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Month: July 2018
It’s not the first time we hear about the upcoming provocation in Syria. Following the joint US, British and French air strikes on Syria’s facilities in April, the locals wait in high anxiety and tension for new staged provocations, fake accusations of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and further attacks.
So far, we have only wondered where the White Helmets ‘activists’ could set up their movie studio. This scenario usually occurs in the areas where various militant groups suffer heavy losses. Currently, for terrorists, things go bad in Daraa and Idlib provinces. Fortunately, we do not witness new provocations there yet. Continue reading “Syrian Opposition and Western NGOs Hire Actors for Chemical Weapons Provocation”
The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop. That psyop continues to be deployed on unsuspecting populations and it is just as useful as ever, but today’s tricksters have donned the mantle of philanthropy, and their Trojan horses are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations offering “aid” to foreign nations. In today’s edition of The Corbett Report, we’ll learn about how NGOs are the deep state’s Trojan horses. Continue reading “NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses”
Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns
Reading, PA — Pennsylvania State Troopers are under fire this week following a deadly officer-involved incident Monday whereby a man was killed by a bulldozer commandeered by one of their officers. Gregory Longenecker (51) was run over by the bulldozer and killed as the PA State Trooper and the dozer operated by the PA Game Commission were supposedly attempting to flush him out. Continue reading “Cops Bulldoze Unarmed Man to Death Because they Suspected Him of Growing Marijuana”
The Irish Senate has voted to approve a bill that would see the country boycott goods from illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, paving the way for the country to become the first EU nation to enforce a boycott.
The bill passed yesterday with 25 lawmakers voting in its favour, with 20 against it and 14 others abstaining. The legislation would bar “the import and sales of goods, services and natural resources originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories”, but still needs to pass in both houses of parliament before becoming law. Continue reading “Ireland’s Senate approves bill to boycott Israel goods”
PARIS (AFP) – Rising global oil supply, driven by crude giants Saudi Arabia and Russia, may come under pressure as key producers face disruptions, the International Energy Agency said Thursday.
The IEA welcomed in its July report last month’s agreement between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia to open the taps in order to bring prices down from multi-year highs. Continue reading “World oil supply risks being ‘stretched to limit’: IEA”
A convicted child molester was beaten to death by a 19-year-old inmate in a California prison less than a week after the 66-year-old began serving his time at the facility, officials announced Wednesday.
Agustin Duran was pronounced dead just before 5 p.m. Sunday, a day after inmate Andres Ayon pummeled the 66-year-old at Wasco State Prison, located about 30 miles northwest of Bakersfield, prison officials said in a news release.
Even though voters of Oklahoma passed an amendment to the constitution for medical marijuana the battle isn’t over.
Doctors are trying to undermine people’s wishes.
Here is the newspaper article: Continue reading “Oklahoma doctors seek to undermine the people”
Yesterday a Philadelphia Appeals Court ruled that TSA agents can not be sued for molesting or falsely arresting air travelers.
According to an article in Yahoo News the government has granted DHS employees immunity from lawsuits. Continue reading “TSA screeners allowed to molest and falsely arrest air travelers; watch list complainers”
I’ve often written about the fact that gun control is every bit as much of a women’s issue as equal pay and maternity leave. Anyone who believes in destroying the 2nd Amendment doesn’t understand what an equalizer a firearm can be. A determined woman with a gun can fend off a number of larger male attackers, sometimes without even firing a shot.
I know this is true because I have had occasion to protect myself and my daughter with a gun in the past. But if some gun control advocates had their way, all guns would be banned. Every single one. This would take away the right of women all over the country to protect themselves. Continue reading “3 Times LAST WEEK Women Defended Themselves and Others With a Gun”
Cutting through the haze of humanitarian bullshit and liberation, West Point graduate and author Major Danny Sjursen told ‘Watching The Hawks’ that the War on Terror is a “battle for basic hegemony in the Middle East”, warning that it may go on indefinitely.
In the brief but eye-opening interview, Sjursen calls the US’ now 17-year War on Terror “unprecedented in American history,” noting that soon kids who were born after 9/11 will be joining the military. Continue reading ““There Is No End In Sight” Army Major Warns Of “Perpetual War” On Terror”
Close to 1,000 people in Michigan had their property seized by police or government officials last year even though they were neither convicted nor sometimes even charged with committing a crime.
That’s the bad news. The good news is that we have this information at all. In 2015 Michigan passed legislation that mandated local law enforcement agencies report more information to the state about the extent of their seizures. The Department of State Police just released its first report that encompassed all agencies for a full calendar year. Continue reading “Police Seized Property of Close to 1,000 People in Michigan—Without Ever Convicting Them of Crimes”
HONOLULU — Gov. David Ige is signing into law two bills that would tighten the state’s already strict gun regulations.
One bill Ige signed Monday bans bump stocks, which are devices that allow guns to be fired like assault weapons. The gunman in the Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people in October used a bump stock. Continue reading “Ige signs bills tightening gun laws”
Sent to us by Clay.
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There will be no broadcasts for a week, the stress has overwhelmed me and I don’t want to go the way Spike did.
I have to be away from it.
By the way, we do still need help.
God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.
The U.S. government sees oil production further climbing next year even amid transportation logjams in the country’s most prolific shale play.
The Energy Information Administration sees U.S. crude output averaging 11.8 million barrels a day in 2019, up from its 11.76 million barrel a day estimate in the June outlook.
Continue reading “U.S. Is Set to Become World’s Top Oil Producer, Government Says”