Investment Watch

Key points taken from the Vault 7 Wikileaks report that shows the CIA was already deeply involved in setting up what we now know as the Russian Hacking Scandal. This is a psychological attack on the American people and serves as a distraction while they continue to take our money and energy. Follow the money. “They all did it”


Fox News

Extremely rare video footage captured in the Amazon shows the last surviving member of an uncontacted tribe that was massacred in 1995.

FUNAI, the Brazilian government’s Indian Affairs department, released the video of the man in Tanaru, a remote indigenous territory in Brazil’s Rondônia state. The territory covers just over 8,000 hectares.   Continue reading “Amazing Amazon sighting: ‘World’s loneliest man’ spotted in remarkable video footage”

Puppet String News

Telegraph UK Reports: Robert Hannigan, the director of GCHQ, has resigned from his job as head of one of the three Government intelligence agencies after just two years. GCHQ would only say that Mr Hannigan had left his post for “personal reasons” and that he was not sacked or subject to disciplinary proceedings. In a letter to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, he hinted that the strain placed on his family by his job had prompted his resignation.    Continue reading “GCHQ boss left in 2017, after Obama ordered Project Fulsome spy ring against Trump”

The Hill

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Monday that he pardoned seven people under threat of deportation to protect his state’s immigrant communities as President Trump continues to “ramp up deportation of New Yorkers to advance his political agenda of hate and division.”

“At a time when President Trump and the Federal government are waging a war on our immigrant communities, New York stands firm in our belief that our diversity is our greatest strength,” Cuomo said in a statement obtained by ABC NewsContinue reading “Cuomo pardons seven people under threat of deportation”

KEZI 9 News

NEAR GRANTS PASS, Ore. — In southern Oregon, the Oregon Department of Forestry brought in a 747 VLAT (Very Large Air Tanker) to help with the quick-moving Garner Complex Fire.

This is the first time ODF has used this type of aircraft on a wildfire. ODF Spokesperson Joe Touchstone said on Saturday, it made three retardant drops on the Grave Creek Fire.  Continue reading “ODF Brings In 747 Air Tanker To Help With Wildfire”

Geopolitics Alert – by Julia “Samar” Kassem

Gaza (GPA) – The Israeli Air Force launched aircraft at a group of Palestinians launching incendiary balloons a group Sunday evening, challenging the commitment to a ceasefire agreed upon between ‘Israel’ and Hamas earlier this weekend.

A ceasefire between the resistance group and the occupying entity was brokered Saturday following this weekend’s heavy shelling by Israel during the 16th week of the ongoing Great Return March protests.   Continue reading “Israel Bombs 60 Gaza Targets in Just 24 Hours”

Russia Insider – by Laurent Guyénot


This article follows and concludes a series of four articles I wrote recently for the Saker blog. In the first one, “How Biblical is Zionism?” (reproduced under a different title on Russia Insider), I wrote: “When Israeli leaders claim that their vision of the global future is based on the (Hebrew) Bible, we should take them seriously and study the (Hebrew) Bible.” In the second one, “How Zionist is the New Word Order?”  Continue reading “The God of Israel Is a Bloodthirsty, Vindictive Sociopath – Does This Explain the Misanthropy of the Jews?”

The Organic Prepper – by Selco

We all have worries about people that will show up at our doorstep when SHTF.

I am thinking here about family members or friends that we know will be problematic when they show up. Either they are complete burdens without any real values in a truly hard situation or they might even possibly be a danger for us.  Continue reading “SELCO: What to Do If Unwanted People Show Up at Your Door When the SHTF”

Activist Post – by BN Frank

Three law firms will represent 5000 people in their complaints of overbilling by Central Maine Power Co.

CMP is one of many utility companies across North America that has installed “Smart” Meters.  There have been complaints about inflated billing and more everywhere these types of meters have been installed.  2017 Dutch research confirmed that these meters can cause measurement errors from 30% to 582%. Continue reading “5000 Utility Customers in Maine Join Class Action Lawsuit Claiming They Were Overbilled. 2017 Dutch Research Determined “Smart” Meters Inflate Bills 30% to 582%.”

World Events and the Bible

The Western Wall is the last remaining structure from Israeli’s ancient past. Yesterday a stone from Israel’s Western Wall came tumbling down in a symbolic example of prophecy outlined by Jesus Christ. This occurred just a day after the “Tisha B’Av Fast” which honors the destruction of ancient Israel’s temple in Jerusalem during Rome’s conquest.  Continue reading “Symbolic Of Prophecy: Ancient Stone Falls From Israeli’s Western Wall”


The state of New York is using facial recognition cameras to identify drivers and passengers at toll booths.

A recent article in the New York Post revealed that toll booths use facial recognition to identify everyone.

“We are now moving to facial-recognition technology, which takes it to a whole new level, where it can see the face of the person in the car and run that technology against databases,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.  (Click here & here to learn more.)  Continue reading “Facial recognition toll booths identify drivers and passengers, notify police within seconds”

Paul Stramer – by Anna Von Reitz

Chaos reigns with con artists and would-be interlopers and competing “government services corporations” all giving themselves deceitful names like “Republic for the United States of America” and “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (LTD)” — all infringing on our Common Law Copyright, and all serving to delay and obstruct meaningful action to address the actual problems that need to be addressed.

Enough, already.  This is not a free-for-all and this is not our first trip to the rodeo.   Continue reading “Agencies Are the “Shadow Government” — Worldwide”


Fourteen people, including a young girl, were shot near downtown Toronto, police in Canada’s biggest city said on Sunday, with one person killed and the gunman also dead.

The young girl was in a critical condition, Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said.

“We are looking at all possible motives… and not closing any doors,” Saunders told reporters at the site of the shooting.   Continue reading “Gunman dead after shooting 14, killing one, in Toronto”