Some of the military aid sent to the Syrian opposition by Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the US may have ended up in the hands of Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra terrorists, the Qatari foreign minister has admitted.

The revelations, which are the first of their kind to emerge, were contained in a statement by Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, who served as Qatari foreign minister between 1992 and 2013. When the conflict started in Syria back in 2011, Hamad bin Jassim said that he went straight to the late Saudi King Abdullah, who then supported Doha’s plan on Syria.   Continue reading “Al-Nusra terrorists may have received Syria ‘aid’ sent to rebels by Qatar, US, Saudis – Qatari ex-FM”



The price of bitcoin, the world’s most popular digital currency, has rallied over 500 percent this year hitting another all-time high late Sunday of $6,306.58.

The new high was reached just ten days after the first breach of the $6,300 threshold. The virtual currency retreated slightly on Monday, trading at $6,195.50 at 11:35am GMT.

Experts say the reasons for the record-breaking rally are unclear, but the growing adoption and appetite for the cryptocurrency are propelling its price.   Continue reading “Bitcoin smashes another record, breaking through $6,300”


NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — The judge in the bribery trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez denied a mistrial motion Monday, labeling arguments that he has hampered the defense’s case by limiting what evidence and witnesses they can present as devoid of “even palpable merit.”

Attorneys for the Democrat and his longtime friend, Florida eye doctor Salomon Melgen, had accused U.S. District Judge William Walls in a motion filed over the weekend of tying their hands with his evidence rulings during the first eight weeks of the trial.   Continue reading “Menendez judge denies defense mistrial motion”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

As the curtain gets pulled back and the predators in Hollywood scatter like cockroaches, every new finding leads to more questions. As the Harvey Weinstein scandal snowballed into Hollywood pedogate, Americans are finding out that children have long been the prey of Tinseltown’s elite. But how far back does this depraved madness go? According to many horrifying cases over the 20th century, the answer to that question is at least 100 years.

Hollywood’s proclivity for underage sex dates back ages—if he were alive, you could just ask Charlie Chaplin.   Continue reading “Hollywood Sex Abuse is a Century Old, Charlie Chaplin Raped Kids and He’s Hailed As a Hero”


A mural of US President Donald Trump sharing a kiss with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has popped up on Israel’s security barrier around the city of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Tourists were snapping selfies in front of the painting Sunday, mimicking the kiss of the US and Israeli leaders.  Continue reading “Kissing Trump & Netanyahu mural appears on West Bank wall”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Just a day after Puerto Rico’s cash-strapped power authority on Sunday canceled its controversial $300 million contract with Whitefish Energy, a small Montana company tasked with rebuilding the island’s power grid after it was completely destroyed by Hurricanes Maria and Irma, the WSJ is reporting that the FBI is looking into the circumstances surrounding the contract.

The contract was canceled on orders from Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello, who pointed to the burgeoning controversy surrounding the company – including its relationship with Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, who is from the same small Montana town where Whitefish is based.   Continue reading “FBI Is Probing Puerto Rico’s $300 Million Power Contract With Whitefish Energy”

USA Today

LOS ANGELES — Kevin Spacey says he’s “beyond horrified” by allegations that he made sexual advances on a teen boy in 1986.

The actor posted on Twitter that he doesn’t remember the encounter but apologizes for the behavior.

“I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years,” Spacey wrote.   Continue reading “Kevin Spacey apologizes after actor accuses him of sexual harassment, comes out as gay”

The Hill

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is being charged with 12 counts, including conspiracy against the United States, in the first indictment to come from the investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller.

The 12-count indictment includes Manafort’s former business partner and protégé Rick Gates, who was ousted from the pro-Trump group America First Policies in April.

Manafort turned himself in at the FBI’s Washington, D.C., field office on Monday morning.    Continue reading “Manafort indicted on 12 counts, surrenders to FBI”

The Texas Tribune

When Melinda Sandlin walked out of Discount Furniture in Austin in late 2014, she was sure the store had put her on a payment plan to buy a new bedroom suite worth $2,750.

A year later, after realizing she had sent in more than $3,000 for her seven-piece set, she figured she was done. So Sandlin told the store clerk she wasn’t going to be making any more monthly payments.

