SAN DIEGO (AP) — U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein failed to win the official endorsement of the California Democratic Party as she seeks her fifth term, another sign that the party is divided over how best to battle Republicans in Washington.

Democratic activists were more eager to back her primary challenger, state Senate leader Kevin de Leon, who is touting himself as a fresh face with stronger progressive credentials, particularly on immigration.   Continue reading “California Democratic Party won’t endorse Dianne Feinstein”

PANDA – by Jason Casella

Thanks to the work of the Panda Idaho, an Idaho house committee passed the Restoring Constitutional Governance ActH473, by a vote of 11-2 on February 20, 2018. This legislation, drafted by the Patriot Coalition, is the strongest in the nation as it explicitly prohibits the laws of war from being used on non-soldiers in Idaho, and Idaho citizens anywhere, and will punish any person, including Federal or international agents, who attempts to utilize those powers.   Continue reading “Idaho Passes Strongest Anti-NDAA Bill in America Out of Committee 11-2”

KATU 3 News

Criminal charges will not be filed against a student after allegedly saying a math symbol looked like a gun.

On Tuesday afternoon, Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies investigated an allegation of terrorist threats at Oberlin High School, according to the department’s Facebook page. The investigation revealed that a student was completing a math problem and drew the sign for square root. Deputies say another student made a comment that the symbol looked like a gun and several other students made similar comments.  According to investigators, the comment made by the student in question “could” sound like a threat when taken out of context.   Continue reading “Student investigated after allegedly saying a math symbol looked like a gun”

Natural News – by Edsel Cook

What happens when Robocop meets Knight Rider’s KITT? You get Ford’s latest brainchild, a plan for an automated police car that’s either an abuse of privacy and power or the future of unbiased law enforcement, reported The Daily Mail.

A recent patent filed by the automaker specifies the concept of an autonomous vehicle that lurks behind buildings or trees to surprise speeding drivers.

Law enforcement officials are not amused by the implied threat to their jobs. Neither are autonomous experts who worry about robots violating privacy.   Continue reading “Can Ford’s proposed autonomous “Robocop” car be trusted not to shoot innocent civilians?”

Anti-Media – by  Carey Wedler

In response to last week’s shooting at a Florida high school, the state’s governor recently released his plans to make schools safer. Many of his proposals will indisputably serve to further turn schools into prisons, a trend that has been on the rise for years.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, Governor Rick Scott’s proposals include:   Continue reading “Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons”

Activist Post – by Derrick Broze

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has acquired formerly classified court orders from the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) which detail how the court violates the privacy of innocent Americans caught in the crossfire of federal surveillance. The documents are the result of Freedom of Information Act requests filed by the EFF as part of an effort to shine light on the inner workings of the secret court. The EFF writes:  Continue reading “Newly Released Documents Prove FISA Surveillance Court Spying on Innocent Americans”

Fox News

A survivor of the Florida school shooting spoke out against the Broward County sheriff as well as those who are injecting gun control politics into the tragedy.

Kyle Kashuv said Gov. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and others have done “definitely enough” to bring attention to school safety issues.   Continue reading “FL Shooting Survivor: Sheriff ‘Virtue-Signaling Against the NRA’, Must Resign After Officers’ Inaction”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

As the media and the government continue to use the tragic shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school to push their various agendas, it is important to remember that psychopaths who want to kill a lot of people—will do so with or without a gun. In fact, the deadliest attack on a school to ever take place on US soil was done so without a single round being fired.

In Bath Township, Michigan, 44 people, mostly children, lost their lives when a man by the name of Andrew Kehoe blew up the town’s school. This attack is often disregarded by history as it paints a different narrative outside of the normal problem, reaction, solution of grabbing guns. As a result, it has largely been erased from the narrative.  Continue reading “The Deadliest School Attack in the US Was Erased from History Because It Wasn’t Done With a Gun”

WTSP 10 News

TAMPA, Fla. — Thousands of gun enthusiasts — more so than ever — flocked to the Florida State Fairgrounds for the Florida Gun Show event.

Organizers say they had a record number of people attend the event on Saturday, Feb. 24, almost 7,000, and expected more Sunday.

