First Published 11-6-10

Yesterday the mainstream media was blowing sunshine up our arses like a hurricane.  It brought back memories of when we were told that the recession had been over since 2009.  The headline everywhere was 159,000 private sector jobs were created in the month of October.  We have these places in America, they are called farms, and every October they hire people to harvest their crops.  I believe that in November we are going to see an unexpected decrease in private sector jobs as the harvest will be over.  These people truly believe us to be ignorant.  The fact is quantitative easing will begin soon and we are going to see more job losses as a result.

President Obama said in a speech yesterday, “Extending unemployment benefits to help those hardest hit by the downturn”.  He did not define who those hardest hit are.  Is it you, I, the guy or gal down the street, the person who lost their job two years ago, or the person who lost their job yesterday?

I think he is deliberately being vague and not mentioning Tier 5 because that’s the way the unemployment legislation is going to be.  It is like the unemployed out there who have only received 20 weeks of unemployment because they did not fit into a certain slot.  The legislation will probably say that you will have had to of lost your job to a Martian on Thursday, December 32- 1939 to be eligible for benefits.

After the speech, our so called president boarded Air Force One and took off for his Asian tour.  And apparently a score of rich corporate CEO’s are going with him and we will be paying their freight.  But hey, it’s only money and it is going to filthy rich people who evidently can’t afford their own trip.

Obama said he would be negotiating with India to open up their markets to American made goods.  I believe this consists of Lego’s and Monopoly Games as I’ve seen these two items being pushed front and center for the last couple of days.  I think Obama needs to play a game of Monopoly and when he’s done, he needs to ask himself, is there more money to be made on Boardwalk or Mediterranean.

When this country was in its heyday we sold planes, train, and automobiles of the highest quality in the world to Europe.  You see, Europe had something we wanted.  It’s called real wealth in the form of precious metals and stones.  And what does India have?  Oh yeah, dirt cheap labor.

I believe that right now we are paying for the business people, who have hurt us the most, to go to India and pick out sites where they intend to place the last of our industrial base when the quantitative easing finishes destroying our dollar and we are completely wiped out as an economic power in the world.

The world politburo (G20 Summit) will be meeting in Seoul, South Korea on November 11th and 12th and Barry will be attending as a part of his Asian tour.  After which we will be finding out the true consequences of our having belittled the G20’s authority in voting the incumbents out.  I would be real surprised if we are not in another war within three months, probably with Iran.

It seems that the more the traitors in this country are exposed, the more emboldened they are becoming.  Obama has the nerve to come out four days after the election and act as if the problems brought forth in it have already been solved.  Not a week ago we were being told that private business would not create any jobs until the Bush Tax Cuts for the filthy rich were extended.  Today they are saying that they have been creating jobs all along and that if there is a problem, it is a small one, which is essentially fixing itself.  They treat us like children in goading us into believing in Santa Clause for the sake of the promise of presents on Christmas.

I tell you, Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama, while you are in Asia visiting your boyhood home; you had better procure another handful of passports as you are going to need them when Christmas rolls around in this country.  As your statement, “Expanding unemployment to those hardest hit”, is as empty on its face as every other con man terminology you have used in duping the people of this country.

First Published 11-5-10

Well it’s only been three days since the election and those who were ardent enemies last week are already swapping spit and talking compromise.  However, it seems one thing will not be compromised and that is the wanton disdain and hate for us 99ers.  They see us as something used up that they need to find a way to dispose of.

Let’s look at Obama’s statement during the C-Span meeting yesterday, “Unemployment for folks that are still out there looking for work.”  If you are a 99er you have exhausted your benefits and most of you have ceased to report to the unemployment office, hence you are categorized as no longer looking for work.  The elitist scum have no intention of lending any aid to the long term unemployed.  No, you say?

Well let’s see what Republican Representative Devin Nunes from California, who is currently serving on the Committee for Ways and Means, which has jurisdiction over all taxation as well as Social Security, Unemployment Benefits, Medicare, and TANIF, and the Committee on Budget, has to say on the issue.

Nunes stated during an interview on Fox Business’ Varney and Co.,

“The 99ers are a group of people out there who have already received 99 weeks of unemployment.  You can’t keep people on unemployment.  It’s kind of like the state of California right now, where you just keep giving more money, more money and it becomes like drugs to a drug addict.  So look, I’m all for people that lost their jobs, make sure that there are unemployment benefits out there, but 99 weeks is probably too long.

“We’re going to have to come up with some type of change to where that people who actually lose their job have access to unemployment, and where people that have been on for 99 weeks at some point have to come off.  We just can’t keep supporting people that don’t want to work.”

This dirt bag should fear walking the streets that we have been forced to live upon.  But then I’m sure the tax payers provide him with a chauffeured car and body guards.  We cannot let this affront go unchallenged.  Starting right now we need to call, fax, email, and tweet this piece of tripe and tell him that we are 99ers and he had better enjoy his next two years in office because they will be his last.  Let him know that we will work for the next two years to make sure of it.

So what is the great compromise going to be?  These new uncompromising Republicans will only remove from the health care plan those provisions which would have helped the old and poor and would have cost the rich money.  And what will they keep?  The parts that are already hurting the lower middle class who are paying up to one-third of their income for healthcare.  And what’s the trade-off?  A continuation of the Bush tax giveaways to the super rich.

What about the great emancipator, Barry Soetoro AKA Barrack Obama?  Well he’s off to India on an all expense paid vacation that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars. I would like to see him impeached, but I know that his ring knocking, spit swapping brethren on the other side of the false left-right paradigm have no such intensions.

Everybody had better prepare themselves, as I see no way that this abomination is going to be stopped, short of a shooting war.  99ers, we are again betrayed, as there will only be unemployment for those still looking for work, and evidently that is not us.  No Tier 5 unemployment extension.

Representative Devin Nunes contact information:

Clovis, CA Office:              Phone – 559-323-5235

Fax:        559-323-5235

Visalia, CA Office:             Phone:  559-733-3861

Fax:        559-733-3865

Washington DC Office:  Phone: 202-225-2523

Fax:        202-225-3404

Email Form:              

Twitter Account:    

First Published 11-4-10

The Republicans have taken control of the House.  They are hailing their victory as a referendum from the people in support of their platform and ideals.  No, Mr. and Mrs. Republican, we did not vote you in, we voted the incumbents out.  Your election to your posts is just a consequence and in two years, unless the issues of jobs and unemployment are addressed, your Democratic counterparts are going to be hailing their own victory.

