All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford
In the shocking new maps seen within this ANP story that we got from this new story over at Zero Hedge, we see how close we now are to the complete destruction of the middle class of America with more than 40% of US households unable to afford the basics of a middle-class lifestyle which includes rent, transportation, childcare a cellphone and of course, food.
As the Organic Prepper reports in this new story that Steve Quayle linked to on his website this morning, when 43% of American households are unable to pay for food and rent each month, we can safely say we’ve reached the ‘economic collapse’ that many ‘Watchmen’ have long warned was coming. And while Rasmussen Reports put out this story back in December titled “Trump’s First Year Accomplishments Compiled In Shockingly Long List” shows some signs of headway, poverty is still exploding all across America. Continue reading “Maps Prove Globalists Takedown Of America Is Accelerating”