The manager for the Florida Gun Show, George Fernandez, says they’ve never seen such a big crowd.   Continue reading “Florida Gun Show Sees ‘Record Number’ Of Attendees Despite Gun Control Debate”

Breitbart – by John Binder

An illegal alien shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was arrested after allegedly threatening a school shooting in upstate New York.

On Friday, Rochester Deputy Mayor Dr. Cedric Alexander and Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary announced that 21-year-old DACA illegal alien Abigail Hernandez had been arrested by the Rochester Police Department after allegedly threatening East High School with a school shooting, according to 13WHAMContinue reading “DACA Illegal Alien Arrested for School Shooting Threats in New York”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Last week, President Trump suggested the idea of pulling federal immigration officers and Border Patrol agents out of California over the states “lousy management” in providing adequate support to federal agents in enforcing immigration policy.

As a “sanctuary state,” California has snubbed the Trump administration and refused to comply with federal immigration laws, which ignited a fascinating struggle between state and federal officials.   Continue reading “Oakland Mayor Tips Off Illegal Immigrants: ICE Raid Within Next 24 Hours”

Back in the mid-2000’s Jeri Lynn informed me that an A-turn-on-me by the name of Fred Kelly Grant was holding an Open Meeting at the Smith River Grange to speak on a concept known as ‘Coordination’ that I had never heard of; and so, just to get out of my Bear Cage I went to pick his brains or pick him apart and to my pleasant surprise I was actually impressed. After the meeting I explained to him that I had been diligently investigating Statutory Constructions and asked if he had ever heard of the cases on Brand X Internet or the Chevron Difference and when he said ‘no’ I gave him a short summary and advised him to look up Brand X Internet Services v. FCC which would take him to the Chevron case out of the Supremes and he thanked me, saying that was something he might be able to use … obviously he is using them now;~)))   Continue reading “Attorney Fred Kelly Grant explains the Administrative construct known as ‘Coordination’”

Barefoot’s World – by D. van Oort & J.F.A. Davidson

“How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?”— Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

What would be the tripwire resulting in open rebellion? Examining the Bill of Rights, and considering EXISTING laws only, and not failed attempts, you will find that every clause has been violated to one degree or another.   Continue reading “The Tripwire”

The Mind Unleashed – by John Vibes

In recent decades, cities and states throughout the country have been slowly and silently criminalizing saggy pants. A new bill proposed in the South Carolina will threaten fines for anyone who has pants that hang more than three inches below the waistline, even if their skin is not exposed.

On February 15th, South Carolina lawmakers introduced House Bill 4957, which states that it will be illegal for men or boys to be seen in public “wearing his pants more than three inches below the crest of his ileum exposing his skin or undergarments.”  Continue reading “Politicians Push New Legislation To Make Saggy Pants Illegal”

NBC News

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland’s ban on 45 kinds of assault weapons and its 10-round limit on gun magazines were upheld Tuesday by a federal appeals court in a decision that met with a strongly worded dissent.

In a 10-4 ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, said the guns banned under Maryland’s law aren’t protected by the Second Amendment.

“Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protections to weapons of war,” Judge Robert King wrote for the court, adding that the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller explicitly excluded such coverage.   Continue reading “Assault Weapons Not Protected by Second Amendment, Federal Appeals Court Rules”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

President Trump confirmed on Friday that he would support stricter firearms regulations, including a proposal to strengthen the federal background check system and raising the minimum age for buying a semi-automatic weapon to 21 – something the powerful National Rifle Association has said it opposes.

Trump also reiterated his support for training members of school staffs to carry concealed weapons:

“A teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened,”

Continue reading “White House Considering Confiscating Guns From “Dangerous People””

ABC News

Two weeks after President Donald Trump blocked its full release, the House Intelligence Committee published a blacked out version of a classified Democratic memo aiming to counter a GOP narrative that the FBI and Justice Department conspired against Trump as they investigated his ties to Russia.

The document’s release Saturday was the latest development in an extraordinary back and forth between Republicans and Democrats about the credibility of multiple inquiries into links between the Trump campaign and Russia, and the integrity of the top U.S. law enforcement agencies.   Continue reading “Dems release Russia probe memo defending FBI surveillance”