I did enjoy watching Ed Shultz lash out in anger at the Democratic base for failing to re-elect Democratic incumbents.  I have to believe his size 55 pants popped a button.  What the Demopublicans and Republicrats know but are refusing to acknowledge is that it was Independent voters, which consisted of ex-Democrats and ex-Republicans who are fed up with lies and betrayals, who decided the election.

President Obama, as a part of his post-election address stated, “That’s also why I think unemployment insurance is important.  Not only is it the right thing to do for folks who are still looking for work and struggling in this really tough economy, but it’s the right thing to do for the economy as a whole.”

Now was that so hard?  The fact is that had Obama and the Demorats taken that trillion dollars they gave to the international corporate mafia, and used it instead to cater to the needs of the poor and unemployed they would not have lost the House.  As I said earlier, we did not vote the Republicans in, we voted the incumbents out.   The poor and unemployed do not suffer from any illusions when it comes to the Republicans’ long-held views in reference to trickling on us.  The incumbents failed to court our vote with the carrot so we gave them the stick.

Well, Mr. President, there are 733 days until we see if you will be a two-term or lame duck president, so I would suggest that you have a long talk with your brethren and sisteren in the House and Senate, who are already lame ducks, and convince them that the only chance you have lies in the hands of the poor and unemployed that you and they have thus far considered too ignorant to be of consequence.  That is if you make it to the next election.

When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House she proclaimed that the Democrats would not seek to impeach President Bush.  This was an act of treason as the prima facie evidence existed to not only impeach him, but put him in prison.  The Democrats are calling upon the new Speaker of the House to give an assurance to President Obama that the Republicans will not impeach him.  Again, the prima facie evidence exists to not only impeach, but to imprison.

Anybody who thinks that this election will result in a turnaround in our country’s downward spiral is wrong.  The Federal Reserve has announced they will begin monetizing our debt by printing $50 to $100 billion per month to buy up securities, with the goal of buying $600 billion by the end of 2011.  I even heard one reporter mention the infamous Weimar Republic while reporting on this issue.  If you do not know what the Weimar Republic was, I would strongly suggest that you look it up.  If you do know, I hope you realize that if we do get a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension, we had better use it to prepare ourselves for hyper-inflation, more job loss, and starvation.

President Obama and every politician out there know what the Federal Reserve is getting ready to do, so I think he needs to do a hell of a lot more for us than to just simply state that unemployment insurance is important.

First Published 11-3-10

What a great country.  Fifteen counties in Missouri evidently have over 100% voter registration.  I wonder how many dead people there voted in this election.

In many states voters who came to the polls yesterday were told that they had already voted via absentee ballots.

Other states reported van loads of voters being driven to different precincts to vote over and over again.

In the state of Texas, there were precincts whose identification signs outside of their buildings were in Spanish.  It is being said that illegal aliens were told to get out and vote if they want to secure their amnesty.  I wonder who is providing them with ballots and how they are doing so.

President Obama said last week, that anyone who is against open borders is our enemy.  I suppose that when he says, “our enemy” he means himself and the Mexican nationals that he represents.

It is reported that Black Panthers (an African-American revolutionary organization) and Brown Berets (a Chicano nationalist activist group) with billy clubs were stopping American citizens from voting.

Now to the Diebold voting machines:  The Diebold voting machines practically brought voting to a standstill in New York yesterday morning.  Those running the machines had been said to have told many voters to just write their vote down on a slip of paper and trust them to put their vote into the machines when they came back online.

In the state of Nevada there were complaints to the effect that the votes being registered in the Diebold voting machines were the exact opposite of what the voters intended.   Hence, straight Republican tickets became straight Democratic tickets and vice versa.  Also in Nevada there were complaints that said the only candidate that would come up on the screen was Harry Reid.  I guess that would take the aggravation out of trying to decide who you want to vote for.

These Diebold voting machines were used in 34 states in 2008 and were found to be a serious problem.  So were they replaced?  Hell, no, what better way to cover up voter fraud than to have voting machines that the citizenry already know to be faulty.  Half way through the voting day there had already been more complaints of voter fraud, intimidation, and malfunctioning voting machines than there was in 2008.  I wonder how much the American tax payer paid for these faulty voting machines.

Mark Koernke, patriot spokesperson, made an excellent point on yesterday’s Liberty Tree Radio Intelligence Report.  It went something like this:  If you go down to your local Quickie Mart you will find on the counter a machine designed for itemizing, calculating, and tallying items and numbers by the hundreds.  These machines operate 24 hours a day; 7 days a week and they keep a printed paper record of everything that goes through them.  This amazing machine is called a cash register, and if the person who owns the store was to find the slightest flaw in its calculating ability, he or she would throw it out in the parking lot and beat it into a pile of junk with a ball peen hammer and then get a hold of the person that sold it to them and demand replacement and compensation for any monies lost.  But then hey, we are talking about important things, like candy bars and potato chips.  I mean really, what’s a few thousand votes one way or another?

I say if any incident of voter fraud, intimidation, or voter machine malfunction is proven to be true, the results in that district should be nullified and there should be a re-vote.  But that’s not going to happen as the only ones who have the power to stop the fraud are the ones perpetrating it.

I’m sure we will hear a lot of protests of outrage, but when the next election rolls around, if I’m still here, I will no doubt be writing yet another article entitled, “Vote Fraud and Intimidation”.

First Published 11-2-10

It is Election Day, time to go forth and make a difference…… or not.  There have already been allegations of voter fraud and intimidation in the states of Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

How many illegal aliens do you believe will be voting in this election?  I don’t know.  You don’t know.  And the election officials in the fifty states? They don’t know.  What we all do know is that illegal aliens will be casting ballots.

The electronic voting machines that were supposed to be tamper proof have been proven not to be.  Paper mail-in ballots are wrought with fraud, as I bore witness years ago as a mayoral candidate in my hometown.

So, with all of these obstacles, how are we supposed to come up with an honest consensus of the people?  The answer is we cannot, will not, and have never.  The fact is there has never been an honest election in this country since its inception.

We have space probes that are at present traveling to other galaxies, and we can’t devise a tamper proof system?  Sure we can, we are just not going to, because if we did, that would mean that the people could conceivably take control of their government and force it to function for their benefit.

75% of Americans believe this country is headed in the wrong direction.  Will today’s vote cause a change in the direction we are headed?  No it will not.  We are at present living under a totalitarian corporate system that allows us naught but the illusion that we have even the slightest control over our destiny.

When I placed my ballot into the ballot box today, I had no more feeling of empowerment than I would had I blown my nose into a napkin and thrown it into the trash.  I had been hoping against hope that the massive awakening I have been witnessing in the populous would frighten those in positions of power to act with reason in reference to the shaping of the policies that will be defining our country for the next couple of years.  It has not.

