the extremist group.

Since Moscow began bombing opponents of the regime in Syria last week, the lawmakers and militia leaders have pressed Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to invite Russia to intervene in Iraq. Mr. Abadi said last week that he would welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq as long as they were coordinated with the U.S.-led coalition.    Continue reading “Iraq Asks For Russian Airstrikes; US Air Force “Small Help””

The Blaze – by Oliver Darcy

Matt Drudge issued a dare to President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Tuesday, during a rare radio interview with Alex Jones.

Drudge was responding to Jones asserting that a civil war may ensue if politicians attempt to confiscate guns.

“Well, because they are all armed themselves. Where they all have that security around them themselves. They don’t have to worry about [security],” said Drudge, who refused to be on camera.   Continue reading “In Rare Interview, Matt Drudge Issues Major Challenge to Obama and Hillary: ‘I Dare You!’”

CNN – by Jay Parini

How many more lives have to be ruined by guns before we finally take them away? And how often do we have to listen to crazy people (including members of the Supreme Court) telling us that the Second Amendment grants every American citizen the right to carry a weapon?

I’m tired of hearing about this “well-regulated militia” that is so necessary for American freedom.   Continue reading “Jay Parini: Let’s get rid of guns in this country, once and for all”

Facebook – Hosted by Casey Runyan and 4 others

Friday, October 9 at 9:00am PDT


The anointed one his majesty king 0bama and the White House have announced a Friday arrival in Roseburg, Oregon in the wake of Oct 1st’s horrific tragedy at UCC. Continue reading “Defend Roseburg – Deny Barack 0bama”

The Free Thought Project – by Andrew Emett

Kansas City, MO — After getting arrested and tased over a simple parking ticket, a store clerk has filed a lawsuit against the officer who used excessive force against him. Although the officer claimed that the clerk stood in a threatening position before he was forced to deploy his Taser, recently released dashcam video revealed that the officer lied and had no reason to lawfully detain the clerk.   Continue reading “Dashcam Refutes Cop’s Story of “Fearing for His Life,” Shows Him Taser Man for Parking Ticket”

New York Times – by Mark Scott

Europe’s highest court on Tuesday struck down an international agreement that allowed companies to move digital information like people’s web search histories and social media updates between the European Union and the United States. The decision left the international operations of companies like Google and Facebook in a sort of legal limbo even as their services continued working as usual.

The ruling, by the European Court of Justice, said the so-called safe harbor agreement was flawed because it allowed American government authorities to gain routine access to Europeans’ online information. The court said leaks from Edward J. Snowden, the former contractor for the National Security Agency, made it clear that American intelligence agencies had almost unfettered access to the data, infringing on Europeans’ rights to privacy.   Continue reading “Data Transfer Pact Between U.S. and Europe Is Ruled Invalid”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

More than one in five U.S. residents speak a language other than English at home, a record, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

In an analysis of the recent Census American Community Survey, a huge surge was recorded in those who speak Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Urdu, Pakistan’s national language.   Continue reading “Record 63.2 million non-English speaking residents, surge in Arabic, Chinese, Spanish”

My Way News – by Robert Burns

WASHINGTON (AP) — The skies over Syria are increasingly crowded — and increasingly dangerous. The air forces of multiple countries are on the attack, often at cross purposes in Syria’s civil war, sometimes without coordination. And now, it seems, they are at risk of unintended conflict.

The latest entry in the air war is Russia. It says it is bombing the Islamic State in line with U.S. priorities, but the U.S. says Russia is mainly striking anti-government rebels in support of its ally, President Bashar Assad. The Russians, who are not coordinating with the Americans, reportedly also have hit at least one U.S.-supported rebel group.   Continue reading “Syria’s skies crowded with multiple air forces”


Over the pulsating beat at an exclusive nightclub, the arms smuggler made his pitch to a client: 2.5 million euros for enough radioactive cesium to contaminate several city blocks.

It was earlier this year, and the two men were plotting their deal at an unlikely spot: the terrace of Cocos Prive, a dance club and sushi bar in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.   Continue reading “AP Investigation: Nuclear Smugglers Sought Extremist Buyers”

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Forbes – by Bruce Schneier

ID checks were a common response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, but they’ll soon be obsolete. You won’t have to show your ID, because you’ll be identified automatically. A security camera will capture your face, and it’ll be matched with your name and a whole lot of other information besides. Welcome to the world of automatic facial recognition. Those who have access to databases of identified photos will have the power to identify us. Yes, it’ll enable some amazing personalized services; but it’ll also enable whole new levels of surveillance. The underlying technologies are being developed today, and there are currently no rules limiting their use.   Continue reading “The Era Of Automatic Facial Recognition And Surveillance Is Here”

The epitome of STUPID or MADE IN CHINA.

Yahoo News – by Debbie Encalada

Chinese tourist attraction open to the public just over two weeks has already had its first major mishap in that it managed to almost kill tourists. The glass skywalk suspended 3,450 ft in the air on the side of China’s Yuntai Mountain in the Henan Province cracked causing panic among visitors.    Continue reading “Glass-Bottom Bridge Built On Side of Cliff Cracks, Tourists Terrified”

Breitbart – by Adelle Nazarian

Toys “R” Us is the latest in a string of U.S. companies that has been caught forcing their American employees to train foreign college-grads to take the Americans’ jobs, via a process known as “knowledge transfer.”

An expose by the New York Times revealed in detail how the renowned children’s toy-chain brought in eight workers from the global outsourcing company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). The Indians shadowed employees, mainly in accounting, and produced intricate manuals for TCS workers in India to take over these jobs. By late June, the jobs had been transferred overseas and 67 employees had been laid off from Toys “R” Us, many of whom had reportedly been at the company for over a decade.   Continue reading “Toys ‘R’ Us Forces U.S. College Grads To Train Their H-1B Foreign Replacements”