“I already bought it out,” she recalls telling them. “And they’re like, ‘Oh no, read your contract. It’s a rental contract. It’s not a purchase contract.’ ”   Continue reading “How renting furniture in Texas can land you in jail”

Las Vegas Review-Journal – by David Ferrara, Colton Lochhead

Cliven Bundy, lead defendant in a case stemming from a 2014 standoff with federal agents and the 71-year-old patriarch of a family with roots in the southeastern Nevada desert since the state was founded more than 150 years ago, won’t let his lawyer buy him a suit for trial.

Instead of the standard slacks, button-down shirt and tie that incarcerated male defendants often don while facing a jury, the recalcitrant rancher plans to wear a jail-issued blue jumpsuit and orange flip-flops when he faces potential jurors for the first time on Monday morning.  Continue reading “Las Vegas trial to begin for rancher Cliven Bundy and sons”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

MARYLAND HEIGHTS • They call it the great pumpkin caper of suburban St. Louis.

It all started on the midnight watch for one Maryland Heights police officer the night of Oct. 18. It was about 1:40 a.m. when the first call came in: The pumpkins were missing.

First in one subdivision — Pinehurst — then more calls from another — Arrow Heights. There soon seemed to be gaping holes in fall stoop displays everywhere in the area.   Continue reading “Pumpkin-nappers try to carve out a crime spree in Maryland Heights”

CBS News

Federal agents arrested the founder of a major drug company in an early-morning raid Thursday on charges stemming from an alleged scheme to get doctors to illegally prescribe a powerful opioid to patients who don’t need it.

John Kapoor, 74, was taken into custody in Phoenix, Arizona. Kapoor is the billionaire founder and former CEO of the pharmaceutical company Insys Therapeutics. He faces charges including racketeering, conspiracy, bribery and fraud.

Kapoor is the most significant pharmaceutical executive to be criminally charged in response to the nationwide opioid crisis.   Continue reading “Drug company founder John Kapoor arrested for alleged opioid scheme”

Mondoweiss – by Sheren Khalel

Israeli cabinet members on Sunday will vote on a bill seeking to annex large swaths of land into the Jerusalem municipality. The bill, coined the “Greater Jerusalem Bill,” will go to Knesset vote after what is expected to be an approval by the cabinet, however moving through the Knesset could prove difficult, as religious hardliners fear a change in the Jewish Israeli demographics of the city.

The controversial Likud-backed bill would bring at least 19 illegal Israeli settlements and outposts under Jerusalem jurisdiction and sever three Palestinian communities from the municipality. The five major illegal West Bank settlements to be annexed are listed as Ma’aleh Adumim, Gush Etzion, Efrat, Beitar Illit and Givat Ze’ev — the others are part of “settlement blocs” within the larger five.   Continue reading “‘One step further into the annexation of the West Bank’: Israeli cabinet to vote on annexing West Bank settlements into Jerusalem”

Washington Examiner – by Stephen Wilson

A Trump administration attorney said Friday that federal courts cannot evaluate whether a president is waging an illegal war, even if the war clearly has no grounding in a congressional authorization of force and someone directly impacted sues.

The claim was made during oral arguments in an appeal filed by Nathan Michael Smith, a now-former Army intelligence analyst who sued last year claiming former President Barack Obama was illegally fighting Islamic State terrorists without an authorization for use of military force, or AUMF, from Congress.   Continue reading “Trump Justice Department: Wars are off limits to court review”

Your News Wire

Danny Contreras, an eyewitness Las Vegas shooting survivor who publicly claimed there were multiple shooters involved in the attack, has been found dead in an empty house in Las Vegas with multiple gunshot wounds.

His body was found in a vacant home in the northeastern valley after a neighbor heard a man groaning inside the building and called 911. Police say Contreras was dead when they arrived at the 5800 block of East Carey Avenue, near North Nellis Boulevard.   Continue reading “Las Vegas Shooting Witness, Who Described Multiple Gunmen, Found Dead”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: I spent a little bit of time researching this and trying to find out what was so offensive in the plaque. Unless I am missing something this is not an attack on the Presidents of the past, but an attack on God…

This article says,

“Currently, simple stone memorials stand on either side of the alter in the church, honoring Washington and Lee. The memorials are engraved with gold lettering that say, “In memory of George Washington.” and “In memory of Robert Edward Lee.”Those plaques are now coming down, church officials have announced.”   Continue reading “George Washington’s Church To Tear Down Memorial Honoring First President”