The only logical explanation that stands to reason for the establishment’s callous and uncaring attitudes towards those they are supposed to be serving is that they want a war.  They are not going to veer from the path set by Bill Clinton and carried forth by George Bush, Jr. and into our present by Barack Obama.  They are intent on the wholesale slaughter of Americans and when it happens, they will be sitting back and watching with smiles on their faces.  Like their predecessors, Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao, they lust for a feeling that only the cries of dying children can provide.

Tomorrow, when the dust has settled and the propagandists are relaying to you what you have decided, ask yourself, was there one candidate that you could honestly say represented more than a few of your personal political views?  I can say that there is not one that has represented a single view that I agree with without also representing a view that I adamantly oppose.

When the lame duck congress reconvenes, we are going to look back on these last two years as the good old days when they at least used to pretend to listen to us.

I am going now to sharpen my knives and oil my guns.  I may have been a fool to harbor the illusion that perhaps the awakening of the people might affect a political change, but I am not a damn fool that’s going to stand by and wait to have chains clamped on my legs.

I know there will be some of you out there who will try to make light of the stance that I and others are taking, but the fact is, I don’t care.  If you cannot see the truth of your own enslavement then I suggest that you keep your Democratic or Republican faith and continue to vote for the employment illusion.

First Published 11-1-10

Question:  How many socialists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Answer:  One hundred, one to screw the bulb in and ninety-nine to counsel the bulb so that it can deal with the idea of being screwed.

It would appear that the unemployment offices in Indiana are frightened at the prospect of dealing with the large influx of angry unemployed who will be exhausting their benefits at the end of November.  They have hired armed guards who will be standing sentinel at their offices.

Thomas Jefferson said, “When the government fears the people there is liberty, when the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” As the government has hired the armed guards it would seem that the government is afraid, but as the armed guards are there to hurt or maybe kill those who the government fears, is there liberty or is there tyranny?  I guess we will all find out come the end of November.

Our so called representatives will not be back in Washington and ready to take care of any business until the 15th of November.  There have been a lot of you out there asserting that we who believe our present batch of legislatures to be completely without a care, for the plight of the 99ers and unemployed are harboring misplaced fears.  Well we are about to find out who is right and who is wrong.

The lame duck congress can easily pass a Tier 5 unemployment extension and avoid the need for armed guards, but will they?  I think not, otherwise, why would they have hired the armed guards in the first place?  It seems clear that those presently holding the offices of our representatives are beholden only to the international corporate mafia’s money.

Think about a government that starves a portion of the population to the point of revolt and then hires armed mercenaries to keep them at bay.  Well it didn’t work during the Revolutionary War when the English brought in the Prussians; in fact, the only difference the colonists found between the Germans and the British was the sounds they made while they were dying.

Maybe it would be a good idea for those working at the unemployment offices to simply walk off and leave their jobs.  Hell, what do we even need the staff at the unemployment offices for anyway if there are no benefits for them to distribute?

Sounding a little too radical?  Like maybe I need counseling?  Not to worry, apparently the unemployment offices are also hiring counselors who will come to the offices and teach the job clerks how to deal with and counsel those who have exhausted their benefits.  Personally I can’t think of anything that anyone could say that would make my current impoverished situation palatable to me.  In fact I believe that anyone who tries to do so will only accomplish enraging me further.

So if the members of this lame duck congress have a single brain cell left in their collective head and can see the threat to the peace that the failure to pass a Tier 5 extension will cause, they had better get with the program and get it done before they too need to hire mercenaries to guard them from those they supposedly represent.  Come on Congress; pony up before every state joins with Indiana’s unemployed.

First Published 10-31-10

Two days until the election and the propagandists are pulling all of their tricks from their bags for Halloween.  Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held rallies yesterday at our nation’s capitol.  The rallies were dubbed, “Rally to Restore Sanity” and “The March to Keep Fear Alive”.  Both Stewart and Colbert have asserted that the rallies would be non-political. This must have been a joke, as the people attending the rallies were anything but non-political. It should be obvious by now, that both John Stewart and Stephen Colbert are Fabian Socialists on their faces and harbor communist ideology which they have been feeding to their audiences for years.

I have stated before that constructive treason against the United States consists of avocation of any form of government other than that prescribed in our Constitution.  Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart openly advocate Fabien Social Communism.  Both are traitors and should be treated with the contempt that entails.

Our government has provided us with a little terror for our Halloween before the election.  If anyone cannot see that the circuit boards and wires on the Fed-Ex plane are a staged event designed to put the people in a state of fear going into the election, I say you are beyond help.  How do you know when the mainstream media is lying?  Answer: their lips are moving.  Who do they lie for?  Answer: the international corporate mafia.

It is not a far stretch to say that any incumbent who knew he or she was facing defeat in this election could have at any time during their campaign come forth and endorsed themselves as an advocate of a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension and secured enough votes to save their seat.  If we the 99ers forget this we will be condemning ourselves to another two years of being ignored.  However, if they see that the Democrats and Republicans among us have awakened to the reality of the false left-right paradigm they will have to recognize us as a force to be reckoned with.

They know we are out here but believe that the $3.2 billion they have spent on advertizing will be sufficient to pull the wool over our eyes one more time.  And I tell you that if they are successful one more time is all they need.

If we fall for their Halloween tricks remember, it will be two more years before we will have another opportunity to strike out at them and return a little of the pain that they have wantonly inflicted upon us.  That is two more years of spending on wars, stimulus, bailouts, and gluttonous giveaways to foreign countries while ignoring the plight of the dispossessed that are making up a larger portion of our population every day.

Do not fall for it, do not let it happen.  Vote the incumbents out.  Look at it honestly and you will have to see this is the only way we can hurt them.  If we fail to act we are going to find ourselves trying to look into the eyes of our children and grandchildren and explain how we allowed the freest country to ever exist on this planet to be turned into commie central.

First Published 10-30-10

Three days until the election and I am so looking forward to it.  Not because I believe that it is going to result in positive change, but rather the end of the political commercials.  I have taken to muting the television whenever the programming pauses, as I cannot bear to hear the political rhetoric one more time.  The mainstream propagandists are admitting that two thirds of the voters would just as soon throw out the whole government and start over again.

Today’s political arena has become so pathetic that the Demopublicans have resorted to bringing Bill Clinton to center stage, as the politics of ten years ago seem to be a better option than the present status quo.  On the other hand the Republicrats have resurrected the ghost of Ronald Regan which is speaking out from the shadows in every venue.

