By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

While the House has gone full ‘Israel or Bust’, the Senate has come up with a $118 billion bipartisan agreement which would allow 1.5 million illegals to enter the US every year, allocates $2.3 billion towards NGOs and other organizations which traffic them, gives $14.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, and a whopping $60 billion in support to Ukraine.

The bill also locks in green card giveaways until 2030. Continue reading “Scandalous Senate ‘Deal’ Allows 1.5 Million Illegals Per Year, Slides Up To $2.3B To NGOs Trafficking Them, And Gives $60B To Ukraine”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Neocon John Podhoretz labeled Rep Thomas Massie (R-KY) a “piece of anti-Semitic filth” on Sunday for announcing he will vote against giving over $14 billion from struggling US taxpayers to Israel. Continue reading “John Podhoretz Says Rep. Massie is ‘Anti-Semitic Filth’ for Opposing $14.3 Billion in U.S. Aid to Israel”

By Jorge Fitz-Gibbon – NY Post

A New Jersey-based migrant gang is smuggling hordes of illegal immigrants into the US across the Canadian border for a price of $6,000 a head, a new report reveals.

The human smuggling gang took root after its founders were briefly detained and cut loose by federal immigration authorities. Continue reading “NJ-based gang of migrants charging $6K a head to smuggle illegal immigrants into US from Canada: report”

By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

Canadian doctors reject Trudeau's euthanazia program

Justin Trudeau was left reeling last week after the Canadian parliament voted to halt his WEF program to euthanize mentally ill people, following strong backlash from thousands of doctors. Continue reading “Trudeau Humiliated As Canadian Doctors Rise Up and Reject WEF Euthanazia Program”

Continue reading “RFK Jr. and his alligence to… 3 short tweets”

By Cullen McCue – Trending Political News

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg defended his decision to release — without bail — the illegal aliens accused of attacking an NYPD officer in an incident that has sparked nationwide outrage. At least four of the suspects allegedly involved in the attack are believed to have boarded a bus for California, where they are then expected to flee to Mexico, according to a report from the New York Post. Continue reading “Alvin Bragg Defends Release Of Illegal Aliens Who Attacked NYPD Officers”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The United States’ bombathon continued on Saturday with a new wave of strikes carried out against the Houthis in Yemen.

The bombings were done to “de-escalate tensions” in the Middle East, the US said in a statement. Continue reading “U.S. Bombs Yemen in Wake of Bombing Syria and Iraq”

By AKRAINER – Zero Hedge

[Originally published on Alex Krainer’s Substack] In my last Substack article, “The system is failing; we’re on our own,” I discussed the systematic demolition of our structures of government and suggested that the façade of effective checks and balances was largely fictitious, there only to lull us into passive acquiescence to the covert rule of a hidden force behind the throne. I did not elaborate further, but it’s clear that such a force exists and that it is shaping global events.

As Carol Jones astutely wrote in her comment to an earlier article (“C0VlD l9 hoax goes to court”), “For this level of medical coup to be successful… there has to be coordinated neutering of all countries’ governing documents/constitutions. … the ability to carry out any coordination at the right time, everything being in place etc. is frankly just as possible as 1000 elephants flying by my window right now.” She also correctly pointed out that the fact of 159 countries bowing to the WHO doesn’t explain this coordination.

What’s the driving force behind the agenda?

Continue reading “It’s now: the people vs. the banks”

By Thomas Stevenson – The Post Millennial

Washington State paid out $340 MILLION in Covid relief to ineligible illegal immigrants

A new report has revealed that $340 million was diverted to illegal immigrants from COVID relief funds in Washington state, some being paid in checks of $1,000. Continue reading “Washington State paid out $340 MILLION in Covid relief to ineligible illegal immigrants”

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

14 major American cities have set a “target” to comply with the WEF’s green agenda goals by banning meat, dairy, and private car ownership by 2030.

Want to hear a Communist era joke from the Soviet Union? “Do you know what a Polish sandwich looks like?” the joke went. “Two slices of bread and a ration card for the meat in between.” Continue reading “American Leaders Sign WEF Treaty To Ration Meat, Electricity and Gas”

By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

Florida grand jury rules COVID pandemic was a power grab by the elite

A Florida grand jury ruled on Friday that the COVID pandemic was an unconstitutional power grab by the globalist elites. Continue reading “Florida Grand Jury Rules COVID Pandemic Was ‘Unconstitutional Power Grab by Elite’”