It is reported that economic growth for the month rose to 2%.  They say this number is measured through consumer spending.  I wonder if the $3.2 billion spent on the campaigns could be responsible for the increase.  If so, I think it’s safe to say that no further such spending will be occurring after the election and that number will be dropping back to its past rate.

The propagandists are trying to use this small increase to declare that the economy is getting better just before the election.  Now there’s a surprise.  Frankly I think that anyone who believes anything coming from the mainstream media days before an election is naive.  It seems that every time we are given positive numbers supposedly derived from the gobbley gook that makes up government statistics, the next month those figures are revised to not only show there was no increase but a decrease.

After the elections, when the economy resumes its downward spiral on the back of Quantitative Easing Part Two, all can be blamed on the actions of the lame duck congress, which will no doubt be passing outrageous legislation.  However, the effects of their actions will not be felt for months to come.  We can only hope that while they are flushing this country down the toilet, they will at least pass Tier 5 unemployment legislation to allow us a rope to hold onto so that we are not sucked down by the swirl.

One piece of legislation we had all better be keeping our eyes on is the Small Arms Ban Treaty, signed by the Fabian socialist traitor, Hillary Clinton.  They will try to sneak this legislation through in a late night session with only four or five Senators forming a quorum.  This legislation is a direct attack on our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms in order to keep ourselves free from tyrannical government.  As the international corporate mafia is hell bent on exercising tyranny over we the people, they are going to try to disarm us.

Mark Koernke, noted militia organizer and patriot spokesperson, is calling on all citizens to cast an alternative vote.  It will be hard for 99ers and the poor, to participate in this voting drive as it involves spending a little money, which very few of us can afford.  I personally will afford it whether I can or not.  Koernke is calling upon all Americans to buy guns and or ammunition on Election Day.  I will probably only be able to afford to buy a box or two of .22 cal rounds, but I will be participating in the alternative vote.

As the government has taken the authority upon itself to monitor the gun and ammunition sales, the spike for the day will be noted and the message that we have not fallen for the left-right propaganda will be made clear.  So all of us that can afford to do so and wish to send a message outside of the main stream to the international corporate mafia need to participate in the alternative vote.

First Published 10-29-10

With the election only four days away, there are still a lot of people undecided as to who they will vote for.  Wouldn’t it be nice if this conundrum was prevailing because the people were having a hard time deducing which candidate would be doing the most for them, instead of having to try to figure out which one will do anything or which one will do the least harm?

As for myself, I can say there is not a single candidate that I am enthused about.  Not a one has spoken to the issue that is most important to me at the moment, which is the Tier 5 unemployment extension.  Many have suggested looking up the records of each candidate to see which ones voted in favor of previous employment extensions.  The fact is there was not one incumbent who stood up and said we have to help these people before we go on the campaign trail.

I have looked at my ballot and the truth is I do not see a whole lot of choice.  And the longer I look at it the more I realize that neither the Demopublicans nor Republicrats represent a thing I stand for.

If there is one thing the election propaganda has got across to me, it is that in this election no one is making bones about the fact that each candidate has already been tainted by the $3.2 billion in campaign spending.  It is being said that there are millions of dollars being pumped into the campaigns from foreign interests.  Wouldn’t it seem that if there was any evidence that foreign monies were being accepted by any campaign, that the election should stop and those allegations be investigated?  And if found true, should not any candidate found to be representing foreign interests be disqualified from our consideration?

I look at what we have become as a nation and am thoroughly disgusted.  For the past ten years I have refused to vote as I see it as an affirmation of the great fraud.  This year I changed my voter affiliation to Independent and will use the only strategy I can see that makes any kind of sense.

As the only way my vote can cause an effect is to remove incumbents, this will be my first priority.  As we all have learned, when we vote politicians out they in essence retire with their current pay and benefits package for the rest of their lives, so getting them out as soon as possible rewards them the least for their treason.

Also if every individual voter in this country who felt that their concerns were being ignored voted every incumbent out, sooner or later the politicians would have to see a consensus among the people.

Another reason for voting incumbents out is that in every election cycle we are putting a new batch of individuals into office and it will take a while for them to be blackmailed or bought off and controlled by the international corporate mafia.  Of course with the massive campaign financing the mafia will already have their foot in the door.

After voting all incumbents out, I will be voting for candidates of third parties.  Again it will take longer for them to be corrupted.  If I cannot vote an incumbent out or a third party candidate in, and the two candidates presented do not offer a choice, I will leave that spot on the ballot blank.

I do not believe that this election is going to change anything, as the integrity of our political system has been compromised to the point that we have about the same choice as do the peoples in the banana republics.  I never thought I’d see the day when the question on the minds of the truly informed had been reduced from what is best for our country to vote or not to vote.

First Published 10-28-10

If you are a 99er and still have a television, you, like I, glimpse daily into the world of the haves.  I see people living normal lives wherein their greatest worries lie in arranging their affairs in more efficient ways so that they might be allowed to better enjoy life.  It must be an annoyance to them to have to look upon us as we represent what could happen to them.

Most, but not all of these people, represent the brownest nosed of the brown nosers.  When the culling of the employed began, I have to believe that those who worked to live rather than lived to work were ushered to the front of the line.  I say this because I noticed a trend that began about ten years ago wherein those who indulged their bosses in feeding their delusions of superiority started becoming more valued than the person who better performed the work task.

I was taught from a young age that if you took on a job and did it better that your contemporaries, you would eventually become more valuable to your employer and be rewarded accordingly.  And this was indeed what I found in pretty much every work environment, up until about ten years ago.

I think this trend of the last ten years has contributed a lot to the decline in quality in what few American made goods there are left.   I also believe that if the aforementioned is true, those cast out to be 99ers would naturally be the best entrepreneurs.  Further, they must represent the greatest threat to the international corporate mafia.  I think that the hope of the possibility of a Tier 5 unemployment extension, which they have left dangling just out of reach, have been specifically engineered to slowly and agonizingly drain us of our pride and dignity.

As for me, it has not worked.  Every time I think of them, I see a weasel faced, little scum bag with a smirk on his face sitting behind a big desk thinking that his conniving has made him superior over those to which he is inferior in every way.  I then have an overwhelming urge to grab him by his collar and stuff him down his coat rack.  I think these dirt bags had better realize that the actions they are taking are only serving to antagonize people who are already at their limits.

As I watch the ads on my television, rather than seeing things that I envy, I see things that have been taken away from me.  And rather than feeling like I want to hide in disgrace, I’m am filled with righteous indignation that makes me want to seek them out and get right up in their face and shout, “You’d better give us our damned Tier 5 while you’re still able.”

We need to remember that we are everywhere.  So from this day forth anywhere the politicians go, they need to be running into one of us.  If all you manage to get out is “Give us our damned tier 5 now!”, sooner or later, like the outbursts in the town hall meetings, it is going to make the mainstream news.  Maybe then they will have to go out and report as to who the real 99ers are.  Not a bunch of yuppies from the Silicon Valley, but good old, every day Americans who have no qualms about getting up in their face.

First Published 10-27-10

An industrial base has to exist before any solvent economy can ever come into being.  At the industrial base, you will find facilities for mineral extraction, logging, drilling, fishing, and clearing and plowing fields.  Then you move to smelting facilities, refineries, lumber mills, and food processing plants.  At this point you have already put a lot of people to work and as they are making money, they will have wants that go beyond what they produce, like cars, clothing, refrigerators, stereos, televisions, houses, and furniture, thus adding another layer to the economy.

The second layer is supplied and supported by the first layer, thus the metals extracted are manufactured into wire, tubing, sheet metal, and bar stock for lathing.  Silicon and other substances are used to make electrical components.  Lumber is milled to build and furnish houses and the needed food is produced.

Now that everyone has a home and job derived from the industrial base, maybe they would like a little entertainment on that television and stereo.  Bam, another industry, more jobs.  They will of course need health care, there is another one and once in a while they will want to just get away from it all, thus a recreational industry becomes necessary; restaurants, resorts, hotels, ski boats, and the list goes on and on.  The economy we have just created functions solely as a sovereign entity.

So what is missing in America today?  You’ve got it, an industrial base.  We are no longer consuming products derived from our natural resources and manufactured in our factories.  The international corporate mafia has by design broken up our industrial base and moved it to locations all over the world where our natural resources are taken to be manufactured, thus making us dependent upon other countries for our basic necessities.   (Not to mention the components necessary for our defense systems)

I know you are going to say that we still have farming.  The fact is we do still have some.  However, most farming today consists of large corporate operations that sell their crops all over the world as much as three years into the future.  So most of the produce you see growing in the fields today belongs to foreigners.  The produce we get is substandard and comes from south of the border, as the elite look at the problem of feeding us as nothing more than acquiring fodder for their slaves.

Before this country can ever get on its feet and become whole again we the people, the true sovereigns of the United States, must take back control of our natural resources.  We must kick all the foreign corporations out and nationalize all lands and industry not to a government, but to 300 million individual sovereigns.

If we all spoke in unison and demanded that all export of natural resources ended immediately, our so called representatives would be forced to either capitulate or admit that in fact they do not represent us.  After which, we as a people would have to forcibly eject them from our shores and take back that which they have refused to return peaceably.

Again, if we are to survive with freedom, liberty, and dignity there is no other course of action.  If we have to, we must start all over again.  And how do we start over again?  We have about 20 million citizens possessing every skill necessary sitting idle and craving work.  That would be us, the 99ers, who have been denied a Tier 5 unemployment extension completely without rhyme or reason, and all other unemployed.  All could be accomplished in a few short years beginning with establishing a new industrial base.

First Published 10-26-10

As things continue to get worse, the propagandists seem to be getting narrower in their views.  You see them on the television with the most serious looks on their faces saying, “What about more tax breaks and more incentives for businesses?”  Would somebody please tell me when it was declared, and who exactly said, from this day forth those who own business will have an exclusive on entrepreneurship in this country and that any further creation of new businesses is forbidden.

To hear the propagandists talk one would think that the current business interests have been granted some sort of entitlement.  I say if we are going to start cutting entitlements, the privileged business person’s entitlement to that status should be the first thing to go.  Unemployment is at 17.5% nationwide and the people who currently own businesses should be considered to have failed.

I watched the 60 Minutes piece and, though I’m glad that the 99ers have finally been acknowledged, the report must be considered milk toast journalism.  They went to the Silicone Valley where the people out of work are far from destitute; otherwise they couldn’t afford to be there.  In their so called food banks, I saw fresh fruit; some of it hadn’t even ripened yet.  I think a more fitting place for the report would have been Detroit, Michigan.  But then that might have made it hard to project the image of complacency which I observed in the report.

If any of us is ever interviewed, I would hope to hear the words, “fraud, swindle, and revolution.”  Did you notice when the lady left the food bank that she got into a nice SUV?  Tell me how many of you out there still even have a vehicle, let alone insurance or the gas to go anywhere?  Every one of us should email 60 Minutes and demand that they tell the rest of the story.

The winter is creeping up on us and more and more we are hearing, “Well there’s just not going to be a Tier 5 with the economy in such bad shape.”  When we hear anybody saying this, we not only have to contradict them, we have to let them know that they have just angered us to the point of fighting.  We have to start treating this situation and those perpetrating it in the manner they deserve.  I personally treat them like an intruder in my living room trying to take over control of my house.  They will get a few words of warning, after which I will unleash violence on them until I feel that my house is once again secure.

As for the talking heads on the television, I say take your propaganda down the road, as I don’t give one little damn about those who already have businesses and pockets full of money.  The fact is I think I could do a better job than they do in manufacturing my natural resources.  In short, I want my own business.

First Published 10-25-10

If I hear one more person calling my country a Democracy, I think I’ll scream.  This country is a Republic; with an emphasis on the rights of the individual.  The only time democracy enters into the equation is during elections.  Once the representative is elected, his or her number one priority is the protection and preservation of the individual liberties of the citizens.  This priority is supposed to be first and foremost on their minds when they are enacting new laws.

John Adams said of democracy, “Democracy…while it lasts is more bloody than either (aristocracy or monarchy).  Remember, democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.  There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”

The Articles of Confederacy, Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, and the Constitution of the United States are no longer taught in our schools.  American history has been replaced by international social studies.  It is not a wonder that our country and our ideals are fading into the past.

The fact that the aforementioned is known by all and resisted by few explains why the international corporate mafia continues to push our people around like the proverbial bully on the playground.  They have committed so many blatant offenses against our Constitution that, if they were all recorded on microfilm, we would need a dump truck to haul them around in.  People, one offense should be too many.

Our grandfathers allowed their gold to be taken away. This is when the international corporate vampires sunk their fangs deep into the arteries of this country and began sucking out its wealth.

John Adams also said, “All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the Constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”

My fellow citizens, we have not made bad decisions or fallen victim to greed.  We have been swindled by professionals.  We have sat and watched as our industrial base was disassembled and moved out of our country and we did nothing.  Why did we do nothing?  I’ll tell you why; because it was the government doing it and somehow we have come to believe that the government is all powerful and can do anything it pleases.  Wrong.  The government of the United States is subservient to the people, which is to say that each individual one of us is a sovereign and equal to the Queen of England.

As a people we are the sleeping giant but I fear the sleeping giant has been slipped a Quaalude and may not be awakened until he is literally set on fire.   Well get ready for the flames.

Tens of thousands of our fellow citizens are joining the ranks of we the 99ers every day.  Some of them cannot even be called 99ers as through manipulation of numbers they have not been afforded 99 weeks of unemployment compensation.

It is passed time that we as a people grow a collective spine and stop acting like a spoiled child who has been kicked out of the candy store.  No more whining and no more apathy, it’s time for aggression.

I know you are saying that we have no resources and I know this to be true.  But we are here, there, and everywhere, so no matter where you encounter your fellow citizens, do not shrink into apathy, rather assert yourself with anger.  Let them know that you will not be made a beggar at your own table and that the natural resources of this country that belong to you will not be taken without a fight.  And especially let them know that this country is a Free Republic and all our troubles we now see are all about democracy.

First Published 10-24-10

The Obama administration and the democratically controlled Congress have spent $3 trillion to date.  We the 99ers and the disenfranchised poor are living in the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression.

Approximately $50 billion per year is being spent to finance the drug war, which has to be considered one of the biggest money scams since prohibition.  We will never win the drug war and we will never lose the drug war.  The fact is we are financing both sides.  The war against drugs is financed via the $50 billion.  The war to perpetuate drug use is financed via the $150 billion per year in purchases of illegal substances.

The experts are predicting that unless somehow restrained, the lame duck congress, which has become a foregone conclusion, is going to vote for a trillion dollars in spending.  It will be interesting to see where they intend for this ungodly amount of money to go.

It looks like some may be apportioned for the federal enforcement of federal laws banning the sale and use of marijuana, as it is now a distinct possibility that the people of California will be legalizing marijuana and federal law enforcement is vowing to nullify the will of their people through federal enforcement.

I believe this will occur as it did during prohibition.  The fact is the distribution of illegal drugs is one of the international corporate mafia’s franchises.  They do not care about the tens of thousands of people being killed on both sides of our southern border, the overtaxing of our prison system, the lives ruined when an otherwise law abiding citizen is incarcerated with rapists and murderers for smoking a joint, and the billions of dollars in lost revenues to states such as California.

I have no doubt that there will be billions more spent for bank bailouts, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack have already started the push to force we the people to buy up more of the toxic assets that they created.

There will be more funding for war, another one of the international corporate mafia’s franchises.

The truly sadistic among our lawmakers and potential lawmakers are advocating raising the retirement age and outright cuts in social security benefits.  There is no way that a trillion dollars in spending, coupled with cuts in social security, can be justified in the world we are living in today.  These acts show a blatant lack of concern for the welfare of our people.

But then if you are a 99er, this is nothing new to you, as you have been denied the benefits of a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension. All the while gluttonous amounts of wealth are being transferred from the poor to the rich via liquidation of our natural resources and distribution of the monies procured thereby among the rich.

When you stand up and shout the outrage, your protests are met by a detached image on your television screen, smiling like the cat that ate the canary, and saying, “What’s all the fuss about?  It’s just a trillion here, a trillion there.”

First Published 10-23-10

The Bush tax cuts, Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, are due to expire in January, 2011 which has the wealthy crying foul.  These people, who have more money than you and I will ever see, are condemning the sun setting of the tax cuts as class warfare.

There is one thing we need to get straight right off the bat.  The sun setting is not a tax increase.  It is simply the tax code reverting to what it was prior to I-Got-A-Billion-Dollars-In-My-Bank-Account-Bush enacting temporary tax cuts for himself and his elitist cohorts.  The reason he put forth at the time for the cuts was economic stimulus.  The theory being if the rich paid less in taxes, the billions they would save would be invested in expanding their businesses which would create jobs.  Where have I heard that before?

The fact is even when the filthy rich paid taxes they did not pay taxes.  I have seen, on many occasions, brand new four wheel drives, quad runners, and snow mobiles written off as farm equipment.  I have also seen Cadillacs and getaways to Caribbean Islands written off as necessary business expenses.  This is actually better than no tax, as the people who build new four wheel drives, quad runners, snow mobiles, and Cadillacs get to enjoy employment and the pay checks they receive for their labor, as do the airplane pilots, the stewardesses, and the employees at the hotel.

The filthy rich, since the tax cuts, have not spent any of the billions of which they benefitted.  They have instead, from the get go, stashed the monies.  And now that the tax cuts are about to end, they are acting like a thief is coming to rob them.  Bear in mind they get to keep all they have profited in the past nine years, and will only have to start paying the original tax again.

When Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4 were passed, they provided minimal aid to hard working citizens who had been thrust into an impoverished situation through no fault of their own.  These people were and are facing home foreclosures, delinquent car payments, delinquent personal loan payments, and those never ending utility bills.  The monies they received went right back into the system.  And if the truth is ever told, the unemployment monies bear more responsibility than the stimulus or bailouts for any stabilizing of the economy which has occurred.

Just before our so called representatives hit the campaign trail, they passed another $30 billion banker bailout aimed at little billionaires with little banks.  As to date, I know of no one who has received any small business loan offers and the jobs board remains the same, non-existent.  Guess they just rat holed the $30 billion.

The small business owners that I know, I find walking around their empty establishments as glum as morticians mumbling, “Is it ever going to end?”  Had that $30 billion been used for a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension it would still be at work shoring up our failing economy.

When the politicians return to Washington, they need to be inundated with calls, emails, tweets, and faxes letting them know that we have had all that we are going to take.  Without making open threats, we must convey to them the fact that desperate people tend to take desperate measures, and that we’re not going to take them on ourselves anymore.  They must be made to understand that the issue of unemployment is not only pertaining to those out of work, but is day by day becoming a matter of national security which could not only effect their jobs but their well being.

Maybe then they will, as a matter of self preservation, come to the conclusion that the revenues that will be expended to finance a Tier 5 will have to be considered money well spent.

First Published 10-22-10

If you are among the rich, your priorities might include the purchase of the latest model of Mercedes Benz, a new fur coat, or a dingy for your yacht.  So who are these people?  Well among them you will find those who run for the offices of, and are elected as, our so called representatives.  These people are the elite.  The fact is in order to run a campaign these days; one must be individually wealthy or backed by another who is.  In the second instance, that candidate is left indebted to his or her backer.  So it should be obvious that when those elected and/or those who own the elected are putting their priorities in order, they are doing so from an elitist’s point of view.

Unfortunately for us 99ers, their number one priority is protecting their wealth and passing legislations designed to liquidate more of our property, the proceeds of which they take, so that they can become even richer.   The very idea that these elitists can even comprehend the world that the 99ers are living in is laughable.  Can you imagine one of them spending a sleepless night worrying as to how they are going to pay a utility bill?  The fact is you do not reach the higher echelons in this country unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, preferably a gold one.

Our so called representative government is giving away over $40 billion per year in aid to foreign countries.  The latest numbers which could be found were from 2008, as trying to find current numbers is akin to asking a spouse who has gone on a gambling binge to help you straighten out the check book.  All you get is a big line of bull that leaves you more confused than you were before you asked.

A Tier 5 unemployment extension would cost $30 billion and could be financed with the monies being sent to citizens of 150 foreign countries around the world with $10 billion left over.  By the way, how many of you are aware that we are still giving tens of millions of dollars in foreign aid to China while they are the largest holder of U. S. debt?  Does something smell a little rotten here?

The two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to date have cost us well over $1 trillion, which would finance over 33 tiers of unemployment extensions.

The spend-happy psychos have flung out $787 billion in stimulus monies, which would have financed over 26 tiers of unemployment.

They have also given away $346 billion to banks, insurance, and car companies in bailouts, there’s enough for 11 more tiers.

That’s a total of 71 tiers of unemployment extensions.

I guess we can all see where the priorities of the ruling elite lie.  So we ask, “Do they not see our suffering?”  The answer is that the plight of the 99ers does not even enter the realm of thought among the elite, except in seeing it as a consequence of the dirty deeds they have done, of which they laugh among themselves when the cameras and tape recorders are turned off.  Until we, the 99ers, become to the elite as that utility bill is to us, they will continue to refuse to prioritize a Tier 5 extension.

First Published 10-21-10

The government says that unemployment is at 9.6%.  The so called experts put it at 15%.  But most of us know that the actual number is closer to 30%.  The government will admit that 13 million of our desperately needed jobs are being worked by illegals from south of the border.  They put the total number of illegals at only 15 million, when in reality it is closer to 30 million and growing exponentially, day by day.

Subsequently the issue of anchor babies has arisen again and is being discussed anew.   The theory is if any foreign national can make it into the United States and deliver a baby, that baby is automatically given citizenship.  This method has been used by many invading across our southern border to establish a toe hold (an anchor).  Their wish is that every relative of that child should also be made a citizen.

This takes us to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.  It states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.   No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Many people, including myself, believe that the 14th Amendment is unconstitutional, as it was never properly ratified.  Upon the conclusion of the Civil War, President Lincoln declared that all states in secession were member states of the Union once again and that their elected representatives were recognized by the Congress.

The 14th Amendment was put forth for ratification on June 16, 1866.  It had to be ratified with a three-fourths majority vote by March 24, 1868.  It was not, as fifteen out of the thirty-seven states rejected it.  President Andrew Johnson, using the reconstruction act as his authority, sent military governors into ten formerly Confederate states who gave ratification to the amendment.  The problem is that, as I said earlier, President Lincoln had declared the former Confederate states solvent members of the Union, with elected representatives.  And as the amendment had been rejected during the dates it was open for ratification, it would have had to been re-introduced before another attempt at ratification could be made.  It was not.

The reason I denounce the 14th Amendment is that it tries to make me a subject of my government and I am not.   I am the sovereign and my government is subject to me.

The original reason given to necessitate the 14th Amendment was that it would give citizenship to the children of former slaves.  It was made clear at that time that it was only for the children of the former slaves as they were not foreign nationals.

The people streaming in from south of our border and having babies are foreign nationals and fall under international law, which says that no matter where a child is born that child is born under the nationality of his or her parents.  This law was written long ago to insure that the children of English aristocrats, living in foreign countries were born British citizens.  The illegals coming up from the south are just that, illegal, and should derive no benefit through a violation of our law.

The 14th Amendment does not give their anchor babies our rights, jobs, or access to the benefits of our safety nets.  Like a friend who has brought someone undesirable into our house, we must tell our so called representatives to get them out.  And if they don’t like it, they can go too.

President Obama, if you like the Mexican people so well, that you would put them above we the people of the United States, I suggest that you whip yourself up a new birth certificate and go down there and be their president.  We don’t need you, so round up all your little ones, take them to Mexico, and go down in history as the mack daddy of the anchor babies.

First Published 10-20-10

I do not know if a Tier 5 will be passed.  However, I am pretty sure that if it is, that will be it, there will be no Tier 6.  I have tried to be an optimist but the facts contained in reality are demanding that I be a realist.  I think our economic situation is going to continue to deteriorate to the point of complete collapse.

As we are not depleted of resources, an economic collapse cannot destroy us as a country or a people unless we let it.  After we have taken out the garbage and the sediment has settled, we are going to have to rebuild from the bottom up.  The work will be hard, but prosperous, and in order for each of us to participate, we will have to survive until that day.  We are going to have to start informally forming think tanks in order to acquire the survival skills needed to survive both in the country and in the city.

My dad grew up on a farm and my mom in a coal camp.  So the art of survival was taught to me from the time I was able to discern the English language.   My dad made a good living, but had five other children on the other side of the country, which he had to support on top of the seven of us here.  There is an old saying, “Many hands make light work”, and this is the strategy we used.

I live in the country so I am adept at surviving in its environment.  I have a 20 by 30 foot garden which did not produce much this year due to the frigid weather.  So by next spring I will have built a greenhouse over its entirety using lodge poles taken from the forest and plastic which I will acquire over the winter by hook or crook.

Years before my unemployment came and went; when I was working I always stashed staples like dried beans, canned goods, nails, and tools.

I have a couple of apple trees in my yard which bore no fruit this year but generally do.  If you live in a small town like I do, you will probably find apple trees everywhere.  I go to the houses where I know the owners do not harvest the apples.  These people are always quick to give their apples to anyone who will harvest them.  Needless to say, I have a lot of apples stored.  I check all yard sales for mason jars and dehydrators.  You can buy sugar and pectin with food stamps and if you make it a priority you will find that you can fill them up pretty quickly.

I also have a smoker which I built from wood that someone else was throwing away.  The hot plate I use for heat I got at a yard sale for two dollars and the racks came from an old refrigerator.  I have fishing poles which I use to harvest the fish which are abundant in the lakes and streams.   And I have guns which not only provide for my protection, but also work quite well to feed me.

These are just a few ideas to get people thinking.

If we do indeed get the Tier 5 when Congress returns, remember there’s still going to be a long, hard row to hoe.  We are going to have to survive as the housing crisis runs its course and get used to the idea of our so called representative government continuing to send money to foreign countries while we do without.

I know it may seem impossible, but through all the deprivations we must become stronger, as we are going to need every bit of our strength to reclaim our country and become prosperous once again.  If we fail, we fail not only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren.  So I guess it comes down to: worst case scenario, we need to know what to do to survive; best case scenario, we need to know what to do to better survive if we get the Tier 5.

First Published 10-19-20

It has become a virtual certainty that when the elections are over and Congress reconvenes, we will be looking at a lame duck session, which is to say that, those incumbents who have been voted out will have nothing to lose.  This being so, logic would dictate that their emphases should be turning towards President Obama’s reelection bid in 2012.

There are a lot of 99ers out there who have been putting forth the notion that Congress did not act to pass a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension because they did not want to explain on the campaign trail as to why they passed unfunded legislation.

This has not been my view, as I believe it has to be pretty obvious that when they passed the health care reform bill they pretty much sealed their fate.  I hope I am wrong.  If I am, I believe that the Tier 5 should be among one of the first matters that is brought up when Congress returns to Washington.  As I said, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain, as there are millions of us shouting for President Obama to get on down the road, who are about to be joined by millions more come the end of November if a Tier 5 is not passed.

If congress does not address the issue of a Tier 5 upon returning to Washington, it will become obvious to me that their intent all along has been to see riots in our streets, like the ones we have seen in Greece.  If this is the plan, they will not be worrying about the reelection of Obama, as they will be of the belief that they can complete the takeover of our country before the 2012 elections.

Most of us 99ers have to live without adequate resources.  Some of us are living in our cars and in the streets.  It is going to be a difficult thing to try and convince people without hope not to react as our enemies want us to.  However we must.  There are options as to how we can react to the affront that I believe we are about to face.  Rather than rioting, we must take a position of calm with organized thought.  Firstly, we must make contact with all those who will be joining our ranks at the end of November.

Secondly, we must begin educating the newly destitute in the art of survival in the 21st century.  This involves procuring food stamps, energy assistance, and learning where the best food banks are.  Those who have any land of which to work upon must be growing gardens.  Those who have firearms must keep them.  Those who do not need to acquire them.

At the beginning of World War II, we were sending a lot of armament to Europe, thus, before we could get our military industry up to speed, our own army was suffering from shortages.  Our troops, therefore, trained with model guns formed out of wood.  I think it might be interesting to see what would happen if a couple million 99ers started to form up all over the U.S. into five man fire teams of militia and began openly training in the art of guerilla warfare.

You may think this a little extreme, but come December, if they have not passed a Tier 5 you will not.  They have to know that it is not going to be riots, but rather war, if we are left without a choice.  At any rate it beats the hell out of succumbing to apathy and just lying down and dying.  Personally, they’ll have to kill me before I’ll die.

I never thought I would see it come to this.  With life and death hanging in the balance, the future of the greatest country ever to exist on this planet lies in the hands of a lame duck congress.

First Published 10-18-10

Fifteen days until the election and the buzz around town is all about social issues.  9.6% unemployment, the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars, and the politicians are talking about social issues.  Well I might as well throw my two cents in.

Carl Paladino, the Republican gubernatorial candidate for New York, recently made remarks to the effect that he did not approve of gay marriage, or an open display of the gay life style in public.  Mr. Paladino was immediately chastised from every quarter.  The next day he recanted his remarks and stated emphatically that he supported gay rights without exception.  So what happened here?  I guess it doesn’t matter if you are a Nazi or a Communist so long as you do not put gays in a negative light.

In California the people passed a law against gay marriage which was quickly overturned by the federal courts.  Gay people should be thanking whatever god they pray to that they live in a country that protects individual freedoms no matter how unpopular they may be.

I’m almost afraid to say it, but if the aforementioned is the measure, I just could be a little homophobic.

Racism is another social issue which is at present getting attention.  A lady whose ancestors fought for the Confederacy is displaying Confederate battle flags in front of her private residence and is being labeled a racist.

During our last presidential election, members of the Black Panthers stopped white voters from entering polling places.  Investigation and prosecution was blocked by the very government officials responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases that involve voter intimidation.

When President Obama began to fall in popularity polls after his election and people began to speak out against him, ex-President Jimmy Carter spoke out against his detractors, labeling them as racist.

I have to wonder who is setting the standard for what is to be considered racism and exactly what that standard is.  When asked, most people define racism as prejudice, which I find hard to grasp.  I mean, I prefer my coffee with cream and sugar which would indicate a prejudice against black coffee.  I prefer a peanut butter and honey sandwich over a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which would indicate a prejudice against jelly.  If you look at it hard enough you will find that an individual’s life is littered with prejudices.

So what determines what is acceptable and what is not; perhaps political correctness?

I too own a Confederate battle flag; it hangs on the wall in my living room.  Does that make me a racist?  I don’t think my half Guamanian first cousin, my two half Hispanic nephews, or my half Native American granddaughter would say so.  The people who know me know that that flag hangs on my wall as a reminder of the tragedy it represents in reference to the lives lost on both sides and the freedoms and liberties lost by the people of this country of every race, creed, and color.

When people ask me about the abortion issue, I answer with the truth, which is, I do not have a uterus, therefore there is no way I can know the mind of the person who does.  And although I hold life to be precious, any assertion I would make would be detached and uninformed.   I leave the issue of abortion to the fairer sex.

Now to the issue of gun control; this is an easy one.  The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of the people to own firearms in order to defend themselves against tyrannical government.  The fact is gun control should not even be an issue and for anyone to try to make it one is an act of treason.

The Anti-Defamation League is an organization here in America that stands ready to pounce on anyone considered to be anti-Semitic.  They have become so overbearing in our country that most people are afraid to say the word “Jew” or anything negative about the State of Israel.  However, I will.  Just before Christmas last year, President Barack Obama, signed into law one of our country’s biggest aid pledges of the year.  It was a deal for $2.77 billion to go to Israel in 2010 and a total of $30 billion over the next decade.  Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the Israelis.

By the way, what was the price tag on that Tier 5 Unemployment Extension?  Oh yeah, $30 billion.  I guess that just goes to show where President Obama’s loyalties lie.

Well, this article should be good for causing the comments board to be flooded with people condemning me as a gun toting, homophobic, anti-Semitic, chauvinist, baby killing, racist.  But hey, these are the chances you take if you dare speak your mind on social issues.